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CLASS XI MH – PCMB Biology-Introduction-Study of animal types Demo Videos

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Hello friends myself professor guruprasad Tendulkar welcoming you to the subject biology now in this subject to Dave we are going to begin with a new topic which is altogether unique Now when i Say unique all of you might just ask a question why sir ?why calling it as unique the reason is all of the chapters most of them deal with human body but this particular chapter which I’m going to teach you today is study of animal Types. now the name itself suggests that it’s not a human body that we are going to deal with here we are going to deal with a very interesting creature and that interesting creature is nothing but a cockroach now as soon as I say cockroach, Sir Cockroach? now this is a general feeling about cockroach  isn’t it this is a creature which we fear the most you can see this I think all of you must tell definitely gone through a such experience this is a creature which most of us find it to be ugly so much so that we just hate it from the core of our existence we are so much dreadful about it that we are just eager to kill it and for no reason and they know some creature get scared just because of our fear relax guys first of all the organism is not that rejected first of all let me tell you this is the organism which is in existence on this planet earth since million years just imagine much ,much, much before then you and the advent of human being Earth and since then the animal has continued to survive a while even nuclear radiations and it is existing even today so this is the insect which has really captured the attention most of the scientists and this is I think most widely studied insects so far so this entire chapter is completely dedicated to this unique and interesting creature and that is nothing but cockroach in this first model which is just an introduction let us begin with its occurrence first try to recorrect where do we find the presence of our cockroach just recollect about it any guesses in fact if you think you will come to the conclusion that sir we find it everywhere there is no one place that is restricted to so when I say habit that it is omnipresent know what do you mean by omnipresent the word omnipresent means it is present in a every habit that just to give a few examples I can say this is found in damp marshy places it is found in areas where there is a stagnant water where there is i can see a lot of mud accumulated isn’t  It the second place where we commonly find a tease our very own kitchen most of what you might have experienced this we find it in the crevices in the Kitchen additionally we won’t find it in manhole in fact this is the most popular place where this creature is always fun so in short it is found almost in a really habitat and hence the word omnipresent is a rightly justified then proceeding ahead about its feeding habits what does your coach feeding on now this is again a very particular question without any particular answer because cockroach engine oil fields on anything and Everything believe me we say that quality is only omnivorous  now what do you mean by omnivorous just lit up the word me  omnivorous, Omni means all everything  vorare means to devore will accept so the word omnivorous means it accepts a everything now when I say anything just to give you a few examples first of all it can even feed on the food what we eat  have here you can see in here adjusting  photographic eating bread it can basically any type of human food whatever he filled up on secondly it can even feed itself on different types of paper let it be newspaper let it be blotting paper like it card board  for every type of paper can be utilized by this organism as a source of energy how interesting additionally it can be one feed on clot and not only that it can even feed on animal experiments so in general i can say it feeds on everything the only exception what i can say will be except i was a metal and plastic it fits on everything and yet another uniqueness what this particular organism show is it exhibits CANNIBALISM know what do you mean CANNIBALISM this essentially means that if nothing else is available for cockroach even feeds on another cockroach the work CANNIBALISM that means eating the individual of its own type so this is yet another uniqueness about this particular animal then proceeding Ahead we speak about the habit now when I say local motion how does it look more it is cursorial  what do you mean by cursorial,  cursorial means fast runner – not a slow runner  you can see already it’s a fast learner additionally it has a pair of wings you can see a pair of four wings and a pair of hind wings but even if it has a pair of wings it really shows the ability to fly rarely exhibits this particular flying Ability so this was regarding a short introductory module there are many more years to come in a very next module I take you to the systematic position of this cockroach so till then thank you very much.

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