CA Intermediate Course Details, Syllabus, Exam Dates for May 2020, Exam Pattern,Time Table, Eligibility Criteria

    2020-08-31T12:23:29+00:00 Categories: Blog, CA, CA INTER|Tags: , |

    What is CA Intermediate Exam?

    CA Intermediate is the second stage of the CA curriculum, after CA Foundation. This is for Class 12 Commerce students (HSC Commerce). If you’ve done your Bachelor of Commerce, then you can attempt CA Intermediate directly and skip the CA Foundation Exam.

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      Average Salary of a CA in India

      2018-10-23T07:46:13+00:00 Categories: Blog, CA|Tags: , , |

      CA, aka Chartered Accountancy is one of the most difficult courses in India. The difficulty level in passing the examination is on par with the competitive exams conducted by top management schools and B-schools. Being the most honored profession, that has immense scope, many think about the average salary of a CA in India.

      Many factors […]

        How to prepare for CA Foundation in 30 Days

        2018-07-11T07:46:00+00:00 Categories: Blog, CA CPT|

        Sailing through entrance exams for professional courses is never easy. It is more than just mere hard work, perseverance, dedication and sincerity which you need to keep going while preparing for CA CPT. Well, to put it in very simple words, clearing CA CPT is more of a smart work than hard work. After all, […]

          Things to keep in Mind While Preparing for the CA CPT Exam

          2018-05-30T15:27:16+00:00 Categories: Blog, CA CPT|Tags: |

          Preparing for CA CPT is indeed a tedious task. It is not easy to get in the study mode exactly after the board exams. Well, all you need to do is follow some simple strategies to be able to clear it in one go. It might not be as easy as it sounds. But, trust […]

            How to Prepare for CA IPCC in 30 Days

            2018-04-09T16:14:46+00:00 Categories: Blog, CA INTER|Tags: |

            CA is a tough nut to crack! In CA, consistency is the key to success! Although this applies to all exam preparations, CA IPCC preparation in 30 days is a challenging task. The CA IPCC syllabus is huge and you need to approach it meticulously and strategically.

            You need to […]

              ICAI Exam – Why students fail CA IPCC?

              2018-04-04T14:32:21+00:00 Categories: Blog, CA INTER|

              Many reasons contribute to a person not doing well in the ICAI Exam for IPCC. But one should not let the CA IPCC Result discourage you in any way. You are not the first one to fail but if you have decided to become a Chartered Accountant then you should keep on trying. The first […]

                CA Final Registration Procedure May & Nov 2018, Last Date & Fee Details

                2018-02-13T11:49:34+00:00 Categories: CA|

                Subsequent to clearing CA IPCC Both Group Exam, the applicant need to enroll himself to CA Final course. Here is how you can get the insights regarding how to enroll for CA Final Course. The details of fees payable, form submission, how and where to download CA Final enlistment Form May and Nov 2018 and […]

                  CA IPCC Syllabus May 2018 for Old Students

                  2018-08-10T09:12:10+00:00 Categories: Blog, CA INTER, Parents, Students|

                  CA IPCC Syllabus for May 2018 Amendments for Old Students

                  The Syllabus of CA IPCC changes every two attempts. Same is the case this time too. The CA IPCC Syllabus for May 2018 for Old Students will be different in few subjects when compared to the syllabus that was applicable for previous Exam.

                  Students registered under old […]

                    How to bесоme a Chаrtеrеd Aссоuntаnt in India

                    2018-03-12T10:12:58+00:00 Categories: Blog, CA CPT, CA INTER, Parents, Students|

                    Bесоme a Chаrtеrеd Accountant (CA) in India and ѕеt yourself uр tо thrivе in buѕinеѕѕ in different parts оf thе wоrld. It’s a highlу rеgаrdеd professional qualification with intеrnаtiоnаl rесоgnitiоn. CAѕ саn work in a widе range of еxсiting and сhаllеnging саrееrѕ. If уоu’d like to jоin their ranks, hеrе аrе thе ѕtерѕ:

                    CAѕ hаvе divеrѕе […]

                      Chаrtеrеd Aссоuntаnt Jobs In India – Scope and Options

                      2018-03-12T10:19:50+00:00 Categories: Blog, CA CPT, CA INTER, Parents, Students|Tags: |

                      Let’s find out the Scope and Options of Chartered Accountant Jobs in India. Chаrtеrеd accountants hаvе the рrivilеgе оf ѕhаring a tаѕk thаt builds to thе есоnоmiс ѕtаtе оf the glоbаl markets. Chartered ассоuntаntѕ in Indiа рlау a major role in minimizing еxреnѕеѕ whilе capitalizing on inсоmе sources аvаilаblе. They thеn have tо еnѕurе that […]

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