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Crack JEE Main and JEE Advanced with 10 Simple Tips

It is never too late to start the preparation. When you know you have stamina and full enthusiasm to start the preparation for JEE exams then do not look back. Work hard towards the preparation and crack the JEE mains with good rank. Follow few steps:

1) Concentrate highly on numerical issues: You need to pay more attention towards your numerical problems. Start solving these numerical from beginning. Focus on numerical that are important and plan a dedicated study that will help you in long run and get you desired results. There are abundance of numerical in three subjects like chemistry, mathematics and physics. Set numbers between fifty and eighty and do regularly.

2) Talk with various candidates: You should keep a friendly behavior with all your fellow mates and frequently use formulas and concepts to solve numerical problems. You need to interact with each other to know preparation techniques. It will assist you in different ways. Primarily, you will be able to know their mistakes and yours as well and secondly, one will know where they are lacking.

3) Manage time: Students should know how to monitor their time as it is very precious and goes out at rapid speed from hand. Make sure you solve question in given time period. Spend required time on every paper. Your performance should not be hampered due to time constraints. Students should try to finish the paper in the given time period.

4) Meet regular and daily targets: Students should have the ability to set daily targets and meet them efficiently then only they will be able to crack the JEE exams. This way you will be able to cater all your subjects and try to complete papers in a given time.

5) Solve last year papers: Students use this trick since school days as it is very useful when you are preparing for any competitive exam. Complete your course and start solving papers of previous years. Keep an eye on exam papers of ten to fifteen years and solve them. Keep a check on pattern carefully.

6) Develop line of thought clearly: The thought process is very important and should be very clear. Every time you look at question paper, you should know where to use which concept or formula.

7) Stay Focused: Many students think that they may not be able to pass the examination and become negative towards the competition. Do not ever think like that. You have the choice of preparing and trying for next year too.

8) Look for easier way: You should make the study lighter experience then taking it as a burden on your head. Be peaceful and study hard. Meditate to increase the concentration power.

9) Study subject wise: You should always make a plan and study subject wise. Always choose the easy subject first so that you find interest in studying further. It keeps you going far ahead. The JEE exam focuses mainly on 3 subjects- chemistry, mathematics and physics. Always choose the one first which interest you more.

10) Keep changing your routine and keep updated: One should keep changing the routine and keep updated with latest syllabus.

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