Blog 2017-04-18T04:54:29+00:00

    Different Types of Parenting Styles

    By |Categories: Blog, Parents, Students, Teachers|Tags: , , , , , |

    Parents play a crucial role in a child’s education. Their influence plays a vital part in the growth and overall development of the children. Strict and conservative parenting makes it difficult to deal with children's [...]

      Video Games & TV Addiction – How to Break it?

      By |Categories: Blog, Parents, Students|Tags: , |

      It is a common sight to see children playing with video game on gadgets such as mobile phone, tablets, laptops, desktops, etc. Parents initially feel excited to see their children handling gadgets with ease. Early [...]

        Vikram Sarabhai and His Contributions to Science in India

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        Vikram Ambalal Sarabhai is popularly known as Vikram Sarabhai. is a renowned Indian physicist and industrialist. Dr. Sarabhai’s contributions in space research gave him recognition as the Father of the Indian space program. He was [...]

          Prepare JEE Main Exam 2020 & Board Exam Simultaneously

          By |Categories: Blog, JEE MAIN, Students|Tags: , , |

          JEE Main Exam and Class XII Exam is one of the main phases of students’ life. The stage calls for the end of school life and also about your future profession. Students tend to ignore [...]

            COMEDK UGET – Important Dates, Eligibility, Application Form, Syllabus, Cut Off

            By |Categories: Blog|

            The consortium of Medical, Engineering and Dental Colleges of Karnataka (COMEDK) is a state level entrance exam for students seeking admission into undergraduate programs in the State of Karnataka. This year COMEDK and Karnataka Unaided [...]

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