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Science Projects for Class 8

2017-10-26T12:29:38+00:00 Categories: CBSE|

Subject wise little assignments, that the teachers assign to students are very helpful to allow them to understand the concepts more clear. That can also help  to get additional marks in their exams. In the same way, science project is very important for students to learn effectively after experimentation. They can learn the real life […]

How to Score Good Marks in Maharashtra SSC Board Exams

2019-03-04T14:19:38+00:00 Categories: Blog, Parents, SSC, Students|Tags: |

Maharashtra SSC Board Exams are here. However, not many students jump with joy at this news. But it also does not mean students have to despair or get distressed. Whatever stage your preparations are you can still organize yourself to get better marks.

Organize Yourself

This, of course, is not the time to panic. It is rather […]

CBSE Class 10 Maths Syllabus

2017-10-12T10:31:45+00:00 Categories: CBSE|

Some of the topics Covered under CBSE Class 10 Mathematics Syllabus are:


Arithmetic Progressions





Pair of Linear Equation in Two Variables

Area related to circles

Coordinate Geometry

Surface area and volumes

Quadratic Equations

Introduction to Trigonometry



A.1         Euclid’s division Lemma

A.2         The Fundamental theorem of arithmetic

A.3         Revisiting irrational numbers

A.4         Revisiting rational numbers and their decimal expansion



B.1          Geometrical meaning of zeroes of polynomial

B.2          Relationship […]

CBSE Class 8 Maths Syllabus

2017-10-23T11:06:38+00:00 Categories: CBSE|

CBSE class 8 is the crucial stage for every student for building a strong foundation. For this purpose, CBSE has organized the syllabus for students subject wise to clarify their concepts on many topics. The 8th class syllabus covers the following subjects Math, English, Physics, Chemistry, and Biology etc.

Some of the topics covered under Maths […]

CBSE Class 8 Biology Syllabus

2017-10-11T09:57:13+00:00 Categories: CBSE|

CBSE class 8 is the crucial stage for every student for building a strong foundation. For this purpose, CBSE has organized the syllabus for students subject wise to clarify their concepts on many topics. The 8th class syllabus covers the following subjects Math, English, Physics, Chemistry, and Biology etc.Some of the topics covered under Biology […]

CBSE Class 8 Chemistry Syllabus

2017-10-11T08:53:05+00:00 Categories: CBSE|

CBSE class 8 is the crucial stage for every student for building a strong foundation. For this purpose, CBSE has organized the syllabus for students subject wise to clarify their concepts on many topics. The 8th class syllabus covers the following subjects Math, English, Physics, Chemistry, and Biology etc.

The list of class 8 Chemistry is […]

CBSE Class 8 Physics Syllabus

2017-10-11T06:53:56+00:00 Categories: CBSE|

CBSE class 8 is the crucial stage for every student for building a strong foundation. For this purpose, CBSE has organized the syllabus for students subject wise to clarify their concepts on many topics. The 8th class syllabus covers the following subjects Math, English, Physics, Chemistry, and Biology etc.

Here is the list of units in […]

CBSE Class 8 Syllabus

2017-10-11T06:55:19+00:00 Categories: CBSE|

CBSE, the Central Board of the Secondary Education is basically the education board under Indian government to assist the public and private schools. This institute has very important as it covers the all classes syllabus for the students.

Eight class is the crucial stage for every student for building a strong foundation. For this purpose, CBSE […]

CBSE Class 10 Chemistry Syllabus

2017-10-05T09:32:27+00:00 Categories: CBSE|

The list of units in CBSE Class 10 Chemistry is mentioned below.


Chemical Reactions and Equations

Metal and Non-metals

Periodic Classification of Elements

Acid, Bases and Salts

Carbon and its Compounds

Our Environment

The CBSE board is known for its standard principles in framing the syllabus and when it comes to class 10 board exams, special care is taken for the student’s […]

CBSE Class 10 Physics Syllabus

2018-10-03T12:56:20+00:00 Categories: CBSE|

Here is the list of Units included in CBSE Class 10 Physics syllabus:

Light reflection and refraction


Human eye and colorful world

Magnetic effect of electric current

Sources of energy

Management of Natural Resources

The CBSE syllabus is known globally for its appropriate format and flexible pattern, and that’s the reason for it’s strong hold in the field of primary education, […]

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