Blog 2017-04-18T04:54:29+00:00

World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development

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Day: 21stMay, It was first celebrated on 17 May 2006 Purpose: This day is celebrated to raise awareness about cultural importance and harmony. Significance: "The World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development" is [...]

World Telecommunication and Information Society Day

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Day: 17th May, It was first celebrated on 17 May 2006 Purpose: Raise awareness about information and communication technologies (ICT) and internet among people and control digital division. Significance: World Telecommunication and Information Society Day [...]

What to do in the last 10 days of AIIMS Preparation?

By |Categories: AIIMS, Blog|Tags: , |

AIIMS is one of the leading medical institutes in India. Doctors who have passed through AIIMs have worldwide recognition. AIIMs can be cracked with efforts of the candidate and encouragement from parents or guardians. It [...]

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