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World Teachers’ Day – Who Was Your Most Inspiring Teacher?

Since 1994, World Teacher’s Day is celebrated on 5th October, every year. The purpose of celebrating this day is to support teachers and to ensure that they will continue to meet the requirements of the future generation. As per UNESCO, World Teachers’ Day signifies a noteworthy token of the understanding, awareness, and appreciation displayed for the crucial contributions of teachers in the field of development and education.

After parents, teachers are the one who shape your personality and teach you all good and bad of life. No matter where you are from, what qualities you have; they never discriminate their students and bestow them with equal knowledge so that students will climb the ladder of success effortlessly. I truly believe that the influence of a good teacher can never be erased. What I am today is because of my teachers who have worked hard to guide me.

I am an introvert by nature. Interacting with fellow students and making friends was never my hobby. I like to observe things first before giving any reaction to them. You can imagine how difficult it was for me to get queries resolved. I remembered clearly, there were only one or two occasions when I actually managed to get up and ask for an answer to my problem. I was scared to face the world. I aspired to give at least one stage performance, but my stage fear never lets me do the same.

While I was struggling hard in 6th standard, a new class teacher was appointed for our section.

At the first meeting, she appeared as any other teacher. With time, her patience, her kindness, her incredible skills to make the things easy to understand and learn, attracted me towards her. I have never enjoyed learning as much I did in her class.

I can still remember her face and name. Her name: Malini Das. She taught us English. Though I was not good at English, her presence and teaching skills got me hooked to her class.

I remember, one of those precious moments, when I learned a lesson of life. She called me to the staff room and asked to enter my name in a group song performance. I was excited inside but I was too conscious about what people thought of me. Will I be able to perform well? And there was the stage fear. The decision was too hard for me to take.

But she urged me to make a decision.

She said,
Even if you’re the sweetest of all mangoes, there will always be people who prefer strawberries. So, stop trying to fit in. Appreciate yourself. You are the one and only. Learn to stand out. And never forget that you have all the strength to do whatever you want”

Her lines motivated me to give it a shot. With some nervousness and uncertainty, I applied for the performance. That was my first stage performance, I don’t know whether I performed well or not. But my stage fear was gone forever.

According to Joyee Meyer- Teachers can change a life with just a right mix of chalk and challenges. This is what exactly happened in my life. My teacher’s presence not only helped me but also inspired me to do better in life.

My thoughts, my personality, the way I talk have been completely changed. I made friends, not for a while, but for a lifetime.

Sometimes, I wonder what if she were not there to guide me. Maybe I wouldn’t have been able to face the world ever or maybe I would have remained confined to my room forever.

At last, I can only say that
Gurur Brahmaa Gurur Vishnu, Gurur Devo Maheshwarah
Guru Saakshaata Parabrahma, Tasmai Shri Guruve Namah”

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Why we celebrate Teacher’s Day on 5th September.

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2017-09-05T07:38:41+00:00 Categories: Blog|Tags: , |0 Comments
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