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    How to Study Inorganic Chemistry for IIT JEE Mains & Advanced Exams


    How do you study inorganic chemistry?

    And is there any secret technique or ways to be good at it?

    How many times do you recommend, we should revise NCERT at this stage?

    Ashish Waikar AIR 7 (IIT JEE Advanced 2017)

    You have to revise. One book which you should study is NCERT. You must rote memorize it. Mainly that’s the only book. For a few chapters we follow J. D. Lee for Metallurgy and Qualitative Analysis. So for those two chapters, I rote memorized J. D. Lee. The rest of the things are covered well in NCERT, you just have to keep revising that.

    One thing that helped me was that when there were two weeks left for the exam and some small things are still left from organic and inorganic chemistry which does not get memorized. I wrote those down in a note book and it turned 10-12 pages. In the last 2-3 days I revised only those for chemistry since I was confident about the rest.

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    Shubham Goel, AIR 6 (IIT JEE Advanced 2014)

    To study inorganic chemistry I read NCERT once and I made my own inorganic notes. I would revise a part of it every day in the morning when I would get up. I had fixed half an hour of my time for revision of my notes. During the Last 3-4 months of my preparation, the moment I would get up and be done with my daily chores,  I would sit and revise my notes.

    Anand Prakash, IIT Roorkee

    To study inorganic chemistry  you should focus on NCERT. And if along with it you are solving any objective. It helps you to understand where you are committing mistakes. Go back to NCERT and look back for those portions in which you are committing mistakes. It will help you remember for a longer period of time. Because mostly we forget things in inorganic chemistry. To make sure, that we remember forever is through objective questions. Read a portion, do an objective, see where you are committing mistake. Go back and find the same answer in NCERT. And most of the questions are there in NCERT. Except for the two chapters Ashish mentioned.

    Sarvesh Mehtani, AIR 1 (IIT JEE Advanced 2017) Additional input

    When we give tests in the last 2-3 months, we get to learn a lot of new things for example a reaction which is not there in NCERT. To memorize that, it is better to make a separate register especially for chemistry. If you find a new question, you should note it down in the register and revise that register regularly. In my case, I made a two hundred page register.

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