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Science Projects for Class 10

In India, class 10 is the most important year of schooling as it is the year where students give their common exam of whose grades is used for admission to higher grades. One of the important subjects is science which, if not taught properly will not help the children when they go to higher grades. What better way to teach science in a fun and easy way than through science experiments in physics, biology and chemistry! Experiments make science fun and easy to learn and understand. Experiments are the root of understanding because unlike other subjects, science is practical and useful for daily life and experiments show the practical approach and day to day working of the different theories in science. Here are some experiments which can be performed by 10th graders.

Acid tests:

Acid Test

This is one important experiment as almost all of the elements found in the earth is either and acid or a base. This can be tested in various ways one of which is using litmus paper. However, this is a scientific approach to the experiment and it cannot be used to determine naturally occurring acids. For example, rocks may contain calcium carbonate which is a base. It has already been proved that acid and bases react to form carbon di oxide gas and water. When rocks are submerged in vinegar, if they have any calcium carbonate, it will react with the acid in the vinegar and will fizz, producing bubbles, which are carbon di oxide bubbles.

Light and Vision:

Light and Vision

A pin hole camera is one of the basic experiments to understand light. This experiment involves taking a black box with a tiny hole through which light can enter. This will be the only point of entry for the light. As the light rays from the object you are looking at travel through the tiny hole, the image becomes inverted as light travels in straight lines. There are several experiments which can be performed to understand light but this is the most common and easy to understand.

Reaction of metals with acid:

Metals have many unique properties and some metals are more active than others. This hypothesis can be proved by making basic metals react with a strong acid such as Hydrochloric Acid. Hydrochloric Acid is one of the strongest acids and will yield better results when reacting with metal.


Experiments like these will help students have a clearer understanding of the science concepts they learn in their 10th grade.


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