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ICSE Grade IX Biology Demo Videos

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Hello friends let us continue our discussion regarding the small intestine in the small intestine at the beginning of the chapter we said that are too large digestive glands the first among on which was the level and the second is the pancreas so let’s see about these two digestive glands in this module as we said liver so you’re we see the red large gland called as liver my dear friends is the largest a gland in the body which secretes a juice is called as bile juice .the bile juice is transported through the hepatic duct and stolen the gallbladder please do not confuse my dear friends bile juice is produced by the liver it is transported through the hepatic that and stored inside the green organ we see over your known as the gall bladder so you know we see the by a juice which is produced in the liver getting transported through the hepatic duct and  getting stored inside the gallbladder the color of the bile juice is due to certain pigments called as a billiverdin and bilirubine produced by the breakdown of the Dead and worn out red blood cells so because of the breakdown of the dead and worn out red blood cells there are certain pigments called as  billiverdin and the bilirubine which give a particular color to the bile juice now friends whenever the food enters the small intestine the gallbladder releases bile juice into it through the cystic duct now the food is entering   the small intestine we know it enters into the small intestine from the stomach through the dior denim so when the food is entering the small intestine what happens is that the gallbladder releases the bile  juice into it through the cystic duct so that which we see over your is the cystic duct through which the gallbladder releases the bile juice now friends the Bile contains a lot of sodium Bicarbonate so there is a lot of sodium bicarbonate present inside the bile which neutralizes the acid content of the food received from the stomach and it also makes the food time alkaline friends as we know inside the stomach what happened there were a Acidic enzymes correct so because of that acid ph the food became acidic we produced an acid take time now when the acidic of the time  enters to small intestine because  of the bile juice and the presence of sodium bicarbonate inside the bile juice  what happens is that  acidic time gets converted to alkaline so the bile juice when transported from the gallbladder makes the food  alkaline it also reduces the surface tension my dear friends the bile reduces the surface tension of facts and breaks them into tiny droplets the process we call it as the emulsification of fats for providing a greater surface area for the action of enzymes so the bile juice  what does it do it breaks down the fact molecules into tiny droplets this process is called as the emulsification of facts and you to the tiny droplets produce my dear friends what happens is that it provides a greater surface area to for the enzymes to act upon the food overall like to see the role of the bile juice in the food as we said the fact when acted upon by the bile it gets converted to tiny droplets we call this as the emulsified fat and next is the acid a time when acted upon by bile and you do the presence of sodium bicarbonate as they see here it gets converted to an alkaline time now friends the next gland we shall be seeing the next gland is the pancreas so the pancreas to secrete pancreatic juice now pancreas my dear friends are the organs which are located behind the stomach of a person so pancreas are located behind the stomach and the secreted juice scholars pancreatic juice the pancreatic duct pancreatic duct is a pancreatic opening open the duodenum by a aperture aperture is an opening my dear friends so the pan creating that opens into the duodenum by an aperture or an opening comment to that of the bile duct . means what that there is a common opening for the cystic duct called as the bile duct and the pancreatic duct so we call it as the common duct so we see the juices the bile juices as well as the pancreatic juices getting open into the duodenum by a common duct so you’re is the common duct which lets in also the bile juices as well as the pancreatic juices now friends let us understand the enzymes which are there inside the pancreatic juice the first enzyme my dear friends is the trypsin so trypsin is digesting the remaining proteins inside the food and the polypeptides so the trypsin is digesting are breaking down the remaining proteins and polypeptides in the food so here we see the proteins when  acted upon by trips and produces a smaller peptides and amino acids trypsin my dear friends is first secreted as an inactive trypsin in origin please remember this trypsin is first the seCreator as inactive trypsinogen  which is activated to trypsin by an enzyme called as enterokineas called  enteropeptidase secreted by the inner lining of the duodenum so the inner lining of the duodenum secrets enter peptidase which activates the tryinpsin origin to trypsin the second enzyme is steapsin . steapsin digest emulsifier facts into fatty acids and glycerol  so you’re we see the steapsin acting upon the facts to form emulsified facts the third enzym my dear friends is the pancreatic amylase or amylopsin and so pancreatic amylase is also called as a amylase let’s see what does pancreatic Amylase do pancreatic Amylase  digest leftover starch into malstach so pancreatic amylase list acts upon the leftover start to produce malstach  so these were the three enzymes present inside the pancreatic juice so now let us see the overall role of pancreatic juice on the food as we said that is a trypsinogen which is the inactive form of trypsin  trypsinogen then acted upon by enterokinase which is an enzyme makes the trypsinogen active in two trypsin the next is proteins and peptides when acted upon by trypsin it gives smaller peptides an amino acids the next we see the leftover starch when acted upon by amylase  produces my malstoch and emulsified facts when acted upon by stepsin  and it produces fatty acids plus glycerol so you’re we have trypsinogen when acted upon by enterokinase gives us strips and which is an active form proteins and peptides been acted upon by Trypsin the smaller peptides and amino acids and the leftover starch  to an acted upon by a Amylase gives us malstoch and emulsifying facts when acted upon by steapsin  it gives us a fatty acids and glycerol so you’ll receive the digestive function of the small intestine my dear friends  now let us see about absorption in the further modules.

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