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CA IPCC Strategic Analysis Module 8

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Lets see the new module ADL matrix right, Arthur d’ little matrix is portfolio analysis method based on product life cycle. Two dimensional, industry maturity and firms competitive position and business right. Strength assessment, lets check here you can say stage of industry maturity, embryonic that is introduction, growth, mature and ageing out and competitive position, dominant right, so lets check for dominant, fast grow build barriers, act offensively, hold the position or all out push for share and under growth, fast grow, attend cost leadership, renew defend position, act offensively, hold position or share, under mature, dominant defend position, attend cost leadership, renew fast grow, act offensively, ageing, defend position, renew focus, consider or may be withdraw, now lets see strong position, differentiate fast grow attempt to improve position, differentiate lower cost attack small firms right attempt to improve position, lower cost focus, differentiate grow with industry, hold position with industry, find niche right hold niche harvest, hold position next favorable differentiate fast grow selective attempt to improve position, focus differentiate, attempt to improve position.

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2017-04-18T04:57:12+00:00 Categories: CA - IPCC Video Lecture|Tags: , , , |0 Comments
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