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    NTSE Cut Off: Expected and Previous

    The minimum marks that candidates need to attain in the examination in order to qualify, is referred as the Cut Off marks. Similarly, to deduce the list of shortlisted candidates, National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) sets some minimum marks for NTSE Examination that aspirants need to attain for passing the exam. Hence, it is a must for every aspirant to get the details of the NTSE Cut off marks. Usually, the cut off marks of NTSE Exam is released after the declaration of final result. However, some institutes and web portals release the expected NTSE cut off for the students to prepare well for the examination. Considering the importance of NTSE Cutoff and student’s need, Robomate+ has developed the expected cut off marks for NTSE Exam on the basis of previous year’s details. Students can have a glance over the same to plan their preparation strategies.

    After the declaration of final result, NCERT declares the cut off of NTSE. The previous year’s cut-off is as below.

    Subject-wise Expected NTSE Cut off 2018

    Papers Maximum marks Qualifying Percentage/ Marks
        General SC/ST/PH
    Paper I MAT 48 40% (19.2) 35%(15.36)
    Paper II Language Test (English) 50 40% (20.0) 35%(16.00)
    Paper II Language Test (Hindi) 50 40% (20.0) 35% (16.00)
    Paper III SAT 95 40% (38.00) 35% (30.4)
    Total Marks 143 40% (57.2) 35%(45.76)


    Category-Wise Expected NTSE Cut off 2018


    Category MAT/SAT Maximum Marks Cut Off Marks
    General 143 77
    SC 143 46.67
    ST 143 47.67
    Physically Handicapped 143 49.33


    Subject-wise Expected NTSE Cut off 2017

    Papers Maximum marks Qualifying Percentage/ Marks
        General SC/ST/PH
    Paper I MAT 49 20-25 (40%) 15-20 (35%)
    Paper II Language Test (English) 50 20-25 (40%) 15-20 (35%)
    Paper II Language Test (Hindi) 50 20-25 (40%) 15-20 (35%)
    Paper III SAT 96 35-40 (40%) 30-35 (35%)
    Total Marks 145 55-60 (40%) 50-55 (35%)


    Category-Wise Expected NTSE Cut off 2017


    Category MAT/SAT Maximum Marks Cut Off Marks
    General 145 80-90
    SC 145 55-65
    ST 145 50-60
    Physically Handicapped 145 50-60


    Subject-wise Expected NTSE Cut off 2017

    Papers Maximum Marks Qualifying Percentage/Marks
    General ST/SC/PH
    Paper I- MAT 49 20- 25 (40%)  15- 20 (35%)
    Paper II- Language Test (English) 50 20- 25 (40%) 15- 20 (35%)
    Paper II- Language Test (Hindi) 50 20- 25 (40%) 15- 20 (35%)
    Paper III- SAT 96 35- 40 (40%) 30- 35 (35%)
    Total Marks 145 55- 60 (40%) 50- 55 (35%)

    Category-Wise Expected NTSE Cut off 2017

    Category MAT/SAT Maximum Marks Cut Off Marks
    General 145 80- 90
    Scheduled Caste 145 55- 65
    Scheduled Tribe 145 50- 60
    Physically Handicapped 145 50- 60

    Subject-wise NTSE 2016 Cut off

    Papers Maximum Marks Qualifying Percentage/Marks
    General ST/SC/PH
    Paper I- MAT 49 19.6 (40%)  17.15 (35%)
    Paper II- Language Test (English) 50 20 (40%) 17.15 (35%)
    Paper II- Language Test (Hindi) 50 20 (40%) 17.15 (35%)
    Paper III- SAT 96 38.4 (40%) 33.6 (35%)
    Total Marks 145 58 (40%) 50.75 (35%)

    Category-Wise NTSE 2016 Cut off

    Category MAT/SAT Maximum Marks Cut Off Marks
    General 145 85.09
    Scheduled Caste 145 56.43
    Scheduled Tribe 145 52. 12
    Physically Handicapped 145 53.47

    NTSE (National Talent Search Examination) is a scholarship exam, conducted on the national level. NCERT conducts the scholarship programme for the Class 10th students. The examination is conducted in 02 stages that are-

    • NTSE Stage-I- Students appearing in class 10th examination are eligible to appear in Stage-I exam, which is conducted in the month of November by the State/UT.
    • NTSE Stage-II- Students who qualify the stage-1 exam are eligible to appear in stage-2 exam wherein students of different states compete at national level. Usually, the stage-2 exam is conducted in the month of May.

    Score High in NTSE: Simple Steps with Robomate+

    1. Click here to Get NTSE Stage 1 2018-19 Answer Key

    2. Click here to Get Free Access to Previous Year NTSE Papers.
    2018-11-14T10:55:37+00:00 Categories: Blog|Tags: , , , , , , |0 Comments
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