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CA IPCC Business Policy And Strategic Management Module 5

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Bacchalog, let’s see third type, which is retrenchment strategy, now this question is comes for correct four marks, let’s see, now the firm is not doing well right when the pressure from stakeholders come to improve the performance all those stake holder they put pressure on CEO or the management when better opportunity available elsewhere then why wasting your resources correct at that time we can retrench pull back when firm has strength to utilize the opportunities right so taking opportunities or grabbing opportunities redefine the scope of business possible here when you retrench and save your resources divest a product, abandoned a market, reduce your product line all this is possible if you not getting good returns right you can simply switch over to some other better opportunities reduce pace of activity you can slow down sometimes at the need according to the requirement, according to the situation, either you reduce the pace of activity or you reduce the cost or reduce the advertisement expenses or you may reduce employees by giving voluntary retirement scheme to them right less frequently used generic strategy is retrenchment all these are possibility in retrenchment strategy so you can write all these and get four marks, now let’s see how to do retrenchment strategies, divest a product what Larsen and Tubro did right one of their section cement was been sold, abandoned market either you come out of rural section or rural area or urban areas, lay off right give them retirement to workers or reduce power consumption or take care of raw material shortage, reduce research and development if it is ineffective don’t waste your resources on such things, increase collection of receivables whatever amount is left from whenever, wherever right, settle quickly, all these are how to do right retrenchment, now variance of retrenchment strategy or how to do retrenchment, let’s see

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