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    How to Prepare for CA CPT in the Last 10 Days

    If you have landed here believing that you can crack CA CPT by studying for it in the last 10 days then upfront it should be stated it is highly unlikely. It would be very unfortunate if you haven’t even started preparing for the CA CPT Exam. But read on maybe you will still be able to get some direction. This article assumes that you should have completed your syllabus by now and need last minute planning as the exam date comes near.

    Negative Marking

    Always remember that the exam has negative marking and if you answer incorrectly your marks will be cut. You may end up losing more marks then gaining if you resort to guess work in the exam. Therefore, please answer only if you are confident of the answer.

    Important Tip:

    Try solving as many questions as possible in each subject and brush up the theory. Attempting a Test Series from any institute will be a good idea.

    Fundamentals of Accounting

    The most scoring section of CPT Exam is Fundamentals of Accounting. If your accounting knowledge is good then chances of cracking the exam are very high. However, it needs practice. Try to solve as many questions of accounts as you can as the date of the exam approaches. Also remember to go through the theory part of it.

    Mercantile Law

    Mercantile Law has three acts. Indian Contract Act and Sale Of Goods Act are considered important. Practice solving as many MCQs as possible.  Do not miss out on any of the laws, definitions and any topics. This subject too is considered scoring.


    Probably the most intimidating subject for CPT. Practiced as many MCQs as possible. Practice the easy sums and work your way to the complicated ones. Integration and differentiation are also important in statics, and you should not miss out on that.


    Make flash cards or record your own voice while reading the stats out loud. So that you can refer to them whenever you have the time. Since you have to memorize all the data. In case you do not remember anything here during the exam please leave un-attempted to avoid negative marking.

    Macro-economics is considered to be a good scoring subject so prepare Macro Economics prior to other sections.

    Quantitative Aptitude

    The trickiest section of the examination that need dedication and continuous practise. The questions will be asked from Ratio and proportion, Indices, Logarithms, Inequalities, Equations, Permutations and Combinations, Sets, Functions and Relations, Arithmetic and geometric progressions, Correlation and Regression and more.

    CA CPT Exam Pattern

    The exam contains 200 questions from four subjects i.e. Accounting, Mercantile Laws, General Economics and Quantitative Aptitude. The total marks are 200 marks and you have to solve maximum number of questions in just 2 hours.

    Sections Subjects Maximum Marks Minimum Marks to be attained to qualify
    1 Fundamentals of Accounting 60 18
    2 Mercantile Laws 40 12
    3 General Economics 50 15
    4 Quantitative Aptitude 50 15
    Total 200 100

    Note– Candidates are required to secure a minimum of 30% marks in every section and an aggregate of 50% marks in all four sections to qualify the Common Proficiency Test.

    2018-06-05T07:13:43+00:00 Categories: Blog, Students|Tags: |0 Comments
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