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Test Papers – State Board Commerce (XI-XII) 2017-04-18T04:54:26+00:00

State Board Commerce (XI-XII) - Test Papers

State Board Commerce (XI-XII) - Test Papers

10 Jobs in Science You May See In The Future

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Career selection is an important aspect of life. It is not something that can be achieved overnight and changed as per the moods or requirement. Your qualification will define your area of work and the expected pay scale. It is important for students to understand that field selection is critical for career growth. As per a 2015 report from the Center on Education and the Workforce at Georgetown University Pharmacy, pharmaceutical sciences, and pharmaceutical administration professionals were the highest paid in the United States and other notable professions included Biochemist or Biophysicist and Geology and earth science. The salaries of the professionals will depend upon the qualification, position, and the experience. The higher the qualification and experience, the better the pay! Let’s find out some Jobs in Science we may see in the future.

1.    Pharmacy, pharmaceutical sciences, and pharmaceutical administration: Pharmacists play an important role in health and well-being of the society whether it is the manufacturing of the pharmaceutical products, research, and development or dispensing, pharmacists are an integral part of the healthcare system.

Qualification: Bachelors degree in pharmacy or higher

2.    Biochemist or Biophysicist:  Biochemists and biophysicists work on chemical and physical properties of the living matter such as growth and development, diseases, development of biological products to improve human health, etc. This is one of the Jobs in Science you will see expanding in the near future.

Qualification: Bachelor’s and master’s degree in biochemistry, biology, chemistry or physics, a post-doctorate degree will be helpful in holding a good position in research and development organization.

3.    Conservationist: There has been immense deforestation and industrialization; the agricultural lands are being converted into residential landscapes. Conservationist with the help of landowners and Government bodies work towards environmental protection of natural resources such as soil, water, forests, etc.

Qualification: bachelor’s degree in ecology, biology, natural resource management, agriculture, or environmental science

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4.    Environmental Scientist: This profession will be one of the highest paid professions in the near future. The profile of these scientists will aim at identifying the source of pollutants from the atmosphere and eradicate pollutants. One of the Jobs in Science you will see truly increasing in the future, it will be that of an Environment Scientist.

Qualification: bachelor’s degree in environmental science, biology, engineering, chemistry or physics. If you want to climb the ladder higher, a master or a doctorate degree will be quite helpful.

5.    Environment technicians or Environmental Science and Protection Technician: These professionals work with environmental scientist to monitor the environment. They study the source of pollution and the measure to be taken for prevention and control of pollution. Owing to the increasing environmental changes and pollution, the requirement of environment technicians is expected to increase many folds in the near future.

Qualification: Bachelor’s degree in chemistry or biology, an associate degree or a certificate in applied science or science-related technology

6.    Forensic Scientist (forensic science technicians or crime scene investigators): These scientists specialize in collecting and analyzing physical evidence which can be collected from the crime spot. Doing an internship for gaining exposure and experience can help you in securing a better job.

Qualification: bachelor’s degrees in chemistry, biology, forensic science, or an associate degree in applied science.

7.    Hydrologist and Geoscientist: As the name says, the specialist is responsible for the study of water (both underground and surface water). Due to high environmental changes, there have been changes in the distribution and physical properties of water. It is expected to have a steep hike in the salary and the requirement of hydrologist and geoscientist in the near future. A good position in any research organization requires a doctorate degree. These scientist works are aimed at maintaining the earth’s environment. This is one of the Jobs in Science you do not see currently as being popular, but you will see more of it in the future.

Qualification: Masters degree in Environmental science, earth science or geological sciences

8.    Medical Scientist: They are responsible for the design and conduct studies to identify the cause, prevent and treat the disease. They are responsible for making innovative medicines which have improved the biological profile and therapeutic index. They work in hospitals, laboratories, and universities. A medical scientist can further do specialization as pharmacologists, toxicologists, neuroscientists, serologists, cancer researchers, immunochemists, etc.

Qualification: The students who intend to pursue character as a medical scientist should possess a postgraduate degree in medicine or a doctorate in biological science.

9.    Nuclear medicine technologist: Computed tomography (CT) scans and positron emission tomography (PET) scans have been used as important diagnostic tests for identification of diseases of lungs, brains, livers, kidneys, and other organs. Nuclear medicine technologist plays an important in identifying the area affected and the progression stage of the disease which helps inappropriate treatment. These specialists work with a nuclear medicine physician. They deal with radioactive chemical compounds. They can find a job in nuclear power plants and research and development laboratories. They are also responsible for providing safety instructions.

Qualification: Bachelors degree in radiologic technology, and a certificate in nuclear medicine technology

10. Material Scientist: The profile of a material scientist will be similar to chemist whose job responsibility is to study the structure and properties of the material. They study and analyze all types of materials such as metal alloys, glass or semiconductors.
Qualification: Bachelor’s Degree in Materials Science, Chemistry, Physics or Engineering
Apart from the above, there will be evergreen vacancies of chemists, Food science specialist, Atmospheric science and meteorology, and Nuclear, industrial radiology, and biological technologies, dentists and doctors.

Different Types of Parenting Styles

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Parents play a crucial role in a child’s education. Their influence plays a vital part in the growth and overall development of the children. Strict and conservative parenting makes it difficult to deal with children’s nature, the child will be afraid to share their emotions and requirements. This affects their overall growth and performance. Liberal parenting provides equality to children but it affects their behavior and it would be difficult to deal with such youngsters. The parenting can be classified depending upon the parents’ approach towards discipline. There are different types of parenting and children will develop their behavior accordingl

Attachment Parenting

Children who feel secure and safe are positively inclined on both emotional and academic development. Some parents develop a strong bond with the child and spend time with him to be able to read and understand the child. They want to be with him/her when he/she needs them the most. However, the traditional mentality of attachment parenting i.e. attending the child’s need as quickly as possible results in a spoiled child. A child, whose needs are met quickly will never have a sense of independence to be competent in this world.

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Helicopter parenting

As the name says parents will be hovering over children. They watch and analyze each and every aspect of child activity with fear. It can harm the child. It is normal for all the parents to have some sort of fears for the child, but in helicopter parenting, the parents tend to be overprotective. Such parents will be constantly aggressive towards everybody who comes in contact with the child. Helicopter parents do not have confidence that their child can take self-care and they keep control with themselves to avoid any harm. They tend to cover children’s mistakes and perform all the children activities such as homework, phoning up their friends, etc. Children will be quite dependent on their parents and do not take risks or have the courage to face consequences.

Authoritarian Parenting

In this kind of parenting there is strict discipline, rigidity and hard and fast rules. The rules set will not be apt and the punishment makes the children stubborn. The attitude makes the children harsh and insensitive. The children will not be able to express themselves and develop aggression and short tempers. Authoritarian parenting is highly dictatorial and follows strict hierarchy and rules without any possibility of deviation. They are highly conservative. There is no possibility of child-parent discussion. This type of parenting has a negative effect on children’s healthy social and emotional development.

Authoritative Parenting

As the name indicates this style of parenting requires high behavior control. This type of parenting has been followed traditionally and the children who have grown up under this style have shown positive behavioral and emotional development. Their academic performance is good. The child will be disciplined to be obedient and follow set rules. Children will have the liberty to think, but the final decision rests with the parents. The parenting style has logic and responds to children needs.

Permissive Parenting

In the Permissive style of parenting, both parent and children are given an equal platform to discuss. It is better than authoritarian parenting. But unlike authoritative parenting, children become spoiled and bossy. Children cannot mark their behavior boundaries as they are raised to be independent. There are studies which indicate that parents who indulge in permissive parenting will find it difficult to deal with children as teens and young adults. There is low behavior control and parents use manipulative methods to control children and avoid punishment techniques.

Un-involved Parenting

The children under this style of parenting have low behavioral control and involvement. The parents fulfill all the demands of the children and make them happy with materialistic articles as required by the children, but will not be able to fulfill the emotional needs of their children. Parents are not interested in children’s daily activities and there is no psychological connection between them.

Instinctive parenting

This seems to be one of the effective ways of parenting where parents do the upbringing from their own childhood experiences and the impact of their parents’ behavior and approach towards them.


It is common for the children to throw tantrums as per the age. However, parents should not give any negative feedback and should have a positive approach towards their child’s behavior. There should be a sharing of responsibility between both parents and one parent should not take up more responsibility and stress. Problems should be addressed with discussions between both parents and even involving the child at times for appropriate solutions. Do not expect your children to behave maturely. Try to be a friend and guide to discipline them to be better citizens.
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