Prepare JEE Main Exam 2020 & Board Exam Simultaneously

2019-12-17T11:42:43+00:00 Categories: Blog, JEE MAIN, Students|Tags: , , |

JEE Main Exam and Class XII Exam is one of the main phases of students’ life. The stage calls for the end of school life and also about your future profession. Students tend to ignore board exams and concentrate on the competitive exams to seek admission into the engineering branch of their choice in a […]

JEE Main 2019 – Eligibility, Exam Date, Exam Pattern, Syllabus, Correction Process

2018-12-20T12:08:40+00:00 Categories: JEE MAIN|

Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) is an engineering entrance examination which is being conducted in place of AIEEE. The candidates who have cleared JEE are eligible for admission into National Institutes of Technology (NITs), Indian Institutes of Information Technology (IIITs), and “centrally funded technical institutes” (CFTIs).

Application Form

Good news for the aspirants of JEE Main, the exam […]

JEE Main 2019 Exam : Application Form, Fees, Exam Date, Eligibility, Correction Process

2018-12-19T10:27:58+00:00 Categories: JEE MAIN|Tags: |

JEE Main Application Form 2019

The National Testing Agency (NTA) will conduct JEE Main 2019 twice a year and in online mode only. First JEE Main Exam will be held in January and again in April. Application form of JEE Main 1 2019 January Exam will be released on September 1, 2018. JEE Main 2019 application […]

5 TOP Engineering colleges in India that are NOT IIT

2018-05-17T09:46:43+00:00 Categories: Blog, Engineering, JEE MAIN, Parents, Students|Tags: |

Engineering is one of the most favorite career options today’s youth is choosing after intermediate. Though the IITs have gained national fame, getting through the entrance exams for them requires rigorous hard work. Since the past decade, there are many private and deemed universities that offer engineering courses that are claimed to be even better […]

How to Get 200 In IIT JEE Main Result

2018-05-07T10:47:22+00:00 Categories: Blog, JEE MAIN|Tags: |

Have you ever felt that despite studying for the IIT JEE Main extremely hard, revising regularly and taking periodic tests, your score just doesn’t seem to go up? If the answer to this question is an indisputable YES, then keep reading!

Hard work, is indeed, essential in order to secure a good score in IIT JEE […]

What is the difference between JEE MAINS and JEE ADVANCED preparation?

2018-05-07T10:28:42+00:00 Categories: Blog, JEE ADVANCED, JEE MAIN|Tags: |

What is the difference between JEE Mains & Advanced preparations? And you know, can you skip some topics for Mains? If you are clear that you want to be aspiring for Advanced. So that’s the question that is being asked.

Education App

If you have clearly decided that you are […]

How to Study Inorganic Chemistry for IIT JEE Mains & Advanced Exams

2018-12-19T11:29:50+00:00 Categories: Blog, JEE ADVANCED, JEE MAIN|Tags: |


How do you study inorganic chemistry?

And is there any secret technique or ways to be good at it?

How many times do you recommend, we should revise NCERT at this stage?

Ashish Waikar AIR 7 (IIT JEE Advanced 2017)

You have to revise. One book which you should study is NCERT. You must rote memorize it. Mainly […]

How important are NCERT Books in IIT JEE Main & Advanced preparation?

2018-04-04T08:40:18+00:00 Categories: Blog, JEE ADVANCED, JEE MAIN|Tags: |

How important are NCERT books in the preparation for JEE? JEE Main & Advanced

Shubham Goel, AIR 6 (IIT JEE Advanced 2014)

I feel that the NCERT books are good, but whether they are relevant for JEE Advanced depends upon the subject we are looking at. So for chemistry in general – including inorganic chemistry, I think […]

Things You Can Take and Cannot Take in the JEE Main Exam Hall

2020-01-06T14:19:01+00:00 Categories: Blog, JEE MAIN|Tags: |

Are you ready to crack JEE Main Exam 2020? JEE Main exam is the popular engineering entrance exam in India. JEE Main exam is here. Hope you have collected your admit cards which were made available a few weeks ago. JEE Main 2020 exam is scheduled from Jan 6 2020.

Aspiring engineering and architect students would have prepared […]

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