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CBSE IX SA -1 Science Demo Videos

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Hello students, let’s begin with the study of Properties of Matter. We have learnt matter is everything that is present around us. Let’s understand what are the different properties of matter? We will begin with the very first property which is most important, let’s begin with this property.

Matter is made up of small, small particles. So, we are confirming by doing a small experiment that matter is made up of small, small particles. To do this what are we going to do is, here we are taking a beaker containing water. So, what we are going to do is, we are taking a glass beaker over here because it is transparent so that we can see through. Take 100ml of water in a beaker. What next you will be doing is dissolve few crystals of potassium permanganate. It is a solid which is purple in colour. So, you have to just dissolve say few crystals of potassium permanganate in this beaker containing water. What will you see, a deep purple colour solution is obtained.

Next we will move ahead with the experiment, I have not yet finished with this. What you have to do next is, take 10ml of this solution, so from this beaker you will be taking 10ml of solution using measuring cylinder, yes. So, take 10ml of solution of this and mix it with 90ml of water present in second beaker to dilute it. So, we are going to dilute it further and see what colour we are getting. So, what we are doing is from first beaker we are taking 10ml, we are putting it in a test tube and we are putting this test tube which contains 10ml of potassium permanganate solution from beaker number one and we are transferring this solution in beaker number two. Next what you will be doing? Continue to dilute it for other beakers. So, we are continuing to do the same thing take 10ml from previous beaker, go and add the same quantity that is 10ml into third beaker. Let’s do it for the fourth time, okay. So, beaker number 3, you take 10ml of solution from beaker number 3 and put it, entire amount you transfer it in beaker number 4. Now, what you see, if you compare the colour. The colour of the solution becomes lighter, lighter and lighter. It was dark purple in the first beaker and it is light pink when we come to beaker number 4. Let’s understand why, what is the reason behind it?

Let’s understand something more about matter. Let’s move ahead with the study about why? 2 or 3 tiny crystals, tiny is very, very small. Crystals of potassium permanganate can impart colour to the large volume of water. Let’s move ahead, this is because each potassium permanganate crystal is made up of millions of small, small particles which keep spreading and imparting colour on dilution. So, here we confirm that each and every particles of potassium permanganate comprises of millions and millions of atoms of potassium permanganate and therefore you get this colour, right.

Let’s move ahead with another property of matter in next module.

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2017-04-18T04:56:17+00:00 Categories: CBSE-IX|Tags: |0 Comments
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