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SWOT analysis of your AIIMS Preparations

AIIMS is one of the leading medical institutions in India and across the globe. Students have to really work hard for AIIMS preparation. Students who aim to write AIIMS exam should have thoroughly studied Class 11 NCERT books and Class 12 NCERT books. These books are sufficient to clear the examination, and make sure you practice a number of mock tests. SWOT analysis is an easy way to understand your level of preparation for AIIMS. SWOT which stands for strength, weakness, opportunities and threats help you in guiding the subjects and topic which require more attention for AIIMS preparation.

AIIMS examination is about 4 subjects Botany, Zoology, Physics, Chemistry and General Knowledge. Concentrate on main subjects to score well and general knowledge questions can be answered easily if you have some knowledge on current affairs and happenings around the globe.

The candidate should prepare an analysis report subject wise and also chapter. A detailed analysis report in the form of tables will give a clear idea of subject or topic which requires you to give more time and attention. Nothing is impossible with hard work – your weaknesses can turn into your strength. The only need is to identify them and work on them with full concentration and dedication to achieve the target.

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SWOT Analysis:

Strengths: Certain subjects you may find it easy to understand and study. The subjects and topics which you can answer confidently and there is no chance of going wrong, such subjects and topics are your strengths. You need only revision of such subject or topic to have hold over it. Strengths are your scoring topics or subjects in which you are confident of being correct.

Weakness: You are not confident of answering these subjects correctly. Many students may find solving Physics and Chemistry questions a little difficult. Make a list of topics which you find difficult to study and practice. Dedicate more time in solving those topics. Weaknesses can be converted into strengths provided you aim to overcome them. Solve AIIMS Entrance Previous Years’ Question Papers and work on more questions which can be expected in the upcoming AIIMS Exam.

Opportunities: These are the topics or subjects which you are not confident of answering partly. You just need to practice more on these topics. Work hard and develop confidence to answer these questions correctly. Opportunities can play a very important role in AIIMS Preparation.

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Threats: These are the subjects or topics which you find difficult to answer correctly. One of the reasons for incorrect answering can be lack of understanding of the subject after repeated attempts or you might not have given sufficient time to study this topic. Whatever is the case, try to do group studies or go for private tuitions for the topics which require more attention and dedication.

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