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CA IPCC Business Environment Module 8

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Dear students we continue with technological environment now technology and business are highly inter-related Technology influences the business operations like for an example kodak people they were not successful in changing the technology so they are not existing today but today all others like Canon Sony they are into digi-cams so they are still prevailing existing in the market and they continuously research on the technology upgrading products so they are able to survive so Technology influences business operations now factors to be considered in the technological environment are the prevalent technique of the technology as I already mentioned Kodak cameras no longer exist but they were the first company to come up with those rolls right and cameras with taking pictures still pictures but after they could not change the technology so they were thrown out of the market and today we have Sony, Canon leading in camera world, digi-cam world so that’s prevalent of technique or Technology the future technological needs as in your Google Glass Google car right which will be running only on directions been given or information been printed or typed or ordered been given so it’s really amazing the research and development needed and that’s the reason we are getting best of the best products all from developed countries and multinationals because they spend lot of money on research and development opportunities arising out of technological inventions

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