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CBSE Syllabus

CBSE Syllabus is the list of topics and subtopics to be covered in the course of study during an academic year. CBSE syllabus includes the summary and gist of content to be gone through during teaching and learning process in a particular grade or class. CBSE issues syllabus booklets for classes 9, 10, 11 and 12. This curriculum is revised every year. For classes 1-8, CBSE does not provide exact content in terms of syllabus but suggests some common components to be followed as given in NCF-2005 and guidelines issues by NCERT. CBSE syllabus for summative assessments, formative assessments and annual examinations with question paper pattern and scheme of examination is given here for free download.

It is important to know the syllabus before starting the preparation. So, keeping that in mind we provide an elaborate view of the syllabus along with an interesting article about each topic. This helps students to understand what the topic is about and gives them clear idea on what they are going to read.

Have a look at the CBSE syllabus below, read what all topics you have to cover from each lesson and start your preparation accordingly. Also, know the marking scheme for each topic and focus more on the topics which are allocated more marks.

Download latest CBSE syllabus and curriculum document in PDF format. Here are the download links for CBSE syllabus for current session :

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