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    NTSE Preparation Tips & Strategies

    National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) conducts the National Talent Search Exam, also referred as NTSE, every year. The examination is conducted in two stages, Stage-1 (State Level) and Stage-2 (National Level), in November and May, respectively. Students need to qualify both the examinations with minimum cut off marks. It is a National level examination wherein brilliant students from each state compete to get admitted to the scholarship program, hence, it won’t be easy to crack the examination. Considering the difficulty level and tough competition of NTSE exam, we have listed some must follow preparation tips and strategies. While preparing for the exam, every student must follow this NTSE preparation strategies in order to get listed in the few selected candidates-

    • Solve Last Year’s NTSE Papers– By solving previous year’s question papers, aspirants will get the complete overview of the difficulty level and the types of questions that are asked in the NTSE Exam.
    • NCERT Books– Start your NTSE preparation with NCERT books of classes IX and X. You can also refer, Class XI Textbooks to check some concepts of classes IX and X. NCERT books contains all the concept and syllabus of NTSE exam. So, start with the basic rather than diving into heavy preparation books
    • Track Your Performance– While solving mock tests and previous year’s papers, you will come to know your strongest subject and where you need to give more attention. With this, you will be able to analyze your performance.
    • Manage Time– Time management is utmost important as you have some specific minutes to solve a maximum number of questions. For this, mock tests are necessary to be solved in the provided time period as it will help you in dealing the stressed environment of the examination.
    • Develop a Study Plan- After knowing your weakest subject, develop a study plan and devote more time on those sections .
    • Practice Hard– The paper will be designed on the basis of NCERT Syllabus only. Hence, practice the concepts of NCERT as much you can. There is no shortcut method to get good marks. The more you practice, the better will be your chances to get selected. Also, more practice provides you the confidence, good subject knowledge, and more accuracy.

    To prepare well for the NTSE exam, Robomate+ is the best option as it provides video lectures to help students in understanding the various concepts of NTSE Syllabus.

    Score High in NTSE: 3 Simple Steps with Robomate+

    1. Watch Webcast and learn simple steps to help you Be Better Prepared for NTSE. Sahil Bhatia, B.Tech., takes you through the syllabus and analyses last year’s paper. He also discusses MAT, SAT and many other tips to crack the exam.
    2. Download Robomate+ App and watch MAT video lectures. Watch Class 9 & 10 video lectures for SAT.
    3. Take a Mock Test. The Mock Test gives you Instant Result, your Rank on a National Level and an Assessment of your strengths and weaknesses.

    Get the Free Webcast and Mock Test Now.

    NTSE Preparation Tips and Strategies

    2017-08-17T09:58:02+00:00 Categories: Blog, NTSE|Tags: , , |0 Comments
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