Home/All Courses/CBSE/RD Sharma Class 11 Solutions – Maths Books You can Rely on

RD Sharma Class 11 Solutions – Maths Books You can Rely on

Looking for some reliable and high-quality textbooks? RD Sharma textbooks are the solution!

RD Sharma class 11 textbooks which are based on the latest syllabus of Central Board of Secondary Education, according to the CCE guidelines. The textbooks are designed for class 11 CBSE students.

Inside the RD Sharma class 11 solutions, all the questions in the textbook are explained in a detailed way so that the students will not only be able to find the answers, but also understand the concepts easily.

There are some features of RD Sharma Solutions for Class 11 as below:

  1. Detailed illustrations with solutions. As we know, illustrations help student to understand the concept of math problem they encounter, especially the abstract ones which are hard to find the case in real life.
  2. Brief summary consisting of formulas and concepts. To master a math subject, students not only have to understand the concept, but also have to do many exercises to be able to remember and develop the formula by themselves.
  3. An algorithmic approach to solve each problem. Help students to think mathematically and implement it in any case in their real life.
  4. Complete answers to all the questions in RD Sharma class 11 maths textbook. Providing the checking solutions to get the best answer.

RD Sharma class 11 solutions for all maths chapter is given in the table mentioned below.

Chapter Subject Chapter Subject
1 Sets 18 Binomial Theorem
2 Relations 19 Arithmetic Progressions
3 Functions 20 Geometric Progressions
4 Measurements of Angles 21 Some Special Series
5 Trigonometric Functions 22 Brief Review of Cartesian System of Rectangular Coordinates
6 Graphs of Trigonometric Functions 23 The Straight Lines
7 Trigonometric Ratios of Compound Angles 24 The Circle
8 Transformation Formulae 25 Parabola
9 Trigonometric Ratios of Multiple and Submultiple Angles 26 Ellipse
10 Sine and Cosine Formulae and Their Applications 27 Hyperbola
11 Trigonometric Equations 28 Introduction to 3D Coordinate Geometry
12 Mathematical Inductions 29 Limits
13 Complex Numbers 30 Derivative
14 Quadratic Equations 31 Mathematical Reasoning
15 Linear Inequations 32 Statistics
16 Permutations 33 Probability
17 Combinations


There are numerous important topics in class 11, which are all discussed inside the book in a detailed way. Students can get the complete solutions for all RD Sharma questions to prepare for their examination.

RD Sharma Class 12 Solutions

2018-05-08T08:42:43+00:00 Categories: CBSE|0 Comments
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