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    CA CPT 2016 Exam Preparation Tips

    CA CPT is a Common Proficiency Test which is an entry level test for Chartered Accountancy Course. CA CPT 2016 Examination will be held on 18 December 2016 in two different sessions by Institute of Charted Accountants of India (ICAI) to select eligible candidates. Students take this examination to become Chartered Accountants. Student’s skills on Accounting, Mercantile Laws, General Economics and Quantitative Aptitude will be evaluated through this examination.

    CA CPT 2016 Exam Preparation Tips
    In order to start the preparation, students must be aware of the examination pattern and syllabus for the examination. Also, it is must to know the minimum marks required to be attained by the candidates in order to pass the CA CPT Exam 2016. Hence, check out the examination pattern and minimum cut off marks here.
    CA CPT 2016 Exam Pattern
    The exam contains 200 questions from four subjects i.e. Accounting, Mercantile Laws, General Economics and Quantitative Aptitude. The total marks are 200 marks and you have to solve maximum number of questions in just 2 hours.

    Sections Subjects Maximum Marks Minimum Marks to be attained to qualify
    1 Fundamentals of Accounting 60 18
    2 Mercantile Laws 40 12
    3 General Economics 50 15
    4 Quantitative Aptitude 50 15
    Total 200 100

    Note– Candidates are required to secure a minimum of 30% marks in every section and an aggregate of 50% marks in all four sections to qualify the Common Proficiency Test.

    CA CPT 2016 Exam Preparation Tips

    Make a Study Plan

    After knowing the exam pattern and syllabus another important step is to make a study plan. It is important to make a study plan rather than starting your preparation with random subjects and chapters. Hence, first, make a study plan with ample division of time for each section and stick to that plan with complete dedication.

    Quantitative Aptitude

    The trickiest section of the examination that need dedication and continuous practise. The questions will be asked from Ratio and proportion, Indices, Logarithms, Inequalities, Equations, Permutations and Combinations, Sets, Functions and Relations, Arithmetic and geometric progressions, Correlation and Regression and more.

    Practice Harder- The more you practice different types of questions better will be the chances of clearing this section. Hence, practise daily for as many questions you can.
    • Solve Previous Year Papers- Solving previous year question papers will help you in gaining the pattern and the marks distribution of the syllabus. Hence, solve at least 10 years question paper to check which is the most important part and of how many marks.
    • Mock Test- It is must to take mock tests to get familiar with the examination environment and to check your preparation level. Hence, after preparing the section do take Mock test after a regular interval.

    Fundamentals of Accounting

    The most scoring section of CPT Exam is Fundamentals of Accounting. If your accounting knowledge is good then chances of cracking the exam are very high. First, learn the concept and then solve the question, is the basic rule to prepare for this section.

    • Revise- Revision is a must. Never skip revising the syllabus which you have studied so far. Revise the chapters which you have learned already then start new sections.

    • Make Short Notes- Prepare short notes of concept so that you don’t need to open your books every time you solve the questions.

    • Solve Maximum Number of Question- Calculations need practice. As we all know that there are several different ways of asking a question. If you solve the maximum number of questions, you will become proficient.

    Mercantile Law

    Another important and scoring section of CPT is the Mercantile Law. Don’t fret, stay calm and practice. Learn the Contract Act to get the more marks. While preparing for Mercantile Law, don’t miss any topic, and refer to all the acts applicability date and definition.

    • Make Notes- This section has a lot of concepts, facts and figures that you need to remember. Make notes when you study and go through them daily.

    • Daily revision is must- Revision will embed the information to your memory. Daily revision is very important.

    • Solve Previous Years’ Papers- Previous papers help you to get an idea of important law and facts. Question papers of the previous years, contain important questions.


    Another scoring section is Economics. It is the easiest subject as it contains more concepts than numerical. The easiest part is Macro Economics. Prepare Macro Economics prior to other sections.

    Revise- Economics demands more revision than any other section as there are a lot of concepts and facts that you need to remember.

    Make Notes- The high number of concepts and facts that have to be remembered makes making notes along with study an important task. Thoroughly revise your notes on regular basis.

    Every section is important. Solve at least 20 questions of each section and make sure all of them are correct.

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