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Test Papers – State Board Commerce (XI-XII) 2017-04-18T04:54:26+00:00

State Board Commerce (XI-XII) - Test Papers

State Board Commerce (XI-XII) - Test Papers

World Teachers’ Day – Who Was Your Most Inspiring Teacher?

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Since 1994, World Teacher’s Day is celebrated on 5th October, every year. The purpose of celebrating this day is to support teachers and to ensure that they will continue to meet the requirements of the future generation. As per UNESCO, World Teachers’ Day signifies a noteworthy token of the understanding, awareness, and appreciation displayed for the crucial contributions of teachers in the field of development and education.

After parents, teachers are the one who shape your personality and teach you all good and bad of life. No matter where you are from, what qualities you have; they never discriminate their students and bestow them with equal knowledge so that students will climb the ladder of success effortlessly. I truly believe that the influence of a good teacher can never be erased. What I am today is because of my teachers who have worked hard to guide me.

I am an introvert by nature. Interacting with fellow students and making friends was never my hobby. I like to observe things first before giving any reaction to them. You can imagine how difficult it was for me to get queries resolved. I remembered clearly, there were only one or two occasions when I actually managed to get up and ask for an answer to my problem. I was scared to face the world. I aspired to give at least one stage performance, but my stage fear never lets me do the same.

While I was struggling hard in 6th standard, a new class teacher was appointed for our section.

At the first meeting, she appeared as any other teacher. With time, her patience, her kindness, her incredible skills to make the things easy to understand and learn, attracted me towards her. I have never enjoyed learning as much I did in her class.

I can still remember her face and name. Her name: Malini Das. She taught us English. Though I was not good at English, her presence and teaching skills got me hooked to her class.

I remember, one of those precious moments, when I learned a lesson of life. She called me to the staff room and asked to enter my name in a group song performance. I was excited inside but I was too conscious about what people thought of me. Will I be able to perform well? And there was the stage fear. The decision was too hard for me to take.

But she urged me to make a decision.

She said,
Even if you’re the sweetest of all mangoes, there will always be people who prefer strawberries. So, stop trying to fit in. Appreciate yourself. You are the one and only. Learn to stand out. And never forget that you have all the strength to do whatever you want”

Her lines motivated me to give it a shot. With some nervousness and uncertainty, I applied for the performance. That was my first stage performance, I don’t know whether I performed well or not. But my stage fear was gone forever.

According to Joyee Meyer- Teachers can change a life with just a right mix of chalk and challenges. This is what exactly happened in my life. My teacher’s presence not only helped me but also inspired me to do better in life.

My thoughts, my personality, the way I talk have been completely changed. I made friends, not for a while, but for a lifetime.

Sometimes, I wonder what if she were not there to guide me. Maybe I wouldn’t have been able to face the world ever or maybe I would have remained confined to my room forever.

At last, I can only say that
Gurur Brahmaa Gurur Vishnu, Gurur Devo Maheshwarah
Guru Saakshaata Parabrahma, Tasmai Shri Guruve Namah”

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Why we celebrate Teacher’s Day on 5th September.

Teacher’s Day- A Special Thanks to My Teachers

Teacher’s Day: The Privilege & Responsibility of A Teacher.

Teachers’ Day: Tips to make the Day Special

Teacher’s Day- A Special Thanks to My Teachers

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In the hustle and bustle of life, teachers forget the impact that they leave on our personality. They keep on giving their best, without skipping any moment, to help us and to guide us. Their teaching remains with us for our entire life and helps us to grow and progress consistently. After completing our education, we hardly get a chance to show our respect towards their efforts. So, teacher’s day is the best occasion to let them know how much they mean to us.

Here, I would like to thank my all teachers who have strived hard to make us better people by guiding us, by empowering us with the best knowledge, so that we can move ahead in life and by making us aware about what’s good and what’s bad.

Thank you to all our teachers. Parents bring the child to this vast and intricate world, but you are the ones who shape us, mould us to become a human being with tons of strength and capability so that we can stand high in all our ups and downs of life.

No matter which field we choose, what we aspire to be, your guidance will always be with us and will help in achieving our goals. Words are not enough to elaborate your efforts.

For students, including me, you are an Inspiration, Empowering, Engaging and much more. As an educator, it may be your profession to enhance my knowledge in academics. However, you have always appreciated my uniqueness and strengths instead of considering me just a knowledge gainer and student. You develop an environment where we as students share our contribution but always appreciated our little efforts. You are much more than just teachers. Hence, I would like to thank you from the core on my heart.

Thank you for being in my life. Thanks for showering your knowledge. Thanks for guiding us. Thanks for making us a better citizen. May you inspire others as well to achieve the kindness and greatness you have.

With gratitude,

Radhika Awasthi


Related Post:

Why we celebrate Teacher’s Day on 5th September.

World Teachers’ Day – Who Was Your Most Inspiring Teacher?

Teacher’s Day: The Privilege & Responsibility of A Teacher.

Teachers’ Day: Tips to make the Day Special

Teacher’s Day: The Privilege & Responsibility of A Teacher.

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In Indian culture, teachers are considered as god, as they play a significant role in developing the future of India and to assure that we quote- “acharya devo bhava”. Teaching, the profession that is considered above all, as it builds other professions. Good Teachers are the assets to a country without which, imagining the growth and progress of any nation is worthless.

With the advancement of technology and increasing involvement of internet in one’s life, parents of the current generation of students don’t give ample value to teachers. The fact is that, the need of an ideal teacher in the current era has been increased several folds. There is no doubt that information is easily available nowadays, but information on the moral ethics and values can’t be attained without teachers. Along with the easy access to all information, the burden to identify the correct details has been amplified that leads to the requirement of a good teacher who can guide them

In a fast moving life where both the parents are working, a guide or a mentor who can teach the children what is beneficial for them and what’s not is most necessary. A teacher is the only one who selflessly devotes her life in creating a shining future for the nation.

On the other hand, it is necessary for teachers to keep updated with the latest trends of education. They should understand their importance in society. They play a significant role in creating pillars of our nation’s future. It is not necessary that they hold a Ph.D. degree, but being aware of their responsibility and privileges is a must.

A job of a teacher is to inspire students to be good human beings rather than offering bookish knowledge. With time, the responsibility of teachers has changed a lot. Students seek role models in teachers who inspire them, guide them and help them in dealing all ups and downs of the life. Any human action is noteworthy only if we are able to touch another life. Teachers have this tremendous privilege through which they can actually form another life. When such a privilege is in someone’s hands, it is necessary that the highest inspiration and integrity and the highest calibre of minds goes hand in hand with that privilege.

Related Post:

Why we celebrate Teacher’s Day on 5th September.

World Teachers’ Day – Who Was Your Most Inspiring Teacher?

Teacher’s Day- A Special Thanks to My Teachers

Teachers’ Day: Tips to make the Day Special

Teachers’ Day: Tips to make the Day Special

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Considering the contribution of teachers in shaping our society and building a better future of any nation, Teacher’s day is celebrated around the world. The customs and celebration methods can be different but the motive remains the same i.e. giving honor to teachers. In India, we celebrate the day on 5th of September.
Teachers play several roles in our life such as guides, mentors, friends, helpers, and much more. So, something special should be planned. Are you ready with your piece of surprise or still planning one? Don’t worry, we have listed some tips and ideas to celebrate this special day. This article will help you in executing a special surprise. So, let’s check out what you can do-

Decoration – The very first must do is decoration. Without soothing flowers and colorful decorations, all celebrations are incomplete. Make charts, clean the classrooms and decorate them with nice flowers. Your teachers will surely like these small efforts.

Speak It Up– It is the good time to do something productive. Thank your teachers with a beautiful speech. Words work better than anything else especially if they are written with feeling. Every student has had some good experiences, share experiences.

Painting– Are you good at coloring? There should not be any confusion or doubt. Place your canvas and start to portray your gratitude and appreciation.

Stage Performances– Organise short stage performances for teachers such as dance competitions, singing performances, mimicry, poem recitations and much more. Let them enjoy the day to the fullest.

Small Games– You can plan some interesting games for teachers on this occasion to fill the environment with fun. Arrange indoor or outdoor games for teachers, whichever is convenient and give them relief from the hectic teaching schedule.

Giving Thanks– Remember, we celebrate this day to express our gratitude. So, show them how much their efforts are appreciated. Never skip any moment to show your respect.

Honouring Teacher– Write titles like- Best Teacher, Inspirational Teacher and more. Honour your teachers and award them with the best titles which should match their roles in the organization. To show admiration, awarding teachers with gratitude of their effort is the best thing to do.

Always bear in mind that teachers are like our parents. Your efforts and hearty gratitude is enough to impress them. Spending tons of money on precious gifts is not the way to get appreciation. So if you want to thank your teachers then you could try the above mentioned small tips and tricks to impress them.


Related Post:

Why we celebrate Teacher’s Day on 5th September.

World Teachers’ Day – Who Was Your Most Inspiring Teacher?

Teacher’s Day- A Special Thanks to My Teachers

Teacher’s Day: The Privilege & Responsibility of A Teacher.


Why we celebrate Teacher’s Day on 5th September.

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Regardless of the color, country or caste, teachers bestow equal knowledge to their students. They play a special role in everyone’s life. Hence, to show our gratitude towards them, we celebrate Teacher’s day, every year.

In India, the Teacher’s Day is celebrated on 5th September. On this day, students appreciate the contribution of teachers to the society by hosting a small function.

Now, you must be curious to know, why 5th September?
We celebrate this day in the memory of Late Sh. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, who was elected as the first Vice President of India in 1952 and then the second President of India in 1962. He was one of India’s most famed scholars of comparative religion and philosophy in twentieth-century.

He believed that “teachers should be the best minds in the country”.
When he was the President of India, some of his friends and students requested him to permit them to celebrate his birthday, on 5 September.He replied,

“Instead of celebrating my birthday, it would be my proud privilege if September 5th is observed as Teachers’ Day.”
Considering the wish of Radhakrishnan, his birthday has been celebrated as Teachers’ Day in India since.

By the 1960s, India surprised its critics by establishing the world’s largest democracy. There was a need to honor teachers who played a magnificent role in the Independence of India. Dr Radhakrishnan, one of the most influential philosophers of Modern India, realized the significance of teachers in development of nation and highlighted the same in most of his works

The mentioned quotes from the book “Political Thinkers of Modern India” describes how he related the democratic success with the teachers and quality of education. Several such examples can be found where Dr Radhakrishnan epitomized the various qualities of a perfect teacher throughout his life as a Professor, Scholar, Philosopher, Visionary, Statesman, Political Mentor and the President of India.


Related Post:

World Teachers’ Day – Who Was Your Most Inspiring Teacher?

Teacher’s Day- A Special Thanks to My Teachers

Teacher’s Day: The Privilege & Responsibility of A Teacher.

Teachers’ Day: Tips to make the Day Special



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Hello Students, I am Sarita, and, you and me today will study all about the plants. In studying the plants in module 1, will study about the tissues the plant tissues and students before we can go to the study of the tissues we need to study 2 terms that is why we need to study about the tissues and where are we studying about the tissues, look at that histology is the branch of biology where we study all about the tissues and why do we study about the tissues exactly to study about the internal structure and that is anatomy. The branch of biology that deals with the study of the internal structures with that the whole concept of plant tissues originated with work of the pioneers Nehemiah Grew as well as Marcello Malpighi of whom Nehemiah Grew later was called the father of plant anatomy and this rightly a 1mark question awfully asked in the boards students, who is the father of plant anatomy? And that’s Nehemiah Grew. Now what are plant tissues, there are group of cells or aggregation of cells which perform a common function and they have a common origin. Plant tissues basically can be classified into two types based upon the capacity to divide or not and are been classified as Maristem. Maristem which are those cells, which have the capacity to divide and again observe that students it’s a 1 mark question awfully asked in the board. So Maristem are those tissues which are capable of dividing have the capacity to divide they are constantly undergoing division. They had no other work other than dividing. The second group of tissues called them as permanent tissues and these are tissues which have stopped dividing or incapable of division and they are assigned with a particular function to take part in the plant body. Here we go on now. Before we study very clearly about the tissues, let us study 2 more terms one of them is differentiation. Now differentiation is refer students cells that is Meristematic tissues becoming assigned as a function that is less specialize cells become more specialized cells in order to perform a function, observe there Meristerms get themselves differentiated to give rise to Pyrencyma which a permanent tissue, observe that Meristems differentiate to become a permanent tissue. So they are form permanent tissues which are performing a function. I move on to the next term that is Dedefferentiation, now this reverse of differentiation, differentiated cells revert back to the dividing stage that means pyrencyma which is a permanent tissue becomes now a Meristematic in nature, look at that Meristerms permanent tissues divide or Dedefferentiate to become Meristerms that is permanent tissues which are assigned with the function, now start dividing and awfully happens in last trees for increase of growth, Thank You.

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