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Test Papers – State Board Commerce (XI-XII) 2017-04-18T04:54:26+00:00

State Board Commerce (XI-XII) - Test Papers

State Board Commerce (XI-XII) - Test Papers


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How to Support Your Child Before and During the Exams

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Exam time is near and many students have started studying for their exams specially the ones who are appearing for the boards. However, some students find it hard to sit down and study. This is usually due to anxiety which comes from expectations. These expectations may be their own, their parents – that is you, and their teachers. Their mind keeps wandering when they sit down and they become restless. They would rather do something else than sit down to study. This is where you as a parent will have to step in and handle the situation. Parents are instrumental in helping children succeed. Here are some Tips for parents before exams.

Taking Care of Health

No exam is worth more than the child’s health. Both Physical and Mental Health should be taken care of.

Physical Health.

One of the Tips for parents before exams is to Make sure your child is getting enough physical activity. These are the years when your child grows not only mentally, but physically as well. Introduce your child to yoga, routine jogging or any physical sport of his choice. One hour of physical activity is a must for your child.

Mental Health.

Discussion about current affairs or even a progress report about his studies will help in your child making a point to remember his updates and study objectively. Be genuinely interested in the answers and remember the answers for future reference. Your child should not believe that your questions are just for the sake of asking, but he should know you are really interested.

In case you want to get involved as a family you can remember these Tips for parents before exams. You can, as a family, play mental puzzle games and you can push in the school syllabus as source material for the questions. Your child may take interest in his school work to get higher points in the games.

Teach your child mnemonics and memory techniques to increase their memory retention. If you do not know how then there are enough programs on the internet.


One of the Tips for parents before exams is about performance. Your child is always doing something competitive that may not be directly related to the exam. He may be taking part in sports, school shows, quiz competitions or elocutions. Whatever the activity encourage your child nurture his interest. Similarly do not criticize his choice of favourite subject in the curriculum.

Bad performance

Do not overly criticize your child’s bad performance and failures. Teach your child that failure is not the end of the road and rather defeat is just a stepping stone to excellence.

Motivating good performance.

Rewarding good performance with bribes and incentives is usually motivates a child to perform better. A pat on the back without delay along with encouraging words also goes a long way for your child to try to perform better.

Revising for the exam

Assist with revision

Parental support in examination time is necessary. Help you child chart out a time table where other important activities such as physical and mental exercises are included with proper rest and studies. The time table can be made according to the examination schedule.

Sit with your child and revise questions that would probably be asked in the papers. Make yourself his sounding board and keep tabs on your child’s strong and weak points.

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Sitting Alone or in Groups

Some children learn better with groups and some are better off when they sit alone. Sometimes this characteristic may have to be recognized by you since hanging out with the group always seems attractive to children. In either case, you may have to allocate some space for your child to sit, where no one disturbs him when he studies. Parental support in examination by giving them physical and mental space is also helpful.

Group Studies

Group studies need to be supervised so that they don’t turn into fun time for children. Although they need breaks too. Here the group can be motivated to create games based on the lessons or you can brain storm some and suggest it to them. It may also happen that other parents would like the group to study in their own house sometimes, so you may allow the children to rotate the location of study. Any group should set one day a week to discuss difficulties at least for a certain amount of time. If not ask them to set one day for discussing difficulties where the child who knows or understands the subject better will help the weaker student.

Studying Alone

If your child likes to study alone you can buy him a study at home learning app which may help him clear doubts. In spite of all your help he may need to interact with classmates or other aspirants about doubts for which you may not have answers. Certain learning apps like Robomate+ do have a group interaction feature. If he feels the need to interact with his friends, set him up with a group and send him to the group on days the group has set for discussing difficulties.

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When the Exams are Going On

Helping your child during exams also includes asking about the days’ paper, but not lingering on the doubts he may have about it. Motivate him to move on to the next paper since there is nothing he or you can do about a paper that is done and finished.

These are some things that you can do towards helping your child through exams. You can make your own tweaks to the suggestions and definitely do more or less of what has been suggested. Remember helping your child succeed is your responsibility, but do not be too imposing. The idea is to help them and ease their burden not to push them towards success.

Best of luck to your child and you!

Tips to Balance Your Study and Play Time

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10 Tips to Help Your Children Get through the Exams

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Board Examinations challenge the sanity of the best of performers! By far, be it a top rank holder or a moderate performer; examination pressure piles to a magnitude he/she might not have very much anticipated. Most often, a little help from you can assist your child get back on track; and the sooner he/she does the better! Most of these assistances are rather ideological than having to sit down and solve a question bank or two.

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    1. Teach your child that failures are not the end of the road. There is never an end to the road unless he/she believes there is. Their struggles today shaped their future with experiences they would adore a few years ahead of time. Remind them that the world is abundant both in space and opportunities.
    2. Try to pat their backs and motivate them into working harder than their last attempt. Learning should not be portrayed as a task that is more of an obligation, rather, it should be put forth as a fun activity that engages your child into learning more and more.
    3. Never impose your views on your child! Let him/her feel and decide his/her passion, and live it! Your parental abilities are at their best when you assist your child in doing what they believe would be the best for them.
    4. Many children complain that their academic structure and/or subjects do not make much sense to them. In fact, they get so vexed by the “radio mode” of most subjects, they choose to cease from learning what they dearly consider their passion.
    5. Identify which subjects your child relates to as relevant and focus into nurturing his abilities at an early age.
    6. Cognitive abilities and depth of understanding are important when targeting the top ranks; help him/her improve it through meditation, sequential revisions and memory enhancing tasks.
    7. A monitored broader perspective always helps; introduce your child to the world of the internet, of course, with parental security on.
    8. Constantly introduce games and other engaging extracurricular activities; this ensures that learning never goes obsolete. At the end of the day, it is how well your child learns that matters rather than how quickly and how constructively.
    9. For a smarter and more engaging student, an affirmative mood is essential say researchers from around the world. Make sure your child sees life with optimism and exhibit positivity in his/her daily learnings. Ensure a better mental health, and the child would learn to restructure himself/herself with better pawns to take on the fight.
    10. Punishments cannot motivate your child to perform better while introspection can! Motivate him/her by talking about the need for education and what the end result owing to his/her performance would be.

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10 Best Career Options after 12th

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There are several career options after class 12; none of the courses mentioned herein are I the order of popularity. We insist that there is no hierarchy in the career one chooses for himself/herself; it is an account of the passion!


This career option is purely for those that opted PCB (Physics, Chemistry and Botany/Biology) in higher secondary; MBBS, BDS etc. are extremely important and crucial career options. A lot of effort and time has to be spent in front of your books to get through and as well sustain through the hectic schedules. However, like always, the fruit is delicious.


Engineering over the years has evolved into an all encapsulating field of study or career option that opens up the scope for a plethora of subjects. Students over the decades have consistently worked towards getting a seat in one of the two most reputed and prestigious institutions – IITs & NITs. To take up engineering as your career option, the student should have opted PCM (Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics) in their class 12.


Literature, Sociology, History, Psychology, Economics yadda yadda is highly regarded and opted courses wherein you get to research several fundamental subjects that run the planet the way we know it. After class 12, a bachelor in Arts degree can be taken up in one of the prestigious colleges in the country focusing on the subject you’re passionate about from a list of plenty.

Professional Course: (BSc)

A bachelor in science deals with an arena of subjects ranging from Electronic Media, Digital Art and technology, and Hospitality Studies to multimedia, mass communication and fashion technology. These courses are structured to immediately get into a job to move ahead with life and as well to create a base for further research in the particular field in the form of a Master’s degree.


The need for lawyers shall never go off demand! LLB is the most popular course amongst those opting laws while integrated courses are as well available.

Certificate in Accounting Technician:

ICAI – Institute of Chartered Accountants of India offers a certification for students that successfully gets through the Common Proficiency Test (CPT) post successful completion of secondary school.

Chartered Accountancy:

The Institute of Charted Accountants of India conducts a basic foundation course which can be taken up students that successfully pass their higher secondary examinations.


Have journalists ever not found anything to do? Never! Journalism and Mass communication courses can be opted by those inspiring to be a top notch journalist of their time.


The NATA examination heeds to architecture aspirants, and with the real estate market ever blooming, there is plenty of scope if you can play with designs. B. Arch can be taken up after successful completion of class 12.

Fashion designing:

From the Paris ramps to Victoria’s secret; the fashion industry has its roots penetrated deep into our societies. NIFT and NID offer brilliantly structures courses for fashion designing that would instantly promise a great career.

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The Right Career: 6 Questions To Help You Choose

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Choosing the right career is both crucial and important in today’s competitive and unforgiving society. The right career nurtures your innate abilities and reaches your life to the height you desire and deserve. While choosing your career after higher secondary ask these significant questions to never regret your decision!

Primarily, ask yourself and introspect upon – What is that one interest that keep you burning with a desire to accomplish it? How well-nurtured is the interest? To clear you out on the implications of the above mentioned, these questions would help you zero down on that exact profession that both suits you the best, and as well, keeps you engaged all along the time at work. In other words, this introspection would land you in a job you would not crib or rant about later in life.

What are your skills as such? How well can you exhibit them?

You need to create a checklist of all your skillset to arrive at the right career option. This would help you excel faster in your career as you already have traits that exhibit the required skills. Make sure you consistently address both your hard and soft skills. As a matter of fact, if you make this checklist earlier than the end of your higher secondary, you can work on soft skills corresponding to the hard skills you possess.

Will I get a job in the right career I choose?

Employment is essential for you to thrive! Make sure when you opt a career that offers less employment opportunities compared to the others in the market, you work on the skills that are exclusive for the profession. This would help you readily accept challenges and lead the competition, ensuring a worthy placement.

Also Read: 10 Best Career Options after 12th

Where do you intend to settle?

With a change in the landscape, a steep linguistic change is noticed; on similar lines, a very profound change in the profession and literature can be observed as well. Owing to the aforementioned, pay heed to where you intend to be. For example, the aerospace industry is not very well established in India; there a fewer opportunities as there are for a mechanical engineer while the industry is very well established in Germany and the United States. Make sure you make such analogies when you decide your career!

What scope do I have after this certification?

There is no point in being a sheep in an ignorant herd! Never take up a career in which you yourself cannot find a positive future. Look up the scope for the career you opt with a targeted focus on the aforementioned. Finally, understand your morals and ethics! To be clear on the point, if you are a leftist, do not swim in a right wing pond! Make sure you find the right career and prepare yourself with the required skill set for a brighter future.

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