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    Tips to prepare for MAT

    Are you worried about your MAT exam preparation ? Given below are some tips for you to get great marks in the exam.

    1. The first thing is of course to know about your MAT syllabus

    accurately. Do not miss anything at all.

    1. You should also know the marks distribution of the MAT exam for each of the subjects. For each subject there are 40 marks, but the suggested times for different subjects are different depending upon their difficulty level. The suggested time for Indian and global environment is 15 minutes, for language comprehension and intelligence & critical reasoning it is 30 minutes, for data analysis and sufficiency it is 35 minutes and for mathematical skills it is 40 minutes.
    2. First try to prepare those areas that are emphasized the most by your instructors and also try to cover your weaker areas. Do not leave anything and go through everything.
    3. For Language Comprehension, try to solve as many comprehension exercises as you can. Practice a lot because practice makes man perfect!
    4. While solving your MAT exam, first solve the questions that you find easy. Do not waste precious time on the questions on which you get stuck and solve them in the end.
    5. Do not be hasty, don’t lose your confidence and do not panic in any situation. Just have faith in yourself – that you can do it well.
    6. Solve the sample papers and estimate the time whether you complete the papers in time or not. If you are not able to solve within the time limit then keep practicing and try to improve your speed.
    7. Make a plan and stick to it. It can either be weekly or monthly based plan. Planning is very important for preparing for any kind of exam, especially the MAT exam. It is said that if you fail to plan, you plan to fail!
    8. Do not waste even a single day before the exam and utilize all of your time. Practice everything well. Even if you think that you have done everything. Keep revising the course.

    Good luck with your MAT exam.

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