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State Board Commerce (XI-XII) - Test Papers

State Board Commerce (XI-XII) - Test Papers

RD Sharma Class 10 Solutions

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Class 10 is one of the initial and crucial stages to be cleared by the students to select subjects and get admission into higher education institutes. RD Sharma class 10 textbook is based on the syllabus as designed by CBSE (Central Board of Secondary Education) with CCE guidelines for Class X students.

Features of RD Sharma Class 10 solutions:

  1. Complete solution for all RD Sharma class 10 questions of the textbook.
  2. Step-by-step explanation and detailed solution for each and every question.
  3. More than one alternative ways to solve a question.

RD Sharma class 10 Syllabus

Chapter 1: Real Numbers

Chapter 2: Polynomials

Chapter 3: Pair of Linear Equations in Two Variables

Chapter 4: Triangles

Chapter 5: Trigonometric Ratios

Chapter 6: Trigonometric Identities

Chapter 7: Statistics

Chapter 8: Quadratic Equations

Chapter 9: Arithmetic Progressions

Chapter 10: Circles

Chapter 11: Constructions

Chapter 12: Some Applications of Trigonometry

Chapter 13: Probability

Chapter 14: Co­ordinate Geometry

Chapter 15: Areas Related to Circles

Chapter 16: Surface Areas and Volumes

RD Sharma Class 11 Solutions

Daily Study Timetable for Class 10 Students – CBSE

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CBSE Class 10 is the stepping stone and foundation for higher studies. A student’s basics of CBSE Class 10 should be strong to study CBSE Class 11 and CBSE Class 12 and thereafter for appearing for the competitive exams.

The important thing to focus on CBSE Class 10 studies is to have good time management skills. Candidates appearing for CBSE Class 10 should make a daily timetable and should strictly follow the timetable to achieve targets. It is quite easy to make a timetable, but to remain focused on it is a big deal. A proper timetable gives proper allotment of time to each subject for memorising and also revision. Have strong determination, discipline, and study schedule to achieve your targets.

Stay focused but at the same time don’t be stressed and tensed. Plan your day such that there is sufficient time to study and play.

Time Management for CBSE Class 10

Every individual has his own mindset. Select the best time which suits you, maybe you can opt for early morning studies or late night studies. Start with the difficult topics and then move to easier ones. Take small gaps to alert your mind. One should be active and alert while studying.

 Select a place to study for CBSE Class 10

Define a place for study. Keep all the books, stationery and anything required, and make sure the place is well ventilated and comfortable.

 Important Topics for CBSE Class 10

Certain topic in each chapter carries weightage and we expect sure-shot questions. These topics should be given more importance and studied by heart.

Assign more time to subject which you find difficult to study. If required take special classes to understand the subject and then to memorize it.

When studying rotate subjects which are tough and easy alternatively. This will reduce stress and tension and at the same time finish the syllabus.

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 Break Time while studying for CBSE Class 10

Make sure you take small breaks each hour. Maybe you can go for a small walk, take a bath, eat snacks or listen to music. Relax yourself and freshen.

On the day of exams or tests or a day before, don’t start studying new topics. Spend the time revising and practicing already studied topics.

 Home work for CBSE Class 10

As soon as you reach home freshen up and the first task is to complete home work. If you don’t have homework, just revise the chapter taught in the school. It will help in easy memorization.

 Daily Revision for CBSE Class 10

If you have memorized and practiced thoroughly also make sure you are revising the studied topics time-to-time, otherwise by annual exams, you may lose your hold over the topic. You can do oral revision and subjects such as Math or Drawings can be practiced on paper. Weekly once you can also opt for a written text which will improve your speed and also hand writing.

Quick tips to get good score in CBSE Class 10

Get up an hour early, morning studies will grab subject more efficiently

  • Daily revision of chapters studied in school
  • Certain topics are to be understood and certain to be memorized. Subjects that you have to be rote memorize can be done in the afternoon
  • Concentrate when studying don’t divert attention towards TV, games or internet
  • Don’t go over your allotted time in the night to complete the chapters
  • Keep memorizing and practicing the subjects frequently. Whenever free do oral revision
  • Get Hold of CBSE Previous Year Question Papers Class 10 to practice regularly.

Don’t forget to entertain yourself by your favorite means such as sports, internet, video games, dance whatever you like the most. Rejuvenate your body and mind which will help you to increase concentration and memory power. Most importantly eat healthy and nutritive, nutrition is equally important. Make sure you get 7-8 hours of sleep in a day. Your concentration and dedication will definitely help you achieve a good score.

Watch Videos of Class 10 CBSE Topics made Easy

World Book Day – Why and How is it Celebrated

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What is World Book Day?

An auspicious day dedicated to book lovers around the globe, World Book Day is an annual event commemorated on 23rd April every year. The day has another significance for being the birthday of globally acclaimed English poet, playwright and actor, William Shakespeare. On this day, readers, authors, copywriters and illustrators from every corner of the world collaborate and interact with each other with the sole aim of promoting reading, writing, publishing books and copywriting. Its other names like International Day of the Book and World Book and Copyright Day widens its importance and expands its avenues.

Who organizes the World Book Day?

World Book Day is organized by United Nations Educational Scientific Cultural Organization (UNESCO). It was first celebrated on 23rd April 1995. UNESCO sources confirmed that 23rd April was arrived at after conducting extensive discussions and giving it a serious thought so that it wouldn’t clash with other festivals, religious occasions, school terms, charitable events, etc.

Who can take part in the World Book Day?

The globally acknowledged event is home to people from all communities and background. From children to film stars, people throwback to past achievements in the field of writing and publishing books spanning across all genres. It opens up platforms for new ideas, concepts and stories with a hope to rope in every citizen in its celebrations.

How is World Book Day celebrated around the world?

In schools and educational institutions, children take part in fancy dress competitions where they dress like their favourite authors or characters. Such a culture is promoted among the students to enable them to connect better with their much-loved books and stories and continue with their reading habits. It is said that children, when encouraged to read books, automatically perform better in their studies.

Many discussion forums are held across the world in the presence of renowned writers, publishers, poets and others. The stalwarts give their views on improving the art of reading and writing books. People exchange ideas, thoughts and perceptions and together they contribute to the enrichment of books.

Book launches are also common. Writers share stage with film actors. Promotional activities are also conducted on this grand day.

Celebrations are not limited to educational institutions. Even the fashion industry embraces the day with events like fashion shows and fancy dress featuring stars as well as kids.

In UK and Ireland, World Book Day is rejoiced on the first Thursday in the month of March. It is because 23rd April often clashes with Easter holidays. In England, the day is also the National Saint’s Day or St. George’s Day, which is why it commemorates the day in March.

In Sweden, 23rd is celebrated as Varldsbokdagen (regional name of World Book Day).

Spain deserves a special mention for dedicating two days to ‘Readathon’ where the Cervantes’s Don Quixote is read in full length. The King of Spain, Alcara de Heranes presents the Miguel de Cervantes prize to the winners. It does not end here. People even exchange books and look forward to it like the Valentine’s Day.

People of USA gather in the streets and observe 23rd April as a street festival.


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Increased concern of human beings about the environment in the few last decades has encouraged several organizations to fight and plan events in  order to spread awareness about environment pollution and its consequences in life conditions and moreover in weather settings.

The Founding of World Meteorological Organization

Although, many people would believe that these concerns are from recent dates, one of the most important organizations related to this topic – The World Meteorological Organization – was founded in 1873 as the International Meteorological Organization during the International Meteorological Convention in Vienna. However, it was not ratified until 1950 by the WMO Convention on March 23th by the United Nations. A year later the organization had become the specialised agency for the UN for meteorology, operational hydrology and geophysical sciences. This organization was established with the purpose of instituting big meteorological stations networks to contribute towards the safety and efficiency of the shipping services as well as safety and welfare of people. Working worldwide on an international level, the WMO has worked continuously for the growth and development of the meteorological and operational hydrological research activities without boundaries limiting its scope of action.

Establishment of World Meteorological Day

Due to the importance of the main theme of the organization, the United Nations established March 23th as the World Meteorological Day to remember the fact of the official recognition of the WMO. This celebration has been officially celebrated for the first time in 1961 with different topics as main themes every single year since that first event.

Celebrating World Meteorological Day

In 2018, the theme taken as a principal topic is Understanding Clouds, with the event being based in Uganda. Many different activities are organised for the occasion, among them are several scientific and technical forums, conferences, exhibitions, symposiums, and debates related to the main subject.

Although, the celebration varies its location every single year; the day is feted worldwide with activities similar to those taken place in the principal location. In India, essay and composition competitions are held related to the World Meteorological Day. Also, in the headquarters of WMO, located in Geneva, discussions are  held about its scope through history and the implementation of future events to mark this day among people who still have no clue about it.

Furthermore, many countries print postage stamps or special postage stamp cancellation to celebrate this day. Several awards are presented on this day to people and organizations involved in the Meteorological field. Among the prizes included in the celebration are: the International Meteorological Organization Prize, Professor Dr. Vilho Väisälä and the Nobert Gerbier-Mumm International Awards.

Since the environmental and nature concern has been growing into international level, the prominence of this celebration has been taken into consideration more and more among several countries; even though there are some big developed countries which deny the importance of this organization in recent years.

Besides the negative concern from very few countries, the WMO is established to continue generate possible solutions and plans to make the world a better place.

The Significance EARTH DAY

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April is the time of the year when our news feeds and social media walls get crowded with videos and posts related to the World Earth Day campaigns. While it might seem to be a largely fresh idea, the Earth Day celebrations have actually been around for the last 48 years! Right from the year 1970, every 22nd April is ear-marked as the World Earth Day.

The Significance of Earth Day

The annual Earth Day event is all about devoting a special day to the planet we live in. It intends to spread awareness among the masses about the need for the conservation of natural resources and the protection of the environment. The Earth Day celebrations have an extensive global reach with recognition from about 193 countries in the world. The leaders and rulers from different parts of the globe express their solidarity over preservation and protection of the planet. The Earth Day is celebrated to remind us of the importance of our world and its ecosystems and the need to promote harmony between man and nature.

The Origin Story of Earth Day

The first thoughts on a concept similar to Earth Day came into the reckoning after the disastrous Saint Barbara oil spill back in 1969. Peace activist John McConnell advanced the idea in the 1969 San Francisco UNESCO conference and the event was scooped-up by US college students and environmentalists. The United States Senator Gaylord Nelson is credited as the organizer of the first Earth Day event on 22nd April 1970.


Earth Day Theme for 2020

The theme of Earth Day this year is Climate Action.  The activities include raising awareness about the accelerating rate of extinction of millions of species and the causes and consequences of this phenomenon. Other activities include building a global movement to embrace nature and encourage individuals to adopt eco-friendly habits.

Last year the theme was ‘Protect Our Species’. The 2018 theme was ‘End Plastic Pollution’. The events and campaigns organized were focused on encouraging people to reduce plastic consumption and to urge them to use other eco-friendly substitutes. People across the globe are advised to use reusable bags, bottles, and cups and to avoid the usage of plastic straws and other disposable containers.

How to do your bit for the Earth Day?

It doesn’t seem to be too hard to contribute to the cause! You can play a part in the campaign by simply planting a tree or making a friend aware of the need to replace plastic with other bio-degradable alternatives. Tidying up your surroundings and trying to save resources are a few other options you could go for. But, the Earth Day isn’t just about spreading awareness and the key is in taking some solid action to protect it as well.

Study Tips And Daily Time Table For CBSE Class 9

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Class 9 exam is not a board exam, but it is an important stage for developing the foundation for Class 10, 11 and 12. Class 9 has chapters which help in understanding the concept and basics of chapters of higher standards. It also helps in cracking competitive exams such as NTSE and Olympiads. So don’t ignore the studies of Class 9, concentrate and study well to confidently write higher standard exams. Here are the tips and tricks for cracking class IX exams

NCERT Syllabus for Class 9 CBSE

First let us see the subjects of Class 9, to concentrate in each subject such as English, Hindi/Sanskrit, Maths, Science and Social Studies

 9th Class CBSE books list

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Each subject chapters has basics which help in understanding and solving extended version of chapters in higher classes. CBSE Class 9 books are from NCERT. If you have thoroughly studied NCERT books for Class 9, then you don’t have to follow any other book to clear the exam and also to build the foundation for higher studies. NCERT books for Class 9 are friendly and easy to understand, in case you don’t understand any chapter, you always have the option to revise with Robomate+.

Timetable for students of Class 9

 Students appearing for CBSE Class 9 Exams should study 6 hours a day. Make sure you dedicate the hours for study with full concentration. Home work should be completed on priority as it will give bad remarks to the students. After completing homework, students should give at least 1 to 1.5 hours to each subject daily. Here is a guide for subject wise study timetable

 Daily time table for students for CBSE Languages (1 hour every alternate day)

Languages will be comparatively easier to study. Dedicate an hour for language. And you can study languages on alternate days.

Daily time table for students for CBSE Maths (2 hours)

It is one of the difficult subjects for the study. Memorize the formulas and practice the solutions as many times as possible. Dedicate 2 hours for this subject on daily basis.

Daily time table for students for CBSE Science (1.5 hours)

Your science study time should be again divided and time should be allocated for biology, physics and chemistry individually. Science drawings and chemistry formulas should be practiced regularly.

 Daily time table for students for CBSE Social Studies (1.5 hours)

The subject of history and geography requires topics to be understood but there are dates and statistics to be remembered.

Study tips for Class 9 CBSE

 Each subject requires a definite approach; here are the tips for studying each subject.

Study tips for Class 9 CBSE Science

 Follow NCERT textbooks and understand the concept of Physics, Chemistry and Biology. These subject are all about definitions, experiments, equations, formulas and plants and animals. You should be thorough in drawings. Understand the physics theory and formulas to solve the problems. Watch Robomate+ videos of practicals to understand experiments.

 Study tips for Class 9 CBSE Maths

 The main topics of Maths are basic arithmetic, algebra, geometry and mensuration, probability, etc. These topics should be practiced as much as possible. The key to solve problems is to by-heart the formulas, understand the theorems, and practice as many times as possible. Maths can become your favorite subject with practice and dedication. Learn shortcuts to verify your solutions. Watch Robomate+ Demo Math Video.

Study tips for Class 9 CBSE Social studies

 Social studies have sub-subjects Geography, History, Economics and Civics. The topics in social studies should be read like a story, important dates and leaders should be studied, practice different locations in the map. Highlight the points to be remembered and make notes of it. This requires writing it yourself, which increases memory power. Watch Robomate+ Demo Video for Social Studies.

 Study tips for Class 9 CBSE Languages

 For the languages, English and Hindi/Sanskrit be strong in grammar and language concepts. Your textbooks are sufficient to follow and study. Practice for essay and letter writings. Watch Robomate+ Demo Video for Languages.

 Tips to score good marks in Class 9 CBSE

Scoring in Class 9 CBSE is very easy provided you study hard from the start of the year. A good preparation will help you to crack NTSE and Olympiads and also get a number of scholarships and prizes. Here are the tips to get good a score for CBSE Class 9 exams.

  • Complete the CBSE syllabus for class 9 as soon as possible
  • Attempt the questions which are available after each chapter to assess the understanding
  • Try to understand the concept of the topic; don’t just try to by heart it. If you know the concept, you can pen it down in your own words
  • Solve sample question papers after you finish studying syllabus
  • Be confident as you have studied well for the exams and have dedicated a complete year
  • Don’t stress yourself out
  • Dedicate time to entertain yourself, physical exercise including playing

It is definitely possible to change or modify your time table to have leisure and fun. In your leisure time you can play games, sports, watch TV, listen to music or go out for a walk. Make sure you have a proper study and leisure time balance. Take small breaks while studying. Don’t study for hours together as your absorption power will decrease with time. Last but not the least ‘Eat well and sleep well’!

Watch CBSE Class 9 Lectures

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