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State Board Commerce (XI-XII) - Test Papers

State Board Commerce (XI-XII) - Test Papers

CLASS XI MH – PCMB Biology -Introduction-Human Nutrition Demo Videos

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welcome to the chapter of human nutrition in this module that is MODULE number one we will be learning about the introduction to human nutrition hi students let’s see what is nutrition yes nutrition here it is nutrition comprises of many things put together first there is a process called ingestion what is ingestion, ingestion means taking in the food after ingestion something comes called as digestion in a couple of minutes i will teach you what is Digestion after the digestion there is absorption do we know what is absorption yes we do then after absorption there’s something called assimilation  this might be a new word for you in brief let me explain assimilation means the food which is absorbed it is going and settling inside the set then after a Assimilation  we have a process called Egestion  what a egestion, egestion means removal of the waste material from the body so a clubbing of all these events that is ingestion digestion absorption assimilation and egestion all together gives us our nutrition now let’s see the functions of nutrition the first function of nutrition is to provide growth to the organism yes because of the food that you eat you are able to grow after growth of the second function is providing energy to the organism obviously if you don’t eat do you think  you will have the energy to do any work no after energy the third function is repair and regeneration means if at all there is anyone or if you’re hurt in the body at any place then the food that you eat the vitamins that you take the nutrients which you take will help in repair and last but not the least it also provides protection by building your immune system let’s come to digestion  a couple of minutes back i had told you i will describe to you what is the digestion let us define digestion ,Digestion can be defined as the process of converting complex non  Diffusible  and non-absorbable food substances into simple diffusible and absorbable substances so how can i define the digestion, the digestion can be defined as the process of converting complex Non diffusible non-absorbable food substances in do simple diffusible and absorbable food substances after this let’s see some food substances do we eat all these yes these are some of our favorite items to eat am i right well what do these food items contain these food items contain nutrients and which are the nutrients yes the nutrients are carbohydrates their proteins they are fat lipids also there is water and vitamins as well as minerals now out of all of these nutrients what we see is the carbohydrates proteins and fats are described to be macro-nutrients why macronutrients their called macro nutrients because they are required and consumed in large quantities then if we see vitamins and Minerals these are known as micro nutrients because they are consumed in smaller quantities so in this module what we learned about what first an introduction to this chapter in the introduction what did we learn we first learn what all comprises in nutrition then we studied the definition of digestion in our next module we will be learning about carbohydrates till then take care

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CLASS XI MH – PCMB Biology-Introduction-Study of animal types Demo Videos

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Hello friends myself professor guruprasad Tendulkar welcoming you to the subject biology now in this subject to Dave we are going to begin with a new topic which is altogether unique Now when i Say unique all of you might just ask a question why sir ?why calling it as unique the reason is all of the chapters most of them deal with human body but this particular chapter which I’m going to teach you today is study of animal Types. now the name itself suggests that it’s not a human body that we are going to deal with here we are going to deal with a very interesting creature and that interesting creature is nothing but a cockroach now as soon as I say cockroach, Sir Cockroach? now this is a general feeling about cockroach  isn’t it this is a creature which we fear the most you can see this I think all of you must tell definitely gone through a such experience this is a creature which most of us find it to be ugly so much so that we just hate it from the core of our existence we are so much dreadful about it that we are just eager to kill it and for no reason and they know some creature get scared just because of our fear relax guys first of all the organism is not that rejected first of all let me tell you this is the organism which is in existence on this planet earth since million years just imagine much ,much, much before then you and the advent of human being Earth and since then the animal has continued to survive a while even nuclear radiations and it is existing even today so this is the insect which has really captured the attention most of the scientists and this is I think most widely studied insects so far so this entire chapter is completely dedicated to this unique and interesting creature and that is nothing but cockroach in this first model which is just an introduction let us begin with its occurrence first try to recorrect where do we find the presence of our cockroach just recollect about it any guesses in fact if you think you will come to the conclusion that sir we find it everywhere there is no one place that is restricted to so when I say habit that it is omnipresent know what do you mean by omnipresent the word omnipresent means it is present in a every habit that just to give a few examples I can say this is found in damp marshy places it is found in areas where there is a stagnant water where there is i can see a lot of mud accumulated isn’t  It the second place where we commonly find a tease our very own kitchen most of what you might have experienced this we find it in the crevices in the Kitchen additionally we won’t find it in manhole in fact this is the most popular place where this creature is always fun so in short it is found almost in a really habitat and hence the word omnipresent is a rightly justified then proceeding ahead about its feeding habits what does your coach feeding on now this is again a very particular question without any particular answer because cockroach engine oil fields on anything and Everything believe me we say that quality is only omnivorous  now what do you mean by omnivorous just lit up the word me  omnivorous, Omni means all everything  vorare means to devore will accept so the word omnivorous means it accepts a everything now when I say anything just to give you a few examples first of all it can even feed on the food what we eat  have here you can see in here adjusting  photographic eating bread it can basically any type of human food whatever he filled up on secondly it can even feed itself on different types of paper let it be newspaper let it be blotting paper like it card board  for every type of paper can be utilized by this organism as a source of energy how interesting additionally it can be one feed on clot and not only that it can even feed on animal experiments so in general i can say it feeds on everything the only exception what i can say will be except i was a metal and plastic it fits on everything and yet another uniqueness what this particular organism show is it exhibits CANNIBALISM know what do you mean CANNIBALISM this essentially means that if nothing else is available for cockroach even feeds on another cockroach the work CANNIBALISM that means eating the individual of its own type so this is yet another uniqueness about this particular animal then proceeding Ahead we speak about the habit now when I say local motion how does it look more it is cursorial  what do you mean by cursorial,  cursorial means fast runner – not a slow runner  you can see already it’s a fast learner additionally it has a pair of wings you can see a pair of four wings and a pair of hind wings but even if it has a pair of wings it really shows the ability to fly rarely exhibits this particular flying Ability so this was regarding a short introductory module there are many more years to come in a very next module I take you to the systematic position of this cockroach so till then thank you very much.

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CLASS XII MH – PCMB Physics -Electrostatics Demo Videos

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Hello students  now let’s start at the very interesting topic of physics paper Two yes words will be starting with the topic called electrostatics now student this particular topic has been divided into several modules but in the initial view modules will be revising the concepts that we have learned and standard 11th and then only will be starting with the concept of standard 12th so let us begin with the first module and in this particular module will be learning term call charge right but before starting with the term called charge let us analyze the word called electrostatics right now if i divide this particular word i can divide in two section and the first section says electro which refers to a word called charge and second one is static which means at rest so in this particular chapter will be learning the effects produced by the charges at rest so if i want to defined a word called electrostatics i can define it as a study of charge or system of charges at rest is called as electrostatics right so there’s nothing but the definition of a word called electronics right now let’s start with the term called charge on let us define the word called charge now student charge is nothing but the fundamental property of matter by the virtue of which two bodies can either attract each other or they can repel each other so it is nothing but the fundamental property right now what is the unit of charge do we know yes we know is a unit of charge what is SI unit the SI unit of charge is Coulomb what is CGS unit the CGS unit of charges start Coulomb  or electrostatic unit of charge which is also written as e.s.u and the relation between one Coulomb  and e.s.u is 1 Coulomb  it is equal to 3 into 10 raise to power 9 e.s.u  right now let us write the dimensions for charge now we do doing no formula for charge yes we have learned formula of charge Q is equal to IT where I is electric current and t is nothing but time right and we’re using this particular formula i can write dimensions of charge as a I raise to power one and t raise to power 1  right let us revise the values of charge on the fundamental particles right what are the three fundamental particles the three fundamental particles are electron proton and neutron right so what is the value child an electron the value of charge on electron is – 1.6 *10 power minus 19 coulomb right what is the value of charge proton on the value of charge on proton is 1.6 *10 raise to power minus 19 coulomb and the value of charge of neutron is zero Coulomb  so students if we know the total number of protons and electrons in a given body we can calculate the amount of charge in that case right now strong if any uncharged body loses electrons then it will become yes it will become positively-charged and if any uncharged body gains electrons then that particular body will become negatively charged right now these are the few important points Kindly  noted down now let us move further let us revise the properties of Charge now the first property is charged is a scalar quantity right or i can say charge can be added like normal mathematical numbers right so let’s take an example I’m having first body which is positively charged having charge plus 6 Coulomb   second body which is negatively charged having charge equal to minus -5 Coulomb  so if i calculate net charge in this particular case in this case net charge will be 6 – 5 which is equal to 1 Coulomb  right so what we have Learned we have learned that charges here are being added just like scalar numbers right so this is the first property and the second property is conservation of charge we have already learned law of conservation of charge and what does it says it says charges can neither be created nor destroyed right and it will always remain conserved in an isolated system right so let’s take an example let’s say I’m having first body which is positively charged having charge equal to plus 6 Coulomb second body which is negatively charged having charge equal to minus 4 Coulomb right so what will be next child in this case in this case net charge will be plus 6-4 and that is nothing but equal to plus 2 Coulomb i like to make the wire between these two boodies a little bit transfer of charge right from one body to another body right so after transfer of charge let’s say the value of charge on the individual body becomes plus 4 Coulomb  and minus 2 Coulomb  so again store and if i calculate net charge net charge will again come out as plus 2 Coulomb  rights students so i can say here the value of charge on the individual bodies are changing but the net charge on and system on an isolated system remains constant or concept right so this is nothing but the second property of charge which says conservation of charge right now let’s move was the third property which says charge is always quantized or it is nothing but quantization of charge and it says charge on anybody can only be an integral multiple of 1 .6 *10 raise to power minus 19 coulomb right or any charge can be written as q is equal to plus minus ne right where n is any integer and e is nothing but the fundamental charge which is nothing but it will do 1.6 *10 based power minus 19 coulomb right so this suggests that charges like + e , -2 e + 4 E is certainly possible but the charges like 0.5 e and 1.3eis not at all possible so students in this particular module we have simply revised the term called charge and we have also revised the properties of charge as well right that’s it for this module I’ll see you in the next part of till then keep learning.

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CLASS XII MH – PCMB Physics-Gravitation Demo Videos

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Hello students welcome to another chapter of physics the most important and interesting chapter gravitation we start with the first model of gravitation in which will understand the fundamental concept given by Newton that’s the Newton’s gravitational law its statement and explanation let’s start with the Newton’s law of gravitation let’s understand the meaning of it and then define the law now for that let’s consider m1 as a mass of a body a and let’s consider another mass m2 of mass of body b lets say these two masses are separated by some distance R then according to Newton there exists a force of attraction between these two masses and this, this force of attraction between the two material bodies is called as the gravitational force now according to Newton this gravitational force of attraction is directly proportional to the product of the masses m1 m2 and this gravitational forces also inversely proportional to the square of the distance between these two masses if I just accumulate these two personalities I get this gravitational force is proportional to M 1 M 2 upon r square and this will be our fundamental to make a statement of the law now looking at this proportionality it’s very easy to define the law the law goes something like this every particle of matter attracts every other particle of matter with a force which is directly proportional to the product of the mass and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them if i remove the proportionality and make an equation out of it I’ll have to put a proportionality constant so if we introduce a constant say capital G then the equation becomes F is equal to g* m1* m2 upon r square  now students note this capital G is a very special constant in this case this constant of proportionality is called as universal gravitation constant Remember ok fine let’s discuss some questions related to this let’s see whether you understood this properly the first question gravitational force is directly proportional to the product of mass some of mass division of mass or each of the mass?? I hope you remember the statement a very simple but a very fundamental thing about the law yes the gravitational force is directly proportional to the product of the Masses accordingly the answer  is a . let’s see some more questions another one for you gravitational forces mathematically given as capital F equal to g m1 plus m2 upon r or equal to g m1 m2 upon r or is it g m1 m2 upon R square or is it given as G R squared upon m1 m2 a very fundamental question I hope you remembered answer you remember this slide we just noted it yes the gravitational forces always given us what G m1 m2 upon R Square your answer is in this case see let’s see one more question in the Newton’s law of gravitation what is capital g is it universal gravitation constant is it an acceleration due to gravity or is it a variable or it is just any constant in this case just remember this a very critical thing capital g yes here it is we had done this we understood that capital g is called as the universal gravitational constant it’s a universal constant ok and please remember the second option which says acceleration due to gravity that is nothing but small G which is going to come in the next part of the chapter and don’t get confused between these two things small G and capital g right ok let’s see one more question if somehow the distance between the Sun and earth is doubled then the gravitational force between them will become what now you know gravitational forces inversely proportional to the square of the distance between the two material bodies and inversely proportional means if R increases force F will decrease right so force will decrease means a option and B option cannot be answer because that says doubling and four times not possible so either it is half or one fourth and it’s a very oral mathematical thing F proportional to 1 upon R square if R is getting double then force would become 1 by 2 square times means it will become 1 /4th will understand that in detail if I consider let’s say the new distances R2then R2 will be 2 times r1 we need to find out what is a new force f2 now you know that F is proportional to 1 upon R square so f2 upon F 1 will be R1 upon r 2 the whole square if i put in place of R2 2 times r1 I get on the other side r 1 upon 2 r 1 the whole square canceling R1 1 by 2 the whole square is 1 by 4 that is f2 IS F 1 / 4 so what is a new force it’s one fourth of the initial answer is d clear.

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CLASS XII MH – PCMB Maths Logic Demo Videos

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Hello Students in the previous module you were know  where the boy was simply switching on and of that switch , yes class and that was nothing but introduction to logic here we are going to advanced  knowledge in logic we are going to learn about close sentences and open Sentences yes ready for it here we have some sentences in front of you and the first one comes every triangle has three sides yes class if I ask about that whether it’s true or false what will you say obviously each triangle has three sides and that simply means the given sentences are true sentence yes class now here if I get to an example 3 is an even number now ask you is it actually even number what will you say no, it’s an odd number yes class if I ask you is the given statement true false what will you say You say it’s a  false sentence yes class such sentences which are having some truth value true value means either can be true or it can be a false yes class such sentences which is either true or false are called as closed sentences now came to know close sentences now for try to get another example in front of you a little example be, he is my brother who he, he can be Ramesh yes he can be Suresh oh you get me any one any person and that simply says he is variable able he can change its value he can be anything yes class so if i ask you whether this sentence is true or False you absolutely cannot decide about that yes because you do not know whether that he is what yes class now the next example X plus 3 is equal to seven what do you say about the sentence what does that X here has an x value given to you here know, now if i try to assume some values of x let that X be three so according to that 3, 3 plus 3 gives you six not seven and that simply means it will be nothing but false  sentence now class if i try to change the value of x if it can be 4 so 4 plus 3  let’s give you seven and that simply means it is a true sentence  now  that says for different values of X you have different output different truth value that is it can be true or it can be false yes class so you cannot see the truth value if I ask you yes there are simply says x is a variable X changes its value and according to that value it can be true or it can be false that simply says the value that is again be true or false is not fixed and therefore class for such type of question for such type of Sentence you cannot decide and what is so similar between this two sentences class this two sentences are nothing but true or false depending on the variable here and such sentences are called as open sentences such sentences which is true or false on different values of x on the different values of he nothing but called as open sentences so now you have understood very well event what do you mean by closed and open sentences now if I talk more about close two sentences if I try to give you some more examples about clothes sentences for example today is Tuesday no class for this example if I ask you is it true or false yes it’s Tuesday today and that simply means it true to sentence yes now just a minute wait if i give you another example and the example is every square consists of four sides and not far ask you is it true or false what will you say, ya mathematically it’s true yes it true sentence so this – two but you’re close sentences because they are having either truth value true or false yes class but I see that there’s a difference between this two sentences and how we are going to see just now for the first statement for the first sentence today is Tuesday class one of the some days after for example tomorrow it will be Wednesday  and if I ask you well that remains Tuesday the only know that simply means the truth value will change to false  and it simply means your true or false value is not fixed for such sentence the true or false value is not fixed while for this sentence class if I asked you tomorrow  what about the sentence if I ask you whether it’s true or false what do you say it will mean true always when I ask you tomorrow day after tomorrow it will always remain true and that simply says that it’s true or false value is fixed so that’s the difference you observe for this two sentences and such sentences where true or false value is fixed are simply called as logical Statements yes class a very important definition to remember logical statement. the truth value is fixed that means a statement is true or false and will remain the same throughout it will not change then we call it to be a logical statement   we are going to learn more about logical statements in the next models till then thank you.

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CLASS XII MH – PCMB Maths-Probability Distribution Demo Videos

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Hello students let us start with the next module of this chapter probability distribution in this module we are going to study the random experiment and random variable so let us start with random experiment here considered tossing a coin yes when you toss a coin what are the possible outputs so i can see the possible outcomes are head or tail similarly when I consider another example like throwing the dice when you throw a dice the possible outcomes what can be the possible outcome yes the possible outcomes are either one or two or three or four or five or six now you should observe hear something yes what did we observe here regarding outcomes yes we observed here that the outcomes we’re not fixed that is they had more than one possible value so this gives us the definition for a random experiment and experiment which has more than one possible outcome is called as a random experiment let us move further and learn about random variable the definition of random variable goes like this year a variable X which is assigned values from the set of real numbers are based on the outcome of sample space of a random experiment is called random variable so i can denote X like this variable X it is nothing but the values which is a sign from set of real numbers are to the sample space s. so moving further let us try to understand this with the example Here,  here to unbiased coins are tossed simultaneously let the random variable X describe the number of tails find range of X so the solution here goes as follows first of all the required sample space s now to find out the sample space considered two coins through the first outcome came out to be edge that means both heads now when the coin was tossed for the second time we got the output as HD that is first going showed me heads and the second going showed me tail for the third time the outcome was tails heads and for the four times when the coins where does the outcomes where TT that means both the coin showed up as tails so this is my sample space and the outputs will be from these space only these elements only now let X be the number of tails obtained at toss the table showing outcome of s and related value of x is as follows the table here is drawn the first part outcome of s and the second part is a random variable X so the sample space is as follows HH the next is HT the next TH and the last one TT now what we observe here are no days that means zero tails so random variable X is 0 it is nothing but a number of tails in the second part we have only one tail that means the random variable X s value as 1 similarly in the third part we have one tail this means that random variable X s 1 and in the last part we observed that there are two tails so the random variable X is  2 so here X takes the values either 0 , 1 or 2 therefore i can see a range of x is 0 , 1 , 2 let us understand the random variable more clearly random variable are of to type the first type is discrete random variable and the second type is continuous random variable starting with discrete random variable it takes only countable values or whole numbers that is x is equal to either 0 ,1 ,2, 3 so on now the example can be like this number of heads when you toss a coin number of children in the family and so on there are many other exam it’s moving to continuous random variable here it takes all real values that is it includes the decimal as an example weight height temperature of a place lifespan of an object ETC. so here what we can summarize is if the quantity is countable we can term it as a discrete random variable and if it is measurable we can term it as a continuous random variable so let us study these further with the help of some examples moving to the question here. identify the random variables as either discrete or continuous in each of the following situations also write the range when ever it is possible the first question is as follows a page in a book can have at most three hundred words x is number of Miss prints on a page so the solution goes as follows here number of Miss prints that means we can count number of Miss prints on a page therefore the given value for x is countable , countable means discrete random variable moving further here we require range of this so ranges 0 to 300 that means the page can have zero printing mistake and I the most 300 printing mistakes so this is a range for X let us take another example here a player goes to gymnasium regularly x is a reduction in his weight in a month so the solution is like this the weight has to be measured that means we are talking about a measurable quantity therefore it is a continuous random variable moving further to the next example number of attempts required by a candidate to clear examination the solution goes like This here the number of attempts obviously can be counted so therefore it is a countable quantity countable means discrete random variables so here it is a discrete random variable now required to find out range of this here so range is as follows the range will be 1 , 2 , 3 and so on this will be a finite set always moving further to the next example.

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