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    CAT 2017: How To Prepare In 150 Days

    CAT is a solution for all aspiring students who dream of bagging the MBA degree in the top ranking B-schools of India. It is through CAT that the prestigious institutes like IIMs will open their doors for you. CAT cannot be categorized under the “tough” category but is nevertheless a tricky to ace. Careful strategic planning is required to get that dream percentile in CAT.

    CAT 2017 will be held in the very first week of December in 2017, as predicted from last year`s schedule. This means aspirants have hardly 150 days for their preparation time. This time should be enough for your preparation, if you have a plan of action ready. Haphazard studies will not get you anywhere after all. This blog will help you prepare a preparation strategy if you have just begun your studying for CAT 2017.

    CAT 2017 Preparation in 150 Days

    According to survey, experts and previous students who have successfully cleared CAT claim that this is just about the right time to start preparing for CAT exam.

    The initial 2-3 months should be reserved for learning the basic concepts. There is no escaping from concepts of chapters since that will make your fundamentals clear.

    Post this; you would be ready to take up mock tests and previous year question papers. It is always wise to study this way so that you can judge your dynamic progress. Initial days should see you solving mock tests at a frequency of one to two per week.

    Do not over stress yourself by studying for 8-12 hours every day. Quality is more important than quantity when it comes to CAT preparation. Slogging for hours will mean nothing if you are not focused and attentive enough. Thus, even if you put in 4-5hrs of serious distraction-free studying on a daily basis, you will be good to go.

    While studying, the smart way to take in the syllabus is to categorize the topics with respect to its level of difficulty. From hard to easy, you can put the topics in categories. This way you will give some direction to your preparation and try to master your weak points.

    CAT is a tricky exam and time is also a constraint. Thus, it would be wise to learn more than one method for solving one single question. This way, the short cut method will save you time and knowing multiple methods will also help you cross check your accuracy. Accuracy is a very important factor in securing a high percentile in the CAT exam.

    Equal weight-age should be given to all the three section of CAT while preparing for it. Over confidence on any one of section will make you ignore that one and later your overall percentiles might come down due to lack of practice in that particular section.

    A plan is essential to see you through till the D-day of the exam date. Make a daily or monthly schedule for studying and swear by it. Keep your eye on the goal Incorporating CAT preparation in and as your daily schedule will help you stick to your goal and will deliver desired end result.

    During the last lap of your preparation, do not be too brave to start learning new topics altogether. This will lead to confusion. The last few weeks should be dedicated to revision and extensive solving of mock tests (two mocks per day.)
    See Also: CAT Online Demo Video Lecture

    Study with Robomate+

    2017-08-22T13:56:08+00:00 Categories: Blog, CAT, Students|0 Comments
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