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    ICAI Exam – Why students fail CA IPCC?

    Many reasons contribute to a person not doing well in the ICAI Exam for IPCC. But one should not let the CA IPCC Result discourage you in any way. You are not the first one to fail but if you have decided to become a Chartered Accountant then you should keep on trying. The first step to any re-attempt is to find out what you did wrong the first time around.

    Ignoring study materials, RTP, Practice manual, Suggested Answers, etc. and Relying too much on reference books

     When relying on reference material, individuals are more likely to fail or get bad CA IPCC Result. Remember that they are reference books and as such students are not meant to rely only on them for studying. Students are recommended to study the institute material and then check on the reference books in order to have a complete overview of all the content.

    By relying only on reference books, students misunderstand the quality they need to have when answering the questions and thus are left behind in terms of complexity.


     Regarding IPCC auditing, always read the practice manual and study the institute material in order to have a better understanding of the way of answering. Auditing does not require only reading, this misconception can lead students to get a failed CA IPCC Result. In order to be well prepared for the ICAI Exam you need to learn this content by heart.

    Working Notes

     It is very important to practice carefully writing the proper formats in the ICAI Exam. FM and CA, Accounting, Advance Accounting, and Taxation should be presented strictly in Working Notes. It is hard work but also necessary in order to get a successful CA IPCC Result.

    Practice in your notebooks. Come up with full answers. Do not leave them half-answered. In exams you will not be provided of answers to verify, you have to figure them out by yourself.

    Section in Act

     If you cannot remember the actual section just write “As per the provision of ______ Act”. Use this as a last resource since you are always encouraged to quote the particular section of the Act. Beware that providing the incorrect quote might result in a wrong answer in the ICAI Exam.

    No proper planning and Time management skills

     It is extremely important to manage your studying time properly. Your final score in the ICAI Exam will depend on this.

    Plan the way you study, not just read everything. Prioritize the content in order of relevance according to your needs. This habit is useful for any exam and not just to get a good CA IPCC Result.

    Busy in asking/arranging Study Plan and time table

     You are the best to judge your own weaknesses and strength. Use this knowledge in order to figure out how to best plan your time. Time is precious, so do not expect others to tell you how to use it. Learn this by yourself, since nobody else can teach this to you.

    Poor presentation skills

     Improve your writing skills. A great amount of students fail due to the poor quality when presenting their answers in the ICAI Exam. From now on, you will give due emphasis on this important skill.

    No proper assessment and analysis

    Learn how to be an autonomous student. Manage your own preparation by understanding what the exam is about, how it is supposed to be answered. You are your best resource, make yourself useful and you will get a successful CA IPCC Result.

    Always test yourself. Self-analysis is essential in order to have a better perspective of your own needs. Make sure everything is going according to your studying plans. You can evaluate yourself by practicing with previous ICAI Exam paper.

    Advice from someone who passed on the 9th Attempt

    The right books matter.

     Self study is not always lower standard in ICAI Exam. In fact sometimes you can organize yourself better. Pankar Kothari used the ICAI Practice Manual regularly.

    According to Pankaj Practical problems of the ICAI Exam should be practiced rather than just learnt.

    Any Topic should be understood thoroughly. Instead of trying to cover every topic cover some topics completely.

    According to Pankaj – For Tax concentrate on Amendments and Law. Prepare Ethics and Communication thoroughly. Prepare Business law after that. And after that Prepare Company laws. Company law is important but to score good marks concentrate on Ethics and Communication.

    And Yes. It is extremely important to have faith in yourself because it is easy to get depressed and discouraged. Even friends and relatives may ask you to ‘try something else’ because you got a bad CA IPCC Result. However, if you have decided to become a CA then stick in there.

    (Remember the above is advice given by Pankaj Kothari and not by Robomate+)

    CA IPCC Syllabus May 2018 for Old Students

    2018-04-04T14:32:21+00:00 Categories: Blog, CA INTER|0 Comments
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