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    Science and Technology for a sustainable future

    The role of science and technology for building a sustainable future has become a topic that is being discussed across the world. With the resources steadily depleting, the importance of science being able to find a solution has become even more necessary now. The role of technology in sustainable development to fight against the challenges posed by man-made climate change is truly important at this stage.

    How does technology affect sustainability?

    Technology plays a crucial role in sustainable development. Whether it is social, economic or environmental, the role of technology to meet the goals of sustainable development can’t be denied. There is a great reluctance among governments and others to make political and social changes that are necessary to reduce the growth in production and consumption.

    This is where the reliance on science and technology come into play. Most of the countries are now using science and technology to find the answers towards achieving a sustainable future and to solve the environmental problems that they are facing.

    Using technology for sustainability

    Today technology has progressed by leaps and bounds in all fields. Countries around the world are building models of sustainable growth based on the assumption that technology can help them create new or alternate sources to the resources that are depleting. The other idea is that science can help us find ways to reuse the remaining resources in an efficient way.

    In the past science and technology had been used to create end-of-pipe remedies. This means that the focus was more on the cleaning up and controlling of the pollution. This method, however, failed to address the real causes of the problem. Soon the focus shifted to developing “clean technologies” that change the production process and create products that are themselves less harmful to the environment.

    Importance of science in sustainable development

    With National Science Day just around the corner, it is essential for students and budding scientists to understand the role that science plays in the development of a sustainable future. The need for thorough research into the scope of science in building a sustainable future has become steadily important now.

    There has been the emergence of many application programs that are directed at finding the role of science in sustainability. This is related to the finding of alternative and renewable energy sources in order to reduce pollution. It also helps to avoid depleting the already scarce resources.

    Importance in shaping economic sustainability

    Science and technology can be used to develop sustainable fisheries and agriculture. By limiting the use of hormones, pesticides and antibiotics products can be created that are safe for consumption. This also helps in preventing the natural resources available in the world.

    Research is the key to finding the ways to harness science and technology to fulfill the need for sustainable development. Educating yourself with the latest developments in sustainable sciences is a good place to start. Look for sustainable development examples in local businesses and teach others the importance of developing a sustainable future.

    2018-02-28T13:27:49+00:00 Categories: Blog|0 Comments
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