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Test Papers – State Board Commerce (XI-XII) 2017-04-18T04:54:26+00:00

State Board Commerce (XI-XII) - Test Papers

State Board Commerce (XI-XII) - Test Papers

10th Std. New Syllabus 2018-2019 | Maharashtra Board | SSC | New Exam Pattern | Hindi Entire

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World Blood Donor Day

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Day: 14th June

Purpose: This day is celebrated to raise awareness about safe transfusion of blood and blood products and also to appreciate the donors for gifting a life to others.


Every year on 14th June, countries around the world celebrate World Blood Donor Day (WBDD). The event, established in 2004, serves to raise awareness of the need for safe blood and blood products, and to thank blood donors for their voluntary, life-saving gifts of blood.

World Blood Donor Day came into existence in 2004 and is one of the global public health campaigns recognized by WHO. Transfusion of blood and blood products helps in saving life of people suffering from life threatening disease condition and also helps in securing mother and newborn lives.

Blood is required both in emergency conditions and also in certain surgical interventions. Without adequate quantity of blood it is not possible for the patient to survive. This day is celebrated to make people understand the importance of donating blood.  Blood donation helps in improving the quality of life and also the survival rate of individuals in chronic disease condition. Supplying safe and adequate quantity of blood to the needy without involving any cost is a tough but not an impossible task. Many countries have achieved the national storage of blood and blood products but a few countries still depend on the family and paid donors for the blood products. It is very difficult to get adequate quantity and quality of blood in certain countries. Natural disasters have a severe impact on the health system of the region. The healthcare centers also get affected as it has to face lot many individuals with little or no supplies. The emergencies as a result of accidents or untimely surgical interventions increases necessity of the hour and meeting such situation requires adequate stored supplies.

The slogan for 2017 was “What can you do? Give blood. Give now. Give often”.

International Yoga Day

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Day: 21st June

Purpose: This day is celebrated to raise awareness about yoga and its benefits.


Yoga is an ancient practice which has its roots in India. The word ‘yoga’ comes from Sanskrit language and it means uniting of soul and body. Yoga has been recognized worldwide for health and spiritual development. It helps in physical, mental and spiritual development.  It helps in managing stress and anxiety. It also helps in increasing the muscle strength and various forms of yoga helps in having flexible body posture and tone. It helps individuals have control over body and mind and increases the level of consciousness. Yoga helps in attaining equilibrium between mind and body.

Owing to its popularity and proposal of Indian Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, United Nations has passed the resolution 69/131 to celebrate International Yoga Day. International Day of Yoga or Yoga Day came into existence since 2015. The day 21st June is selected as it has the longest day of the year. This day is especially important in Northern Hemisphere

Each year a theme is selected for celebration of Yoga Day. The celebrations of the day are organized by the Permanent Mission of India. On the day, many yoga experts join together for lectures and workshops. They guide people on doing yoga, and making people understand the importance of meditation for a healthy and peaceful life. Many organizations and NGOS provide Yoga attire, Yoga Mats and Caps to encourage people for Yoga. There will be competition and quiz about yoga, making the day more informative and interesting. Yoga day will start with group demonstration of Common Yoga Protocol (CYP). People can perform yoga on any time of the day morning, evening or night. But the time should be fixed and practiced regularly to get the beneficial effects.

Global Day of Parents

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Day: 1st June

Purpose: To appreciate parents for their efforts and commitment


This day is celebrated as per resolution A/RES/66/292 of 2012 UN General Assembly to honor parents across the globe. Global Day allows the children to appreciate their parents for their efforts and sacrifices. Parents nurture their children effortlessly and selflessly throughout their life to the best of its capacities. The UN General Assembly has realized the importance of the family and developed momentum to raise awareness of the international community. It has passed a number of resolution for International Year of the Family and the International Day of Families.

Parents play an important role in growth and development of child; they hold the primary responsibility of the child’s development in to a responsible adult individual. It is the duty of the parents to protect them and give them the best possible environment. The children should be grown in a happy and positive atmosphere which helps in developing them as an individual with good character. This day is to celebrate the efforts put forth by the parents.

Global Day of Parents is also the International Children’s Day, these events helps in the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals 1 to 5. It helps in providing healthy lives, reducing differentiating gap between males and females, education and health.2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development aims at removing poverty, social development and environmental protection. Families play an important role in upliftment of members, education and caring.

On the Global Day of Parents, parents, children, teachers, and family organizations come together to celebrate the day. The children can appreciate their parents for their selflessness and efforts. Come join hands to appreciate our parents and try to be better parents for our children. The day gives an opportunity to take inspiration to be good parents.

World No Tobacco Day (WNTD)

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Day: 31st May

Purpose: To raise awareness about the health risk of tobacco on individuals’ health


World No Tobacco Day is celebrated worldwide on 31st May. This day is celebrated to raise awareness among people about the health risk of tobacco. Tobacco consumption has caused death of 6 million deaths across the globe. Among these numbers 600,000 people are those who get affected by passive smoking, i.e. by inhaling smoke from a smoker. All the member states of WHO started observing World No Tobacco Day since 1987. This day has gained support by Government, health organizations, smokers, growers and at the same time there has been resistance from certain groups as well. But the momentum to reduce the consumption was never slowed and there has been steady speed in the individuals’ and organizations join World No Tobacco Day (WNTD)

WHO makes the day more interesting by selecting a theme and giving a global message. World No Tobacco Day (WNTD) is celebrated by avoiding tobacco for complete 24 hours; tobacco is not consumed in any form.

WHO themes are developed to neutralize the marketing strategies proposed by the tobacco producers. WNTD publishes the recent tobacco-related research and statistics. WHO develops the marketing material such as brochures, fliers, posters, websites, videos, podcasts and press releases.

WHO websites promotes the organization and the individuals to keep the website updated with the events and the achievements on their website which helps in increasing no tobacco awareness. The information can be seen on the website by country selection.

WHO has encourages organization and the individuals who contribute significantly towards a tobacco free society. These people work for reducing tobacco consumption. World No Tobacco Day Awards are given in the region Africa, Americas, Eastern Mediterranean, Europe, South-East Asia, and Western Pacific. Director-General Special Awards and Recognition Certificates are also given to people around the globe irrespective of territories.

World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development

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Day: 21stMay, It was first celebrated on 17 May 2006

Purpose: This day is celebrated to raise awareness about cultural importance and harmony.

Significance: “The World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development” is celebrated as international holiday to promote diversity across the globe and solve diversity issues.

The United Nations General Assembly has passed the Cultural Diversity day based on the resolution 57/249, November 2001. This day help communities understand the importance of cultural diversity and harmony in living together.

Reducing the cultural diversity gap is an urgent and important thing which needs immediate attention to attend peace and stability worldwide. The world needs improvement in their cultural development to avoid conflicts. It helps in emotional, moral and intellectual development. It helps in reducing the number of people living below the poverty line and achieves development. This day was founded in 2001 after destruction of the Buddha statues of Bamiyan in Afghanistan.

The cultural diversity can be promoted and gain recognition by the advanced method of promotion such as media and Information and Communications Technologies (ICTs). It helps in improving individual’s prospect towards understanding and respecting other cultures and civilization.

World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development helps in promoting goal of UNESCO Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions (October 2005) and provides benefits in cultural development

  • Helps in achieving sustainable governance
  • Helps in promotion of art and culture
  • Helps in development and promotion of cultural goods and services
  • Helps in promotion of human rights
  • Helps in understanding the fundamentals of freedom
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