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NEET & AIIMS 11th PCB Biology-Control and Co-ordination-Nervous Demo Videos

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Hello students, so in this module we will be dealing with Hindbrain or Rhombencephalon. And in Hindbrain we will be taking care of Cerebellum in this module.

Now, first let’s see where is your Hindbrain? That’s your Hindbrain. It comprises of three parts. The first part is called as Cerebellum. Right ahead is Pons, the second part of Hindbrain. Below Pons is the last part called as Medulla Bblongata.

In this module, students, we will be talking only about Cerebellum. Now Cerebellum is this structure, students. So where is it present in your brain? This is the side view of the brain. So, Cerebellum is present right below Occipital lobe or you can also say it is present behind the Medulla. Now, let’s see what is the structure of Cerebellum, how does it look like externally as well as internally? Externally it has got two lateral lobes which are known as cerebellar hemispheres and right in between is a worm like lobe which is known the Vermis, the median lobe is called as Vermis. Now, Cerebellum, students, it comprises of 11% of the total brain weight. This is the second largest part of the brain. And which is the largest part of the brain, that being Cerebrum. Cerebellum, students, outside has got folds which are known as Folia.

Cerebellum, let’s see how it looks inside when we cut this section of Cerebellum. It looks like this. These are two halves of the cerebellum. Now, what are these two halves? The outer peripheral region is known as Cerebellar Cortex and it is made up of grey matter, whereas inner called as Cerebellar Medulla, is made up of white matter. But white matter in this structure as you can see, students, is in the form of a branching tree like structure and that branching tree like structure is called as Arbor Vitae known as tree of life. Arbor Vitae an important structure. Let’s see, how it actually in real brain looks like? It looks like this, this is Arbor Vitae the internal structure, the white matter of Cerebellum.

Students, what is the function of Cerebellum? Important functions which are co-ordination of voluntary muscles, also maintaining your equilibrium.  That means what? That means it helps develop motor skills, the movement like walking or even finer skills like knitting. Now, there is a very well trained Cerebellum in this picture. Let’s observe, now you can see the co-ordination of voluntary muscles and maintaining equilibrium through beautifully trained Cerebellum in here.

Cerebellum, students, is highly sensitive to alcohol. Alcohol makes a person to lose the two important functions of cerebellum, co-ordination of muscular movements and loss of equilibrium. So, when Cerebellum is affected by alcohol. This is the impact of alcohol on Cerebellum, loss of equilibrium and co-ordination of muscles. In law it’s a criminal offence to be driving under the influence of alcohol.

So, in this module, students, we took care of Cerebellum. Next module we will be studying Pons Varolii as well as Medulla Oblongata. Till then take care.

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