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Evolution of CET

Attend a Special CPLC Workshop on ‘Changes in MBA-CET paper pattern and it’s implications on Test-taking’ on Sat, 5-Mar from 4.00-7.00 p.m. at WeSchool, Matunga Central. FREE Video Lectures of Visual Reasoning questions from Actual CET and 2 MockCET papers in the new format for everyone attending the Workshop.


The Maharashtra MBA CET has been the exam of choice for aspirants looking to secure admission in MBA/MMS within the state. MAH MBA/MMS CET is a state level MBA entrance exam for Maharashtra. This test is conducted by DTE (Directorate of Technical Education) Maharashtra for admissions in Management Programs provided by various institutes.
The evolution of the MBA CET can thus be divided into three phases till date:

Pre 2011:
The MBA CET was a paper pencil test, with an OMR sheet being used to record the answers given by the candidates, there were no sections dividing questions into types, and thus the paper was a jumble of 200 questions pertaining to either Verbal, Quant, DI or Logical Reasoning, and the dominant question type in the MBA CET was always Logical reasoning. Further, the MAH MBA CET was one of the few exams that employed the use of Visual Reasoning, Spatial Reasoning etc. as question types which were often found to be very challenging by students.

CET 2011-12:
The year could be considered a landmark in the evolution of the CET as it saw a major change in the type of questions asked in the exam. But the format of the question paper, the method of administering the test, and the CAP rounds for selection into colleges remained unchanged. The distribution of topics in the question paper and the difficulty level of certain topics like VR and AR saw a change in this year. Some say it was the toughest CET ever to be held, with the average score of students dipping and the cut offs for various institutions also decreasing.

CET 2014-15:
This (2013) was the first year in which the MAH MBA CET went online from a paper pencil test. Candidates were allotted regional colleges or computer labs as the examination centre. The question paper format remained unchanged, as did the general rules and regulations for taking the examination. Candidates were presented with a portal containing 200 questions, in random order, navigation between questions and selection/flagging of an option was similar to what most centralized examination portals had to offer. It was not divided into any sections, candidates could switch to any question at any time. There were total 200 questions and time given is 2.5 hours i.e. 150 Minutes, without any question-specific timing. Number of questions for any subject/topic is not predetermined. The paper is totally jumbled up. While this did reduce the speed of the test takers, the CET nevertheless remained a test that demanded high speed and accuracy on behalf of the aspirant. Also, in this year, the GD-PI stage was eliminated entirely from the scenario and admission into colleges was provided purely on the basis of the CET score of the candidate.

CET 2016:
This year of the MAH MBA CET is poised to witness even more changes in the GUI, both in the format of the question paper, and in the number of questions in each type. It promises to make the test more organised by providing sections for different types. However, the candidates are give the freedom to move between the Sections (provided as tabs and called ‘tests’) while adhering to the normal blend of questions asked in the examination.

2017-04-18T04:58:39+00:00 Categories: Blog|Tags: , , |0 Comments
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