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Let us understand the rise of Islam in order to understand the rise of Islam you have to first understand the life of prophet Muhammad the prophet Muhammad by Paigamber was a founder of a Islam Paigamber is an Arabic word which means messenger prophet Muhammad was born in a corporation family in 571 A.D Qureshi is a name of a tribe the Qureshi family was a family dealing in trade it was a trading family the prophets grandfather was a chief of traders caravans. caravans means a group of people who travel together for safety remember students the Prophet lost his father before his birth and he lost his mother when he was hardly six years old he was there for brought up under the loving care off his grandfather the Prophet would often accompany his grandfather and his uncle on journeys he would see the religious beliefs and practices of the Arabs remember the Arabs worthy  nature worshippers they were worshiping the forces of nature they were idol worshippers and the Prophet did not associate himself with such kind of worship he would often retired himself in the caves of Mount Hira he would meditate and seek forgiveness from the north one night it so happened that he got a divine vision what is divine vision the part of sensing with eyes due to God’s grace to do god’s blessings at that point in time the Prophet was 40 years old he saw an Angel appearing right in front of him and the angel had brought the divine revelations the revolutions means disclosing something previously  unknown revealing something that was not known and this message for the revelation was brought by from angel Gabriel the Archangel means the chief of all the angles  now Archangel Gabriel had brought the message from God and what was a message the message was Allah is one the almighty and Prophet Muhammad is His paigamber the Prophet passed on this message to his followers and in this way Islam was borne  an anthology of the prophets sayings is called as HADIS what is anthology. anthology means collection of selected writings or short Stories let me give you an example of Hadis or Hadid one of the most beautiful quotation of the Prophet is that heaven lies at the feet of mother and father is the gate to heaven that means Islam advocate respect for parents the holy book of the Muslims is the Holy Quran which is originally in Arabic language and it has to be read by the Muslims this is a holy quran the followers of Islam are called Muslims or musalmans or Mohammedans the first four followers of Islam work that each other prophets Wife hazrat ali the Prophet son-in-law hazrat abu bakr the prophets friend and Zaid the prophets companion the word hazrat means respectable or honorable let us understand the migration of the Prophet orthodox  Arabs trouble the prophet and his followers orthodoxies  means the non-believers or the traditional Arabs they did not like the prophets commands and they were the ones who believed in idol worship so they started persecuting the profit they started troubling the Prophet prosecution here  means harassment the Prophet was then invited by his followers in Medina so the Prophet migrated from Mecca to Medina in 622 ad this historic event is called as Hijra  and you can see the migration on the map that is the places Mecca and Medina the Islamic calendar begins with Hijrat that is migration or journey

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