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How important are NCERT Books in IIT JEE Main & Advanced preparation?

How important are NCERT books in the preparation for JEE? JEE Main & Advanced

Shubham Goel, AIR 6 (IIT JEE Advanced 2014)

I feel that the NCERT books are good, but whether they are relevant for JEE Advanced depends upon the subject we are looking at. So for chemistry in general – including inorganic chemistry, I think the NCERT books are really wonderful. Initially I used to think that NCERT books are not nice, but one day one of my chemistry teachers, an inorganic chemistry teacher showed me the NCERT book for inorganic chemistry. I think it was a chapter on p block. He also showed me an IIT JEE paper and I think it was just 2-3 years old. And like there was a direct correlation between the content in the book and what was asked in the paper. By direct correlation I mean that an entire passage had just been picked up from the book and put in the paper with a few words and lines omitted.

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So NCERT’s are extremely important. Because, they not only cover everything, but they are also very concise and dense. So for a person running short on time and wants to cover anything without reading a whole ton of books. I think NCERT is perfect to go for especially for chemistry, and not Math and Physics.

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