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State Board Commerce (XI-XII) - Test Papers

State Board Commerce (XI-XII) - Test Papers

CBSE Class 10 Maths Syllabus

By |Categories: CBSE|

Some of the topics Covered under CBSE Class 10 Mathematics Syllabus are:


Arithmetic Progressions





Pair of Linear Equation in Two Variables

Area related to circles

Coordinate Geometry

Surface area and volumes

Quadratic Equations

Introduction to Trigonometry



A.1         Euclid’s division Lemma

A.2         The Fundamental theorem of arithmetic

A.3         Revisiting irrational numbers

A.4         Revisiting rational numbers and their decimal expansion



B.1          Geometrical meaning of zeroes of polynomial

B.2          Relationship between zeroes and coefficients of polynomial

B.3          Division algorithms for polynomial


Pair of Linear Equation in Two Variables

C.1          Pair of linear equation in two variables

C.2          Algebraic method of solving pair of linear equation- substitution method

C.3          Algebraic method of solving pair of linear equation- elimination method

C.4          Algebraic method of solving pair of linear equation- cross multiplication


C.5          Equation reducible to pair of linear equation in two variables


Quadratic Equations

D.1         Quadratic Equations

D.2         Solution of quadratic equation by factorization

D.3         Solution of quadratic equation by completing the square

D.4         Nature of roots


Arithmetic Progressions

E.1          Introduction

E.2          Arithmetic progressions

E.3          Sum of first n terms of an AP



F.1          Similar figures

F.2          Similarity of triangles: (Prove) If a line is drawn parallel to one side

of a triangle to intersect the other two sides in distinct points,

the other two sides are divided in the same ratio

F.3(Motivate) If a line divides two sides of a triangle in the same ratio,

the line is parallel to the third side.”

F.4          Basic Proportionality Theorem

F.5          Criteria for similarity of triangles

F.6          Area of similar triangles

F.7          Pythagoras theorem

F.8          Converse of Pythagoras theorem


Coordinate Geometry

G.1         Distance formula

G.2         Section formula

G.3         Area of triangle


Introduction to Trigonometry

H.1         Trigonometry: Introduction

H.2         Trigonometric ratios of some specific angles

H.3         Trigonometric ratios of complementary angles

H.4         Trigonometric identities

Some Applications of Trigonometry

I.1           Heights and distances



J.1           Tangent to a circle

J.2           Number of tangent from a point to a circle



K.1          Division of a line segment

K.2          Construction of triangle similar to given triangle

K.3          Construction of tangents to a circle


Area related to circles

L.1          Perimeter and area of a circle

L.2          Area of sector and segment of a circle

L.3          Area of segment of a circle

L.4 Problems on Area and Perimeter


Surface area and volumes

M.2        Volume of a combination of solids

M.3        Conversion of one solid shape into another

M.4        Frustum of cone



N.1         Mean of grouped data

N.2         Mode of grouped data

N.3         Median of grouped data

N.4         Graphical representation of cumulative frequency distribution



O.1         Introduction

O.2         Probability- a theoretical approach

CBSE Class 8 Maths Syllabus

By |Categories: CBSE|

CBSE class 8 is the crucial stage for every student for building a strong foundation. For this purpose, CBSE has organized the syllabus for students subject wise to clarify their concepts on many topics. The 8th class syllabus covers the following subjects Math, English, Physics, Chemistry, and Biology etc.

Some of the topics covered under Maths  are:


Rational Numbers

Cubes and Cube Roots

Exponents and Powers

Linear Equation in One Variable

Comparing Quantities

Direct and Inverse Proportions

Understanding Quadrilaterals

Algebraic Expressions and Identities

Introduction to Graphs



Rational Numbers

A.1         Properties of rational numbers

A.2         Representation of rational numbers on line number

A.3         Rational number between two rational numbers


Linear Equation in One Variable

B.1          Solving linear equations having variable on one side

B.2          Application of linear equations

B.3          Solving linear equations having variable on both sides

B.4          Some more application of linear equations

B.5          Reducing equations to simpler form


Understanding Quadrilaterals

C.1          Polygons

C.2          Sum of the measures of exterior angles of polygons

C.3          Kinds of quadrilaterals

C.4          Properties of parallelogram

C.5          Some special parallelograms


Practical Geometry


D.1         Constructing a quadrilateral: when the length of four side and diagonal are given

  1. 2 When two diagonals and three sides are given

D.2         When two adjacent sides and three angles are known

  1. 3 When three side and two included angles are given

D.3         Some special cases  : Square

  1. 4 Some special cases : Rhombus

Data Handling

E.1          Looking for information

E.2          Organizing data, Grouping data

E.3          Circle graph or pie charts

E.4          Chance and probability


Squares and Square Roots

F.1          Square of a number

F.2          Finding Square root of a number by repeated subtraction

F.3          Finding Square root of a number by prime factorization method

F.4          Finding Square root of a number by long division method

F.5          Square root of decimals

F.6          Estimation of square root

CBSE Class 8 Biology Syllabus

By |Categories: CBSE|

CBSE class 8 is the crucial stage for every student for building a strong foundation. For this purpose, CBSE has organized the syllabus for students subject wise to clarify their concepts on many topics. The 8th class syllabus covers the following subjects Math, English, Physics, Chemistry, and Biology etc.Some of the topics covered under Biology  are:


Crop Production and Management

Conservation of Plants and Animals

Reproduction in Animals

Microorganisms: Friend and Foe

Cell – Structure and Function

Reaching the Age of Adolescence


Crop Production and Management

A.1      Agricultural practices

A.2      Preparation of soil

A.3      Sowing

A.4      Adding manures and fertilizers

A.5      Irrigation

A.6      Protection form weed

A.7      Harvesting and shortage

A.8      Food from animals


Microorganisms: Friend and Foe

B.1      Microorganisms

B.2      Microorganism and us: Friendly microorganisms

B.3      Disease causing microorganisms

B.4      Food preservation

B.5      Nitrogen fixation

B.6      Nitrogen Cycle


Conservation of Plants and Animals

C.1      Deforestation and its causes and consequences

C.2      Conservation of wildlife, sanctuary, national park, zoo, forest reserves

C.3      Flora and Fauna

C.4      Endemic species

C.5      Endangered species and red data book

C.6      Migration

C.7      Reforestation


Cell – Structure and Function

D.1      Discovery of cell

D.2      Organism show variety in cell number, shape and size

D.3      Cell structure and function, Parts of cell: cell membrane, cytoplasm

D.4      Nucleus, vacuole and chloroplast

D.5      Comparison of plant and animal cell


Reproduction in Animals

E.1       Modes of reproduction

E.2       Sexual reproduction: male and female reproductive organs

E.3       Internal and external fertilization, development of embryo

E.4       Viviparous and oviparous organisms, young ones to adults

E.5       Asexual reproduction

Reaching the Age of Adolescence

F.1       Adolescence and puberty: Secondary sexual characteristics

F.2       Role of hormones in initializing reproductive functions

F.3       Reproductive phase in humans

F.4       How is the sex of baby determined

F.5       Hormones other than sex hormones

F.6       Role of hormones in completing the life history of insects and frogs

F.7       Reproductive Health

CBSE Class 8 Chemistry Syllabus

By |Categories: CBSE|

CBSE class 8 is the crucial stage for every student for building a strong foundation. For this purpose, CBSE has organized the syllabus for students subject wise to clarify their concepts on many topics. The 8th class syllabus covers the following subjects Math, English, Physics, Chemistry, and Biology etc.

The list of class 8 Chemistry is as mentioned below:

Synthetic Fibres and Plastics

Coal and Petroleum

Pollution of Air and Water

Materials: Metals & Non-Metals

Combustion and Flame


Synthetic Fibres and Plastics

A.1      Synthetic fibers

A.2      Plastics and other synthetic materials

A.3      Usefulness of plastics

A.4      Disadvantages of plastics

A.5      Fibrous materials in use


Materials: Metals & Non-Metals

B.1      Metals : Physical and Chemical Properties and Uses

B.2      Non-Metals : Physical and Chemical Properties and Uses


Coal and Petroleum

C.1      Coal and its story

C.2      Natural Resources : Inexhaustible and exhaustible natural resources

C.3      Useful products obtained from coal

C.4      Formation of coal and petroleum in nature

C.5      Petroleum and refining of petroleum

C.6      Natural Gas

C.7      Natural resources are limited

C.8      Consequences of over extraction of coal and petroleum


Combustion and Flame

D.1      Combustion and types of combustion

D.2      Flame

D.3      Fire Control

D.4      Fuels : Types of fuels

D.5      Heat released from fuels

D.6      Fuel efficiency and cost

D.7      Effects of burning fossil fuels

CBSE Class 8 Physics Syllabus

By |Categories: CBSE|

CBSE class 8 is the crucial stage for every student for building a strong foundation. For this purpose, CBSE has organized the syllabus for students subject wise to clarify their concepts on many topics. The 8th class syllabus covers the following subjects Math, English, Physics, Chemistry, and Biology etc.

Here is the list of units in Class 8 Physics syllabus:

  • Force and Pressure
  • Chemical Effects of Electric Current
  • Light
  • Some Natural Phenomena
  • Friction
  • Stars and The Solar System
  • Sound

Force and Pressure

A.1     Idea of Force : A push or a pull

A.2     Force and Motion – Change in State of Motion

A.3     Force – Interaction of Forces and Change in Shape due to Force

A.4     Contact Force – Friction, Applied Force and Normal Force

A.5     Non-Contact Force – Gravitational Force, Electrostatic Force and Magnetic Force

A.5     The Concept of Pressure

A.6     Hydro-static Pressure – Pressure Exerted by Fluids

A.7     Atmospheric Pressure – Hydro-static Pressure exerted by Gases



B.1     Friction – factors affecting friction

B.2     Sliding and rolling friction

B.3     Kinetic Friction

B.4     Advantages and disadvantages of friction for the movement of automobiles

B.5     Airplanes and boats/ships : Fluid Friction

B.6     Friction and Frictional Force – A Necessary Evil



C.1     Sound produced by vibrating bodies

C.2     Sound produced by humans

C.3     Medium of Propagation

C.4     How do we hear sound ?

C.5     Aptitude, Time Period, And Frequence of a vibration

C.6     Loudness and Pitch

C.7     Audible and in audible sound

C.8     Difference between noise and music

C.9     Noise pollution and its preventive measures


Chemical Effects of Electric Current

D.1     Conduction of Electricity: Do Liquids Conduct Electricity?

D.2     Conduction of Electricity in Liquids – Electrolysis

D.3     Electrolysis and Electroplating


Some Natural Phenomena

E.1     Lightning

E.2     Charging by rubbing

E.3     Transfer of Charge

E.4     The Story of Lightning

E.5     Lightning Safety

E.6     Phenomena related to earthquakes

E.7     Protection against earthquakes



F.1     Reflection of Light – The Laws of Reflection

F.2     Characteristics of image formed with a plane mirror

F.3     Reflection of Light – Regular Reflection, Diffused Reflection and Multiple Reflection

F.4     Sunlight – white or colored ?

F.5     Structure of the eye

F.6     Non-Optical Low Vision Aids – Devices to Help the Blind and the Visually Impaired

F.7     Optical Low Vision Aids – Devices to Help the Blind and the Visually Impaired

F.8     Braille – Helping the Blind and the visually impaired read


Stars And The Solar System

G.1     Celestial Bodies

G.2     Moon

G.3     Stars

G.4     Planet

G.5     Constellations

G.6     Motion of celestial objects in space

G.7     The Solar System

G.8     Other Members of the Solar System


CBSE Class 8 Syllabus

By |Categories: CBSE|

CBSE, the Central Board of the Secondary Education is basically the education board under Indian government to assist the public and private schools. This institute has very important as it covers the all classes syllabus for the students.

Eight class is the crucial stage for every student for building a strong foundation. For this purpose, CBSE has organized the syllabus for students subject wise to clarify their concepts on many topics. The 8th class syllabus covers the following subjects Math, English, Physics, Chemistry, and Biology etc.


CBSE Syllabus of 8th class under the Supervision

  • The CBSE Class 8 exams grasp a great importance for the students as this is the key to be successful with the continuous practice and to clarify the concepts. CBSE ensures that the each student should be able to clarify their concepts on a range of topics.
  • For this purpose, Robomateplus has risen up with the CBSE Class 8 syllabus for various subjects for the 8th class including English, Math, Social Sciences, Hindi and Sanskrit to guide them in every possible way.
  • The maths syllabus helps the students of 8th class to clear the concepts in a precise way. The maths syllabus covers many important topics including rational numbers, direct and inverse proportions, roots, power, exponents, algebra, quadrilaterals, graphs and much more.
  • The Hindi and Sanskrit languages are also for communication in the country that is also focused in this syllabus.
  • The Social Science syllabus able the students to learn about the culture, social issue, the economic growth of the country in detail and to understand the history and geography.
  • The English syllabus helps them to better their communication that focuses on the categories of Old, middle and Modern English.
  • The Robomateplus learning app is very useful for the students with the lectures of the best teacher of India to be prepared for their exams. The syllabus covers the helping materials, animated videos, different illustrations and many diagrams according to the topics

How is it helpful for students?

  • Students can take 8 class chapter wise test that suits to their need or learning and they can analyze their performance.
  • Which would be helpful for each student to easily grasp and understand. Students can approach on the web to each subject of their choice.
  • They can improve their learnings, and clarify their doubts in just short time with the guardians of our experts.The activities based on animated videos with other study material helps in enhancing every student’s abilities. All the material for education is designed comprehensively, that develops their reading, writing skills.
  • The important notes for the 8th class students give their learnings a new way, and they would be able to write in their exams with confidence.

The notes are prepared by the great minds that can give you

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