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What is Global Warming, Causes, Effects , Future Impacts & Prevention

What is Global Warming?

Global warming refers to raise in the temperature of the Earth’s climate system. The Earth’s climate is becoming warmer than before and is supported by many scientific studies. Human influence seems to have been one of the leading Global Warming Causes. There has been increase in temperature of both land and water and ultimately the earth’s atmosphere.

The scientist have gathered information on the weather changes in terms of temperature, precipitation and storms which effect the ocean current and the chemical composition of air. The industrial revolution has turned out to be a boon to humanity but had adverse impact on the environment.

Causes of Global Warming:

Carbon dioxide emissions from Coal Burning Plants: We are depending on coal for generating electricity. The coal while burning releases carbon-di-oxide in the air which accounts for increase in temperature of the atmosphere. With increasing number of electronics in the daily household activities and also the personal use of gadgets, more electricity needs to be generated which means more amount of carbon-di-oxide in the air.

Deforestation: Forests are the main source of capturing the carbon. Deforestation either for wood, fuel, paper, grazing of livestock or palm oil plantations increases the release of carbon in the atmosphere.

Use of Chemical Fertilizers: Nitrogen-rich fertilizers have high heat-trapping capacity per unit of volume. The nitrates are also not good for human beings.

Effects of Global Warming:

Rise in Sea levels: The increased temperature has melted two large glaciers in Antarctica and Greenland increasing the sea levels. Many small island nations and the sea side cities may sink in the sea water.

Severe Storms and Cyclones: There is evidence that global warming has increased the severity of hurricanes and cyclones.

Desertfication: The climate change will result in shortage of water and will be forced to move the human life from a hotter reghion to better place. There will be scarcity of food as there is no water for crops.

Extinction of species: The conservation specialist has confirmed the widespread extinction of species due to habitat-destruction and modification due to rising temperatures. This can be exemplified with disappearance of coral reefs which are expected to go extinct by 2100. The ocean ecosystem will be affected as many species are depended on coral reefs for their survival.

Future Impacts of Global Warming:

Effects of global warming depend on the amount of raise in the temperature of the atmosphere. The things will only worsen with the high temperatures such as heat waves, Droughts, floods, hurricanes, extinction of species and crop failures.

Prevention of Global Warming:

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, a body in United Nations meets in couple of years to review and analyse the situation providing consensus and scientific findings. Here we list few ways to prevent global warming

  • Use renewable energy resources
  • heating and air-conditioning consumes lots of power, try to insulate the house to reduce the consumption of electricity
  • Drive a fuel-efficient vehicle
  • Reduce wastage of water

Social Responsibility towards reducing Global Warming:

One of the main ways to prevent global warming is to discuss the effects of global warming which creates awareness among people. Global Warming causes detrimental environment effects which are not suitable for living-beings. Utilise the methods which reduces the release of carbon-di-oxide in the air, plant trees, try to reduce the consumption electricity, reduce usage of petrol, maybe you can use public transport or go on a bicycle.

About Pollution and Tips to Protect the Environment

2018-10-08T06:14:19+00:00 Categories: Blog|Tags: , |0 Comments
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