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International Yoga Day

Day: 21st June

Purpose: This day is celebrated to raise awareness about yoga and its benefits.


Yoga is an ancient practice which has its roots in India. The word ‘yoga’ comes from Sanskrit language and it means uniting of soul and body. Yoga has been recognized worldwide for health and spiritual development. It helps in physical, mental and spiritual development.  It helps in managing stress and anxiety. It also helps in increasing the muscle strength and various forms of yoga helps in having flexible body posture and tone. It helps individuals have control over body and mind and increases the level of consciousness. Yoga helps in attaining equilibrium between mind and body.

Owing to its popularity and proposal of Indian Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, United Nations has passed the resolution 69/131 to celebrate International Yoga Day. International Day of Yoga or Yoga Day came into existence since 2015. The day 21st June is selected as it has the longest day of the year. This day is especially important in Northern Hemisphere

Each year a theme is selected for celebration of Yoga Day. The celebrations of the day are organized by the Permanent Mission of India. On the day, many yoga experts join together for lectures and workshops. They guide people on doing yoga, and making people understand the importance of meditation for a healthy and peaceful life. Many organizations and NGOS provide Yoga attire, Yoga Mats and Caps to encourage people for Yoga. There will be competition and quiz about yoga, making the day more informative and interesting. Yoga day will start with group demonstration of Common Yoga Protocol (CYP). People can perform yoga on any time of the day morning, evening or night. But the time should be fixed and practiced regularly to get the beneficial effects.

2018-05-30T15:20:01+00:00 Categories: Blog|Tags: |0 Comments
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