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Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein, a theoretical physicist from Germany stands as the strong foundation to the modern physics. His theory of relativity is the pillar of the physics. He is also known as a great philosopher.

Einstein is revered universally for his theories and equations. The three major works include,

  • Einstein Field Equation
  • Theory of the relativity– the world’s most popular equation and
  • Law of photoelectric effect

His theories and discoveries laid the foundation for developing quantum theory.

Work Profile

After graduation, who excelled in Math and science, struggled a couple of years to get a teaching job. He joined as a Patent Clerk in Swiss Patent Office, in Bern to have a steady flow of income. Working as a clerk, he embarked a great journey and explored an extraordinary career in the world of science.

He earned his doctoral degree in the year 1905. He published four scientific papers, which has its significance even after 100 years. He introduced the new and special concepts of Photon theory of light and special relativity.

Explanation of the Einstein photoelectric effect earned all the essential attention towards him. It literally shook the whole world.

Einstein Field Equation

Einstein field of equation, precisely termed as EFE, it is a set of 10 equations derived by Albert Einstein. Einstein field equation explained here.

The equation denotes the general theory of relativity founded by Albert Einstein, which describes the basic interaction of gravity towards spacetime, when curved by energy and mass.

The EFE is written as

Einstein Field Equation

The tensor in EFE relates to a set of 4 x 4 symmetric tensors. Each tensor composes of 10 independent objects.

Explanation of photoelectric effect

The photo electric effect is a common phenomenon, where the metal surface emits the electrons upon light of adequate frequency. It was founded by Heinrich Hertz in the year 1887. Later, in 1092, Lenard also found it. However, electromagnetic theory of Maxwell could not connect with the both their observations of the photoelectric effect.

photoelectric effect - Roboomate+

The view of Einstein photoelectric effect has an easy explanation and solved this problem.

He used Planck’s idea. According to the revolutionary idea, light is considered a particle. The energy level carried by any particle is based on the frequency of the light. Here, light is a particle and carries photon or quanta.

He framed an equation for the Einstein photoelectric effect E = hv

  • E represents Energy
  • h is Planck’s constant
  • v is frequency of the energy radiated

Theory of Relativity

E = mc2!

The equation, E = mc2 depicts that mass and energy are interchangeable. It was developed by Einstein in the year 1905. This theory of relativity forms the foundation of the modern physics.

Probably a confusing theory of Einstein that most students may fail to understand the core. Theory of relativity simplified here.

The theory determines that the laws of physics apply equally to all non-accelerating observers. He demonstrated with an example:

Speed of the light in a vacuum remains the same regardless of the speed in which the observer travel.

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