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    Average Salary of a CA in India

    CA, aka Chartered Accountancy is one of the most difficult courses in India. The difficulty level in passing the examination is on par with the competitive exams conducted by top management schools and B-schools. Being the most honored profession, that has immense scope, many think about the average salary of a CA in India.

    Many factors influence the salary of a chartered accountant.

    1. Nature of Job / profile
    2. Type of firm and size of the firm / business
    3. Number of attempts
    4. Place of work

    The average salary of a CA in India is 7.5 lakhs per annum, which may range from 4lakhs to 8 lakhs per annum, based on above factors.

    Place of work is the most influencing factor in income earned by a CA. CA salary in Mumbai may have a huge difference when compared with a CA salary in Kerala.

    Average Salary of a CA in India in case of Own Firm

    Many students prefer to join in a CA Firm or other types of businesses to gain more experience. The article ship, work experience, and knowledge determine the salary, rather earning per month. A practicing chartered accountant can earn nearly about a lakh per month.

    Average Salary of a CA in India in works in a CA Firm

    Many medium and big sized firms hire the fresh chartered accountants who completed their article ship successfully.

    Fresh chartered accountant salary on an average basis is 4 lakhs per annum. In case of big firms, with proven track records, fresh CAs get the package of about 8 to 10 lakhs per annum.

    Average Salary of CA in India in other Type of Companies

    Apart from the CA firms and own practice, many fresh CA graduates join different types of companies, which range from banking to IT sector.

    Banking sector companies and Public sector companies pay a salary range from 4lakhs to 8 lakhs per annum for CA in India. In case of private banks, the salary is offered on par with the average MNC package.

    Fresh chartered accountant salary, you can easily enroll in a MNC or IT Company with a lucrative package starts from 7 to 8 lakhs per annum. CAs with excellent track record is hired even for a salary of more than a lakh per month.

    Highest salary of CA in India, hired by Bharti Airtel is 34.5 lakhs per annum. In case of international posting, recently three fresh CAs were hired for the whopping package of 70 lakhs per annum. A candidate from ICAI campus recruitment November 2010 batch was hired and fresh chartered accountant salary package is 70 lakhs.

    Based on the size and nature of the company, the starting salary ranges from 4 lakhs to 12 lakhs per annum, in India. It is just a starting point and needs a lot of continuous learning.

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