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CA IPCC Business Policy And Strategic Management Module 6

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Bacchalog, let us understand strategic management, the strategic management is nothing but set of tools to achieve objectives to grab right to come closer and closer towards objectives, now the set of decisions actions resulting in formulation and implementation of strategies designed to achieve the objectives of an organization, so whatever you are doing, whatever your formulating all those strategies for achieving goals is called strategic management all your plans for coming closer and closer towards your goals, now strategic management is the process of forming a strategy, vision, right, so all those chairmen or chairpersons or CMD’s managing directors right, chairmen and managing directors have to form a V for vision then setting goals so that they come closer and closer to their vision, crafting different plans, strategies so they come closer to their objectives, implementation of those strategies right who’s job correct CMD or MD’s job then finally evaluating those strategies, initiative corrective adjustments whenever wherever needed and required , so in the vision, objectives and strategies and, right execution of those over a period of time, so bacchalog don’t forget forming a strategy that’s V for vision, what the company wants, where the company want to be then setting up some objectives or goals then crafting those strategies so that you attend those objectives then implementation of those strategies need to be checked then evaluation of those strategies and corrective adjustments need to be taken care off all these is done by managing directors right of the organization, do remember bacchalog, so in the vision right objectives to achieve goals and coming closer and closer to the vision, now process of strategic management, developing vision or mission statements, defining the goals and objectives so that your closer to your vision, baachalog, mission is what where you are right now ok and where you want to be that is V for vision, structuring business portfolio.

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