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State Board English Std V English Demo Video

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Welcome back, kids, this is Ranjeet sir once again with you. In the first module, I introduced the pitcher plant to you. And now let’s go to the second module and know more about that plant.

The pitcher or the jug has a lid, they also have a lid. You see that on top. Exactly, that’s how our jug looks like. Haven’t you seen that in hotels? They have lid on top of that. Even this plant has it. Here you see that in the picture, right kids. The lid usually has attractive colours and there is a sweet smelling liquid inside the pitcher. There is sweet smelling liquid inside the pitcher. Both these are useful in attracting the insects. Both of them attract the insects, on top the colour and inside the smell that attracts the insects. Kids, these pitchers or jug like structures have a top covering which is of different colours. We call it as lid, top covering. Also, there is sweet smelling liquid inside each pitcher. The different colours and the sweet smell is used to attract the food of the plant, that is, insects and flies. So, insects and the flies are the food of that plant. And the smell and the colour of lid, it attracts the insects, their food. The edge or the rim of the pitcher is slippery. When an insect, attracted by the lid or the sweet smell, settles on the edge, it slides into pitcher, oh dear. The pitcher has stiff hair inside, pointing downwards which prevent the insect from coming out. The insect then drowns into the liquid and get digested. You see the interior part of the pitcher, kids. Yes, there is a hair like structure. So, when the insect slips inside it, it is difficult for it to come out. And it keeps going down into the liquid and there it gets digested. Kids, the border of the pitcher is slippery, very slippery, so when an insect sits on it, it slips into the pitcher. The pitcher has stiff hair pointing downward which does not allow the insect to come out and it gets digested inside the pitcher. Oh, wow isn’t it interesting, kids, that’s really interesting.

Another carnivorous plant is a Venus flytrap. It is found in North and South of Carolina in the United States. North Carolina, South Carolina, that’s where it is found. It grows best in damp atmosphere but needs sunshine. It grows to about 1 foot, quite big. Now, kids, Venus flytrap is another example of a carnivorous plant. The name is Venus flytrap. It needs sunshine but also grows well in a wet atmosphere, where it is wet. Mainly it is found in North Carolina and South Carolina. It grows till one foot, kids. That is how it looks, yes. The Venus flytrap uses its leaves to catch its prey. The open leaves of the plant appear just like an open book. You can see that in the image, can you see there, yes kids. There are hair in the middle of each leaf and they are very sensitive to touch. You see this hair on top, yes, there are hair and they are very sensitive to touch. Explanation, kids, the plant catches it prey with its leaves. The leaves open like a book and have sensitive hair in the middle of the each leaf. When a fly or an insect comes and settles on one of the sensitive hair, the two leaves snap shut. Sensitive, kids, quick to respond, they respond immediately. Snap shut, kids, suddenly shut, right, that’s interesting. The insect is now trapped inside. Trapped – caught inside, kids. The plant

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