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CA IPCC Strategic Analysis Module 11

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Bacchalog, let’s see Ansoff’s Matrix, 4 marks question, right, so Igro Ansoff’s matrix is called father of S.M, now here you can say he gave market penetration, he gave market development, right, product development and diversification correct, existing product, new product or may be in existing market or may be in new market correct bacchalog, so on the X axis we have product and in Y axis we have market so now here in we can see the blue square it represent existing product in existing market that is called as market penetration right and new product in existing market is product development that’s yellow colour and in green we see new product in new market right and in light green we see new market and existing product that is market development, now Igro Ansoff’s matrix market penetration, to sell existing products into existing markets like maruti Suzuki right, nothing new, more aggressive promotion, advertisement can be achieved by more sales to present customers, increasing the usage frequency, new application, etc. Penetration is also done by effort on increasing usage by existing customers, next we see market development, existing products in new markets can be achieved through example micromax, new geographical markets right kids.

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2017-04-18T04:57:11+00:00 Categories: CA - IPCC Video Lecture|Tags: , , |0 Comments
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