Blog 2017-04-18T04:54:29+00:00

    Makar Sankranthi – The festival of Harvest and Kites

    By |Categories: Festivals, Parents, Students, Teachers|

    Makar Sankranthi is celebrated across the globe by Hindus. The word Sankranti refers to transmigration of the sun from one constellation (Rashi) to another. Sankranthi is celebrated on the transition of the sun into the [...]

      Richard Feynman and How to Remember What You Study

      By |Categories: Blog, Students, Teachers|

      “Richard Phillips Feynman” was a theoretical physicist from America who was and is known for his important and everlasting work in quantum mechanics, quantum electrodynamics and the super-fluidity of super-cooled liquid helium. His model of [...]

        All you want to know about Electrical Engineering

        By |Categories: Blog, Parents, Students|

        Electrical engineering is all about electricity, electronics, and electromagnetism. It is a vast field which is sub-divided into different fields such as electronics, microelectronics, digital computers, computer engineering, power engineering, telecommunications, etc. They utilize the [...]

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