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Test Papers – State Board Commerce (XI-XII) 2017-04-18T04:54:26+00:00

State Board Commerce (XI-XII) - Test Papers

State Board Commerce (XI-XII) - Test Papers

Things you will miss about school when you go to college

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While college is all about freedom and excitement, school-life has its very own charms. Our school life is the longest stretch of our academic life. Other than your childhood bum-chums, here are a list of things that you would dearly miss when you leave school and join college.

Morning prayers

“Dear God, Thanks for another beautiful day and help me be positive throughout the day, Amen”. Usually, the short school prayers that are taught to us since our childhood tend to last in our memory forever! The morning prayer assembly that seemed to be a mandatory burden during school days, is what you will miss in college, believe it or not.

Lunch time

Lunch time in school was all about exchanging your lunch boxes to eat that yummy food of your best friend. Home-made lunch made our school time delicious. This will be especially absent for students who choose to study in colleges away from their hometown.


The play-time or recess is another major school-days hangover. The recess is one of the favorite periods of students in the entire weekly time table. The college playground will be nothing like your school playground since colleges do not include “recess” in your time table and it is only during your free time that you can make use of the playgrounds there.


While during school days, you always wished that you didn`t have to wear that dorky school uniform, you will miss this when in college. For one, the school uniform carries a lot of nostalgia with it and secondly you need to step up your closet significantly for your daily college wear (without the fear of repeating the same clothes too often)

PT period

Physical Training or Physical Education period in school might have seemed like a curse to you back then (especially when under the wrath of the hot sun), but it did help you keep fit. When college curriculum will leave you with no free time to include your exercise schedule, you will realize the importance of that infamous PT period when on a weighing scale!

Knowing everyone in class

School environment is more homely than the college one. Normally, every kid knows the entire class strength on a one-on-one basis and even the other section kids. However, college ambiance would seem more stand-offish than the school one. You are more likely to keep to your own formed group than knowing the entire class.

Teachers who actually knew your name

School teachers will always be special and more close to your heart than their college counterparts. College teachers usually are more formal and keep to their business when compared to the school teachers who knew every kid on a first-name-basis.

Taking a day off when sick and not worrying about it because parents did the worrying

Sick leaves were not even the remotest of the problems in school but colleges always fret about taking unwanted leaves and are very strict over dutiful attendance. If you do not have enough attendance in college you might have to pay penalty or you will not be allowed to attend the examinations. School just needed parent’s signatures in your diaries and that was it!

Birthdays of classmates

The sweets/chocolates distribution during birthdays in school can be rated as very special. This goes amiss in college where you are supposed to act all “grown-up” and not go distributing chocolates to everyone.

CBSE Class 10 Syllabus

By |Categories: CBSE|

CBSE Class 10th board exam being one of the milestones of your academic journey, determines your career decision of becoming an Engineer or a Doctor. We, at Robomateplus bring you closer to your goals by incorporating an effective way of learning by guiding you through preparation for IIT/JEE/Medicine along with your 11th and 12th exams.

Clear understanding of any subject such as Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics or Biology along with having a strong foundation will enable one to have a better grasp on these core subjects. And to do so, our faculty with their years of expertise provide the best study material along with strategic study plan to ensure your success at every single step of your learning journey.

To ensure that the students are able to develop their key concepts on various topics, Robomateplus has come up with CBSE Class 10 Math, Physics, Chemistry and Biology Syllabus which will help students grasp easily. A detailed structure of the CBSE Class 10 Syllabus has been given. Select the subject of your choice.

As Robomateplus believe in enriching your learning experience by incorporating  interactive ways of learning, we provide our students with video lectures consisting of animations and information graphics, providing them step by step explanation on subject related topics like solving problem, equations etc.

To keep up with your learning pace, our adaptive learning tool adapts itself with your aptitude and provides a detailed analysis of your progress. It also provides corrective ways to improve your knowledge on your weaker topics.

To imbibe an effective result oriented approach , we exercise one-on-one learning method, where every student is assigned a personalised mentor for academic guidance and doubt clearing sessions.

CBSE Class 9 Syllabus

By |Categories: CBSE|

Most of the students think of their dream career after Class 10th when they pick the stream they want to get in. But why not to decide in Class 9, when they already know what they want to be in future. There are several foundation-level topics in class CBSE Class 9 of Maths, Physics, Chemistry that we study further in greater details in class 10th. So, start building those concepts strong to live your dream career ideally.

It’s time to go for a depth study that helps in strengthening your foundation for various complex and important topics. And, what if you get all your concepts cleared in an interesting and interactive way.

To ensure that the students are able to develop their key concepts on various topics, Robomateplus has come up with CBSE Class 9 Math, Physics, Chemistry and Biology Syllabus which will help students grasp easily. A detailed structure of the CBSE Class 9 Syllabus has been given. Select the subject of your choice.

CBSE Syllabus for Class 9 Maths

CBSE Syllabus for Class 9 Biology

CBSE Syllabus for Class 9 Chemistry

CBSE Syllabus for Class 9 Physics

CBSE Syllabus for Class 9 Social Science

Syllabus of Class 9 CBSE English

Syllabus for Hindi Course B CBSE Class 9

Are you ruining your child’s career and life?

By |Categories: Blog, Parents|Tags: |

Parenting is no easy job and every parent would agree with that! You will never know what`s in store unless you become a parent yourself and then it`s all on-the-job training. Raising your child in the right way will make sure that he is entitled to a “good life” in future. However, given below is a list of things that parents do (knowingly or unknowingly), that may ruin their child`s self-esteem and future life.


There is nothing worse that comparing your child with other siblings, cousins, friends or even your neighbor`s child! Whether the comparison is done over grades or behavior, it always brings down your kid`s self-esteem to an extent that they start seeing themselves as incapable and worthless.


Putting too much pressure on your children over academic excellence can be harmful for their mental peace. It is not wrong to motivate and push your kids to get good grades but beware as to not cross that thin line between disciplined encouragement and excessive pressure. Parents need to realize their child`s capability and accordingly expect results from them.


Imposing your ideologies and career choices on you children and not catering to their interests does a lot of long-term damage on their careers. Parents usually think that they can take the right career choice for their kids without giving them the opportunity to explore their own choices. Again, there is a thin line between guiding them and imposing your ideas on them.


Constantly criticizing your children`s habits, grades or their lifestyle in general does no good in improving your child. This kind of attitude from the parent might instill “inferiority-complex” in the child. It is very important to praise your child from time to time and to encourage him/her to be a better human being.


Parents can get over-protective about their children and keep them completely shielded from adult responsibilities and realities. While such parents might think that they are doing the best for their child, this might prove to be a great set-back for their child`s future independence. It is important to make your child independent while simultaneously watching-over them!


Some parents tend to get too judgmental about their child. Judging your kid`s capabilities on their report card and demeaning their efforts can be detrimental to their over-all development. Parents should also never be judgmental about the career choice of their children as well.

Authoritarian rules

Setting too many rules and a strict upbringing does more harm than good to your child. Instilling fear in your child should not be the way of parenting at any age. Freedom of expression and healthy discussions should be the way to go.

IIT Entrance Exam To Go Completely Online From 2018: Official

By |Categories: Blog, JEE|

This is an important news for all the aspiring IIT candidates. The Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) entrance examination will be a complete online affair from next year, that is, 2018. This step has been taken by the Joint Admission Board (JAB) on Sunday (in their meeting conducted at Chennai) to make logistics and evaluations more easy and less time consuming. The JAB, is the residing body that makes policies on IIT admissions in India.

The students need to take up the online examination at pre-designated centers henceforth. The questionnaire is to be answered on a computer from 2018 as opposed to the optical mark reading (OMR) sheets that were to be filled-in by pen or pencil, till date.

Director of IIT-Madras, and residing Chairman of JAB 2017, Professor Bhaskar Ramamurthi said, “The JEE (Advanced) exam will be conducted online from 2018 onwards as per the joint decision of the board. JAB shall provide further information related to the examination in due course.”

“Logistics and evaluations will become easier with this decision that was taken today for the JEE-Advanced,” said a JAB member. The member also added that, ” This concept was in discussion for many years but adequate infrastructure was essential to switch the exam into online mode.”

Earlier, the Human Resource Development ministry had introduced the possible option of taking-up the JEE-Mains in the online mode.

The JEE-Mains is the entrance examination that is to be taken for admission into various engineering courses that are offered throughout the country with a subsequent qualifying exam called JEE-Advanced, to get a seat in the IITs and NITs. Around thirteen lakh students appeared for the JEE-Mains exam this year, with less than 10% of them choosing to go online. Around two lakhs of the total candidates qualified to write the JEE-Advanced exam.

Can I change my stream because I am feeling uncomfortable with my career choice

By |Categories: Blog, Parents, Students|Tags: , |

Choosing a specific stream to study during your college or high school has a lot of long-term consequences. When you decide to go a specific way in your academics, you narrow down your path towards a specific line of career as well. Thus, students should wisely choose their subjects and streams with a futuristic perspective.

In your teenage life, most of your decisions are governed by your parents and elders in the family who are more experienced and hence take it upon themselves to provide guidance to the children. However, a student should also put forward his or her point of view when choosing their future career path. Many times, the reason for choosing certain careers is due to the following:

  • Parents’ pressure: Children tend to blindly follow their parent`s choice and is scared to oppose them.
  • Peer pressure: They succumb to peer pressure and take the path that their friends choose for them.
  • Following the latest trend: Students and their parents also tend to choose the career path that is trending at the time. Sometimes not realizing that the trend may fizzle out by the time the student steps out of college.
  • Looking for a lucrative career: Students also see the career opportunities in a certain field as lucrative and decide to go that way even if their interest lies elsewhere.

Why would I change my stream or subject?

The very first step to making a career choice should be asking certain mandatory questions to yourself. You need to be clear in your head about what you want to do with your life. You should also ask yourself if you are good at what you are learning or want to learn. Another important question to ask yourself in case you are feeling uncomfortable in your current choice is if you are running away from the career choice simply because it looks like a lot of hard work. You should have all these aspects sorted in your head. You don’t need to jump into another field just because another career sounds lucrative or maybe another career is trending now.

Look for help.

Well, if you were not wise enough to make a good judgement while choosing your career stream at the start, then it is never too late to change. If the confusion is still not clear you can visit a career counselor to help you out. However, remember career counselors are just to show you different options to choose from and to help you figure out your interest (there are certain psychometric tests that can help you learn about yourself). However, counselors cannot tell you what you should do. That can be done only by you and only you!

Sit down and plan.

Once you have decided to change your career stream, the next step would be to plan how to change. You can begin by making a list of your likes and dislikes in your present academic field. Then carefully pick the topics of your interest and list your strengths and weaknesses in them. Next, set down your principles as to how you would like to approach a change in your life. Talking to people will also help you, especially people who have experienced such a switch themselves and can guide you along yours.

Always remember, “It is never too late” to make a switch in your career stream and this will save you a lot of regrets later!

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