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State Board Commerce (XI-XII) - Test Papers

State Board Commerce (XI-XII) - Test Papers

CBSE Class XI Physics Syllabus

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Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) works towards improving the education standards, conceptualizing policies and their operational planning. CBSE provides academic guidelines and syllabus to all the affiliated schools. The syllabus designed by the board is easy for the students and at the same time it helps in building strong foundation for higher classes and hence higher education. If the student is thorough with CBSE Class 11 Physics Syllabus he or she can confidently appear for competitive boards. The syllabus provided online covers all the topics and is prepared by extensive study. The syllabus provides adequate information to understand the topics listed.

Here we list the chapters of Class XI Physics

  1. Physical World
  2. Work, Energy and Power
  3. Thermal Properties of Matter
  4. Units and Measurement
  5. System of Particles and Rotational Motion
  6. Thermodynamics
  7. Motion in a Straight Line
  8. Motion in a Plane
  9. Kinetic Theory
  10. Gravitation
  11. Laws of Motion
  12. Oscillation
  13. Mechanical Properties of Solids
  14. Waves
  15. Mechanical Properties of Fluids

Chapters in Physics

Physical World

1.1          What is Physics?

1.2          Scope and excitement of Physics

1.3          Physics technology and society

1.4          Fundamental forces in nature

1.5          Nature of Physical laws

Units and Measurement

2.1          Introduction to International system of units

2.2          Measurement of length

2.3          Measurement of mass

2.4          Measurement of time

2.5          Accuracy and precision of measurements and errors in measurement

2.6          Absolute error, relative error and percentage error

2.7          Combination of errors

2.8          Significant figures

2.9          Dimension of physical quantity, dimension formula and equation

2.10        Dimensional analysis and application

Motion in a Straight Line

3.1          Position, path length and displacement

3.2          Average velocity and average speed

3.3          Instantaneous velocity and speed

3.4          Acceleration

3.5          Uniformly accelerated motion

3.6          Relative velocity

Motion in A Plane

D.1         Scalars and Vectors

D.2         Position and displacement vectors

D.3         Equality of vectors

D.4         Multiplication of vector by real number

D.5         Addition and subtraction of vector: graphical method

D.6         Resolution of vectors

D.7         Vector addition- analytical method

D.8         Vector and scalar product

D.9         Motion in a plane with constant acceleration

D.10       Relative velocity in two dimension

D.11       Projectile motion

D.12       Uniform circular motion

Laws of Motion

E.1          Aristotle Fallacy

E.2          Law of inertia

E.3          Newton’s first law of motion

E.4          Newton’s second law of motion and momentum

E.5          Newton’s third law of motion

E.6          Conservation of momentum

E.7          Equilibrium of a particle

E.8          Static and kinetic friction

E.9          Law of friction

E.10        Rolling friction

E.11        Circular motion

E.12        Solving problems in mechanics

Work, Energy and Power

F.1          The Scalar product

F.2          Work

F.3          Kinetic energy

F.4          Work done by a variable force

F.5          Work energy theorem for variable force

F.6          Concept of potential energy

F.7          Conservation of mechanical energy

F.8          Vertical circular motion

F.9          Potential energy of spring

F.10        Various forms of energy

F.11        Law of conservation of energy

F.12        Power

F.13        Collisions: In one dimension and two dimension (elastic and non elastic)

System of Particles and Rotational Motion

G.1         What kind of a motion can a rigid body have

G.2         Center of mass

G.3         Motion of center of mass

G.4         Linear momentum of system of particle

G.5         Vector product of two vectors

G.6         Angular velocity and its relation with linear velocity

G.7         Torque

G.8         Angular momentum

G.9         Torque and angular momentum of system, law of conservation of angular momentum

G.10       Equilibrium of rigid body

G.11       Moment of inertia

G.12       Theorems of perpendicular and parallel axes

G.13       Kinematics of rotational motion around a fixed axis

G.14       Dynamics of rotational motion about a fixed axis

G.15       Angular momentum in case of rotation about fixed axis

G.16       Rolling motion


H.1         Kepler’s law

H.2         Universal law of gravitation

H.3         The gravitational constant

H.4         Acceleration due to gravity of earth

H.5         Acceleration due to gravity above and below the earths surface

H.6         Gravitational potential energy

H.7         Escape speed

H.8         Earth satellite

H.9         Energy of an orbiting satellite

H.10       Weightlessness

Mechanical Properties of Solids

I.1           Elastic behavior of solids

I.2           Stress and strain

I.3           Hooke’s law and the stress strain curve

I.4           Elastic moduli: Young’s modulus

I.5           Shear modulus

I.6           Bulk modulus

I.7           Elastic energy

I.8           Application of elastic behavior of materials

Mechanical Properties of Fluids

J.1           Pressure

J.2           Pascal’s law, variation of pressure with depth

J.3           Atmospheric pressure and Gauge pressure

J.4           Hydraulic machines

J.5           Streamline flow

J.6           Bernouli’s principle

J.7           Speed of efflux, Venturimeter

J.8           Dynamic lift

J.9           Viscosity

J.10        Reynold’s number

J.11        Surface tension

J.12        Surface energy

J.13        Pressure in drop and bubbles, Capillary rise

J.14        Detergents and surface tension

Thermal Properties of Matter

K.1          Temperature and heat

K.2          Measurement of temperature

K.3          Ideal gas equation and absolute temperature

K.4          Thermal expansion

K.5          Specific heat capacity

K.6          Calorimetry

K.7          Change of state: boiling point

K.8          Change of state: melting point

K.9          Latent heat

K.10       Heat transfer: Conduction

K.11       Convection

K.12       Radiation

K.13       Black Body and Black Body Radiation

K.14       Black Body Radiation – Wein’s displacement Law

K.15       Black Body Radiation: Stefan Boltzmann law

K.16       Newton’s law of cooling


L.1          Thermal equilibrium and Zeroth law of thermodynamics

L.2          Heat, energy and work

L.3          First law of thermodynamics

L.4          Thermodynamic state variable and equation of state

L.5          Thermodynamic process

L.6          Heat engines

L.7          Refrigerator and heat pump

L.8          Second law of thermodynamics

L.9          Reversible and irreversible processes

L.10        Carnot’s engine

Kinetic Theory

M.1        Molecular nature of matter

M.2        Behavior of gases

M.3        Kinetic theory of gases: Assumptions

M.4        Kinetic theory of an ideal gas: Pressure of an ideal gas

M.5        Kinetic interpretation of temperature

M.6        Law of equi-partition of energy

M.7        Avogadro’s constant

M.8        Mean free path


N.1         Periodic and oscillatory motion

N.2         Simple harmonic motion

N.3         Simple harmonic motion and uniform circular motion

N.4         Velocity and acceleration in simple harmonic motion

N.5         Force law for simple harmonic motion

N.6         Energy in simple harmonic motion

N.7         Some systems executing simple harmonic motion: oscillation due to spring

N.8         The simple pendulum

N.9         Damped simple harmonic motion

N.10       Forced oscillation and resonance


O.1         Transverse and longitudinal waves

O.2         Displacement relation in a progressive wave

O.3         Period angular frequency and frequency

O.4         Speed of travelling wave

O.5         Principle of superposition of waves

O.6         Reflection of waves

O.7         Standing waves and normal modes

O.8         Beats

O.9         Doppler effect

All you want to know about Aerospace Engineering

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What is Aerospace Engineering?

Aerospace is a branch of Engineering that deals with designing and building those machines that fly. This is one of the latest branches of engineering involves the designing of Aircraft, Gliders, Jet Planes, and Helicopters as well. Aerospace Engineering also includes the design and development of Spacecraft. Students of Aerospace Engineering usually implement concepts of Maths, Science, and Technology prior to entering in the field of creation of Aircraft and related equipment.

Aerospace Branch of Engineering majorly includes Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering. Additionally, it also focuses on new technologies in Aviation, Defense Systems, as well as Space Exploration. Aerospace Engineering offers its degree for both Undergraduate and Post – Graduate students. Aerospace Engineering jobs have options in between the research and development, testing or maintenance. Also, these engineers are now learning to use computer-aided design software for plans. Experienced Aerospace Engineers usually investigate Aeroplane and Helicopter crashes and the malfunctioning of relevant parts.

Eligibility –

In India, several technological universities including IITs offer the Aerospace Engineering Course for both at undergraduate and post-graduate –

For UG (Under-Graduate): The candidate must have passed 10+2 examination from any recognized board whether is CBSE or Any State Boards with Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics as their main subjects. The candidates should also fulfill minimum 60% marks in total aggregate.

For PG (Post-Graduation): The candidate must have a B.Tech degree in Aerospace branch with a minimum passing percentage in the aggregate of all subjects studied at undergraduate level.

For Ph.D. (Doctor of Philosophy): For this course, students must have to hold a master degree in the relevant field.

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Courses for Aerospace Engineering –

There are a lot of courses available to enter into the Aerospace field. For it, you must have to get the Bachelor Degree or Master Degree or Advanced Diploma if you’re want to make your dream career after passing 12th with PCM group. Here, we’re enlisting the top Aerospace Engineering Courses –

Undergraduate Courses: Four-Year degree of Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech).

Master Courses: Two-Year (Maybe Three Years For Some Institutes) Master Degree of Aerospace Engineering.

Ph.D.: Three-Year Degree (May Vary For Some Institutes)

The scope of Aerospace Engineering –

When the world is moving towards modernization, it is designing the state-of-the-art satellites and space shuttles. So for implementing these tasks, it is needed proficient persons to design these when the demand for space shuttles and rockets are exceedingly increasing for the commercial purposes. Hence, after the entry of private sectors in the Aerospace Sector, the opportunities are continuously increasing for the Aerospace Engineers.

There are many opportunities for the Aerospace Engineers where they also get the opportunity to work abroad in NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) like space centers as astronauts. Besides, Aerospace Engineers have the great opportunities to work in Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO), Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL), and Military & Defense Departments as well.

Subjects in Aerospace Engineering –


Aerospace Propulsion

Aircraft Propulsion

Aircraft Design

Aerospace Structural Mechanics

Flight Mechanics

Incompressible Fluid Mechanics

Introduction to Aerospace Engineering

Spaceflight Mechanics

Thermodynamics and Propulsion

Skills Needed For Aerospace Engineers –

Science and Mathematics – Using scientific rules and practices are needed to solve problems.

Speaking and Writing – These are needed to communicate effectively with the audiences.

Time Management – Managing one’s own time and the time of others is the part of great skills required for an Aerospace Engineer.

Reading Comprehension – To understand the work-related documents, it is necessary to understand the paragraphs with the sentences.

Critical Thinking – It is needed to reach up for the solution after using the logic and reasoning.

Operations Analysis – For analyzing needs and product requirements for design, it is a necessary quality to have in a qualified Aerospace Engineer.

Coordination – When you work with the team, it is important for making a great coordination with all members of the team.

Decision-Making Ability – When you come to relative cost and benefits of the particular project, it is necessary for one who wants to become a great Aerospace Engineer.

Job Description –

After the completion of the Aerospace Engineering Course, students get many opportunities to work in various space agencies of the country as well as of the world. They design aircraft, spacecraft, satellites, and missiles with their parts like wings, various instruments, landing gear, control systems and others. Apart from these work, Aerospace Engineers also write the technical reports and manuals and give presentations to managers and clients. They also create prototypes, models, and computerized images for the particular designs. Aerospace Engineers, also determine costs and expenditures for the financial budget of that project.

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Types of Engineering Careers in India

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The engineering sector is one of the popular fields among the students. You’ll have heard that engineering career is a constant love affair between men and their machines. Engineering Graduates have numerous job opportunities available and their career path is based on the field of their interests where they’re interested to work. Some engineering branches are high-paid and in the huge demand as well. Here we are going to give you the various Types of Engineering Careers available in India for students to choose as their dream career –

1. Aerospace Engineering – Types of Engineering Careers

Aerospace Engineering has become one of most demanding courses after the advancement of technology. Earlier it was known as “Aeronautical Engineering.” This branch of engineering deals with the designing, construction, development, and maintenance of all types of aircraft. Usually, Aerospace Engineers also design and test satellites, air & space vehicles and missiles. Aerospace Engineering is divided into two categories as Aeronautical Engineering and Astronautical Engineering.

Learn more about Aerospace Engineering

2. Agricultural and Food Engineering – Types of Engineering Careers

India is the second rank holder in the crops production. Also, India is the 2nd largest country with over 1.25 billion population in the world. So the need for food in the country is huge and with the advancement of technology, there’re the great opportunities in the field of Agricultural and Food Sector. Apart from these, India exports its food to many countries as well hence the production of Food increases in the country drastically. Therefore, to make a brightened career in Agriculture and Food Engineering Sector for the students it is great.

Learn more about Agricultural and Food Engineering

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3. BioScience/ Biotechnology Engineering – Types of Engineering Courses

Biotechnology Engineering is derived from both Biology & Engineering for research & development. This is one of the best courses for the students to choose as their own career. Biotechnology Engineering is a combination of Engineering, Chemistry, Biochemistry, and Microbiology. This field of engineering is applied in the Agriculture, Energy Production, Disease Research, Pollution Control, Eco-Conservation, Animal Husbandry, Medicines, Fertilizers and other sectors.

Learn more about Biotechnology Engineering

4. Chemical Engineering – Types of Engineering Careers

In the branch of engineering where identification & its technical glitches and solution of the chemicals are studied. In this branch of engineering, a process of converting raw materials and chemicals are converted into other useful forms. Chemical Engineers plan and operate facilities and they design new processes & products as well.

5. Civil Engineering – Types of Engineering Courses

A Civil Engineering deals with the construction of buildings. Mainly Civil Engineers design and build the highways, schools, hospitals, airports, bridges, tunnels and other commercial construction work. Civil Engineers are offered very lucrative salaries by the construction companies. The most beneficial part of Civil Engineers is that they can pursue their master’s degree during their job.

JEE Main Syllabus 2018

6. Computer Science Engineering – Types of Engineering Careers

Nowadays, Computer Science Engineers are considered as one of the most high-paid professionals in India and United States as well. India is the most growing country in the IT Industries as most of the IT Companies are located here and their offices are also located all over the world. These companies appoint talented Computer Engineers every year in these offices as well. Hence the career in IT Industry for Computer Science Engineers in India and abroad is great to choose as best.

Learn more about Computer Science Engineering

7. Electronics Or Electrical Engineering – Types of Engineering Courses

Electronics Engineers are who design and develop the communicating and broadcasting electronic appliances. These engineers are also known as computer hardware engineers as they’re brains behind Laptops, Mobiles, iPads and other electronic devices. While Electrical Engineers design, develop, and test the electrical equipment during the manufacture of electrical products. They work to design and develop the electric motors, and radar & navigation systems. Apart from these, Electrical Engineers also design the electrical systems of automobiles and aircraft.

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8. Industrial and Systems Engineering – Types of Engineering Careers

Industrial and Systems Engineers work in any industry and they get a high paid salary. These engineers help the companies to eliminate the wastefulness of the materials during the production process. Hence they determine that how efficiently work is performed during the manufacturing processes.

9. Mechanical Engineering – Types of Engineering Courses

The automobile industry is huge in India and world as well. Mechanical Engineering is a well-known field in engineering. Graduates in Mechanical Engineering work as Industrial System Engineers in manufacturing field of automobile industry. Hence there are numerous opportunities available for ME Graduates in the world. ME Graduates has the great skills, creativities and practical abilities to design, manufacture and maintain each kind of mechanical device. Mechanical Engineers are also in the huge demand in the robotics, defence, and aerospace industry.

10. Metallurgical and Materials Engineering – Types of Engineering Careers

Metallurgical Engineers are employed in the manufacturing and refines of metallurgical products. These engineers are hugely placed in the various government and private sectors. This is a vocational course and during the course, practical knowledge is also gained which is required for this industry to get a great remuneration.

11. Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering – Types of Engineering Courses

Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers are basically employed for the design, construction, operation, and maintenance of the marine vessels. Naval architects also are also known for the damage control rules and safety regulations that meet the statutory and non-statutory requirements. Marine Engineers and Naval Architectures usually work from their offices where they use the computer software to analyze their projects as well as for designing solutions.

12. Textile Technology – Types of Engineering Careers

Textile Engineering is one of the most popular branches of engineering where textile production, processing and it’s compatibility is studied. In this field of engineering basic principles, specific textile equipment knowledge, and processes are included as well. There are the wide scopes available everywhere for the Textile Engineers.

13. Pulp and Paper Engineering – Types of Engineering Courses

Paper branch of engineering includes the conversion of raw materials into paper products. It deals with the thermal, chemical and biochemical which are drastically employed to design and manufacture the paper products. In this field of engineering manufacturing of cardboard, pulp, and other paper oriented materials are also included.

14. Polymer Science and Technology – Types of Engineering Careers

As the use of plastics has increased, the scope for a lucrative career in plastics and polymer technology has increased hand in hand. Plastic products are widely used in almost every sphere of life ranging from transport, electronics, health, communication. It owes its popularity to low cost and high durability. Polymer technology is a wider field where you learn how to manufacture polymer so as to produce different types of plastics as well as other types of polymers. Plastics are lightweight, durable, corrosion proof yet strong. Hence, they are being increasingly used in a number of different industries. A specialist in plastics and polymer technology can thus find a number of job openings.

15. Ceramic Engineering – Types of Engineering Courses

Ceramic Engineering is a vital part of everyday life. It is used in Aerospace Industry, Dentistry, and Switches are also made up of ceramics. Ceramic Engineering deals with the creation of products from inorganic and non-metallic materials by using heat. Ceramic Engineers work for the processing of the natural raw minerals and synthetic materials which are used to make ceramics.

16. Mining Engineering – Types of Engineering Careers

Mining Engineers are vital for any mining project. Before starting any mining project, they study the environmental feasibility in that place and they also pre-analyze the commercial advantages of the particular projects. After the completion of the projects, they manage all the technical planning by using complex computer software.

17. Pharmaceutics Engineering & Technology – Types of Engineering Courses

The pharmaceutical industry is one of the fastest growing industries in the world where medications have become a necessity for the people. Pharmaceutics Engineering & Technology branch deals with both biology and biotechnology to design, develop, and manufacture the pharmaceutical drugs. India now produces around 70% medicines of the globe which is almost double from China. With the constant demand for medicines in the country and outside career in this sector is brightened for the students who wish to enter in this engineering sector.

AIIMS Sample Papers and Model Papers

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There are many competitive exams in India, conducted at national level. The most reputed entrance exam in India is All India Institute of Medical Sciences, AIIMS. The institute provides the many medical professionals every year. Expert faculty combined with state-of-the-art-facilities counts on churning out the best doctors.

The quality and expertise has the most difficult and highly competitive medical examination for the students. With strong desire, solid preparation, and determination lakhs of medical aspirants appear in AIIMS entrance exam year. The ultimate objective is to become the skilled and well-trained doctors. Among the lakhs of applicants, only thousands of students crack the AIIMS exam and enroll in any of the seven AIIMS colleges.

Importance of practicing with AIIMS sample question papers

There is no hard and fast rule, but the competition is tough. Without a shadow of doubt, the medical aspirants must prepare rigorously to crack the exam. And this is a simple fact that no entrance preparation is complete without practicing the sample question papers.

Sample papers like AIIMS sample question paper 2018 help the medical aspirants in many ways. Students can be able to prioritize the answering orders, learning new techniques to solve the questions, and manage their time. It is also a good way to know the AIIMS Question Paper Pattern.

  • it gives a clear idea about the pattern of the entrance exam
  • an easy platform to practice different question papers
  • can analyze the strong and weak portions
  • ability to improve time management skills
  • overall improves your skills

AIIMS Robomate+ – Complete Coaching for Entrance

It is imperative to understand the trend of the exam, which is likely to change often. For preparation of AIIMS, Robomate+ provides the medical aspirants different methods of preparation. It comes with online lecturers, video lectures, books and reference materials, and a comprehensive set of sample question papers including AIIMS sample question paper 2018. A group of experienced and highly qualified faculty, the SMEs in the respective field of medical sciences prepared it. All these sets come with elaborative answer keys, which is very much helpful for the students.

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On a general note, we suggest all the students who prepare for AIIMs to attempt the sample papers especially AIIMS sample question paper 2018 on their own without taking any reference from the answer keys. For the questions that they are unable to work, they can seek the assistance from the answer keys. It will help the students to analyze their weak areas and concentrate more on the specific areas.

AIIMS coaching is made simple, and comprehensively designed as self-study. Students need not worry about getting clarifications for the answers in the answer keys. All answers are detailed and put forth in the simple, easily understandable way. Students are able to resolve their doubts on their own without any need for assistance.

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AIIMS Previous Year Question Papers

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Solving AIIMS Previous Year question paper makes an important part of entrance exam preparation. A team of eminent SMEs (Subject Matter Experts) as well faculty from the leading medical colleges compiled the AIIMS previous year papers.

According to the SMEs, it is an integral part of AIIMS entrancez preparation to practice and attempt the AIIMS previous year question papers including AIIMS question paper 2017. When the medical aspirants fail to practice the papers of previous years, they are just unable to gauge the extent of their preparation. Also, they feel very difficult to pass the exam.

Apart from the AIIMS previous year papers, we also provide the comprehensive AIIMS sample question papers. Our expert team has prepared the papers meticulously, after much comprehension and consideration. We deliberately analyzed the AIIMS previous year papers and created the set of sample papers.

When you look at these sample papers and AIIMS previous year question papers, you will develop an understanding about the exam difficulty level. Besides, it is must to have this level of understanding to gauge your preparation as well as to clear the exam in first attempt. It helps you improve your preparation in the necessary areas.

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Significance of AIIMS Previous Year Question Papers

When you practice the previous year question papers, you get a straight forward and a solid outlook on what is expected of you. It is also a good way to know the AIIMS Question Paper Pattern.

An applicant must have the following:

  • The level of understanding
  • Clarity of concepts
  • Ability to management time
  • Understand the style of the paper

Medical aspirants are able to bridge the gap in their knowledge and understanding levels. It helps them brush up the preparation to the maximum level required.

Students may take multiple attempts to solve the previous year question papers and gradually clear the difficulties they face.

AIIMS Previous Year Question Papers

Get all the question papers, sample papers, answer keys, the detailed solutions, and comprehensive analysis of all AIIMS MBBS entrance exam papers from the year 2010 to 2016. Do not forget to bookmark this page. We give the best analysis of AIIMS entrance exam papers from the SMEs.

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Top 10 Maharashtra Board SSC Schools In Pune

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Pune City

It is the second largest city in the Indian province of Maharashtra, after Mumbai. Its population is 3.13 Million. Pune is also the administrative quarters of its Namesake district. Marathi is the official language spoken over there. Pune is also known as the Oxford of the east due to the presence of several well-known institutions. Pune has over a hundred educational sites and more than 9 deemed universities. It historical attractions include the rock-cut Pataleshwar cave temple, Aga Khan Palace, Lal Mahal and many others.

SSC Schools in Pune

SSC is known as the Secondary School certificate. It is a public-school examination popular in India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh. Students of the tenth grade participate in this examination. It is conducted by various boards in the States of Tamil-Nadu Kerala, Maharashtra etc. The 10th Board exam is initiated in the months of March and April and the results are declared in May and June. The class tenth exams are annually conducted.

Here are the top ten SSC schools in Pune City, India. They have been ranked based on the best result, school atmosphere, and teaching staff.


Name: St.Ursula High School
Address: Akurdi, Pune, Maharashtra 411035, India
Contact (phone): 020-27651666
Website: http://stursulanigdi.org/
Infrastructure: The school is English medium and coed. There are both classrooms as well as laboratories.
Facilities: The school has a library of 12400 books, as well as a seminar hall. The libraries and classrooms are well-equipped.
Sports and extra-curricular activities: There is a playground for sports and other recreational activities.


Name Abhinav Vidyalaya Eng.Mid.High School
Address: 47/16 Karve Road, Pune-411004
Contact (phone): +91-020-25442812
Website: http://www.asm.ac.in/
Infrastructure: There are science laboratories The science laboratories are used by students of class 8-10 to carry out practical work. The school has computer laboratories where students from classes 4 through 10 are made proficient in computers.
Facilities: The school has a library with 20,000 books that are accessible to the students throughout school hours.
Sports and extra-curricular activities: For sports activities, the primary school has a sports field with a basketball court and a running track.


Name: Dr.Kalmadi Shamrao High School
Address: S. No. 36, Erandwane, Ganesh Nagar Road,
Pune – 411038
Contact (phone): +(91)-(20)-25884460
Website: www.khssec.org
Infrastructure: The school is having well-equipped classrooms which enable their students to learn faster. The teaching methods are supported by various audiovisual and experiential teaching. The school also has large and advanced laboratories for Physics, Chemistry, and Biology.
Facilities: Audiovisual rooms to add a new dimension to learning. English and Math labs as well as the Music room, Art and craft room, Auditorium, etc are some facilities to support the talent of students.
Sports and extra-curricular activities: A large playground and gymnasium are available for physical growth of students.


Name: Shardabai Pawar Vidya Niketan
Address: Baramati Gramin, Pune – 413102
Contact (phone): N/A
Website: http://www.shardanagarschool.edu.in/
Infrastructure: It is a co-educational school which supports secondary education from class 5th to class 11th.
Facilities: Shardabai Pawar supports e-learning and has over 110 computers. It also has a library supporting over 5000 books. Transport facility is also available.
Sports and extra-curricular activities: There is a school ground for co-curricular activities.


Name: Symbiosis Secondary School
Address: 15th Lane, Prabhat Road, Pune – 411004
Contact (phone): 020- 25670895
Website: http://symbischools.ac.in
Infrastructure: The school has an excellent infrastructure. All the classrooms are airy, bright, well-planned. The Symbiosis schools are managed by the Symbiosis Society and are affiliated to Maharashtra State Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education.
Facilities: The school has a well-equipped science and computer laboratories, two Libraries, a Tabla room, a music room and an audio-visual room.
Sports and extra-curricular activities: The school has an open space with two volleyball courts and one basketball court. The school premises also has a Spa where the children enjoy playing indoor games like table tennis, badminton, chess, and carom.


Name: Rosary High School
Address: Tasmac Rd, Opp. Neco Gardens, Viman Nagar, Pune
Contact (phone): +91-20-26634305
Website: http://www.rosaryedu.org/
Infrastructure: Academic programs are carried out in a state-of-the-art infrastructure. The school is coed and English medium.
Facilities: The school has a library consisting of over 640 books.
Sports and extracurricular activities: Sports activities serve various purposes in the Rosary School Pune. During the academic year participation of the students in various Inter-class and Inter-house competitions mentally and physically prepares them to participate in the Inter-school tournaments. As part of their regular time-table Sports activities being conducted are: Carom, Basketball, Throwball, and Athletics



Name: St.Anne’S High School
Address: Convent Street, Pune 411001, India
Contact (phone): +91 20 26340840
Website: http://cjmstannespune.org
Infrastructure: The student population of 2200 attends classes between nursery grade and tenth standard. The primary school operates as a private entity. The secondary school is operated by the State Education Department.
Facilities: The school has a playground, a library, and a parent-teacher association.
Sports and extra-curricular activities: In addition to its academic program, the school offers extracurricular activities such as the Girl Guides, regional quiz competitions and sports such as hockey. Free coaching for Hockey and Basketball is provided.


Name: Vidya Vikas Mandir
Address: Vidya Vikas Mandir Neral, Neral, Karjat, Raigad, Maharashtra -410101
Contact (phone): +91 8983096966
Website: http://vidyavikasmandirneral.org/
Infrastructure: Vidya Vikas Mandir School integrates information and communication technology in the curriculum, and thus provides the latest resources in this field. The campus is equipped with classrooms, laboratories as well as a seminar hall.
Facilities: The school’s computer provides computing facility and internet connectivity. There are a total number of 23 PCs with internet facility and two projectors. The Library is well stocked with 3,500 books.

Sports and extracurricular activities: A large playground and co-curricular activities are available for physical growth of students.


Name: St.Joseph’S Convent High School
Address: 9, Burr Road, Khadki, Pune-411 003

Contact (phone): +91-20-25818552
Website: http://stjosephsgirlskhadki.com/
Infrastructure: St. Joseph’s Convent Girl’s School is a Minority Institution which is registered as a teaching school by the Education Department of the Government of Maharashtra. The course of studies of the school is arranged according to the syllabus laid down by the Department of Education, Maharashtra State Government.

Facilities: There are two well equipped modern computer labs with latest computers, high-speed internet access, and power backup. There is also a sophisticated and spacious library furnished with over 10,000 books. Spacious, well furnished, well lit and airy classrooms equipped with LCD projector for interactive learning is provided here.
Sports and extra-curricular activities: A large playground for sports and games is available for students.


Name: Crescent High School
Address: West Side Giridhar Bhavan, Survey No 30/1, Gali No 2, Gultekdi, Pune, 411037, Maharashtra

Contact (phone): 020-24265990/020-24262490
Website: http://www.chs.edu.in/
Infrastructure: The school infrastructure occupies 20,000 sq.ft built up area. The school runs in 3 different shifts for the Pre-Primary, Primary and Secondary section.

Facilities: The building is comprising of a well-equipped science laboratory, computer laboratory, school library, 2 audio-visual rooms and a dining area.
Sports and extra-curricular activities: Co-curricular activities hold particular importance here. Three large playgrounds for sports and games are available for students.

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