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Test Papers – State Board Commerce (XI-XII) 2017-04-18T04:54:26+00:00

State Board Commerce (XI-XII) - Test Papers

State Board Commerce (XI-XII) - Test Papers

What is Global Warming, Causes, Effects , Future Impacts & Prevention

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What is Global Warming?

Global warming refers to raise in the temperature of the Earth’s climate system. The Earth’s climate is becoming warmer than before and is supported by many scientific studies. Human influence seems to have been one of the leading Global Warming Causes. There has been increase in temperature of both land and water and ultimately the earth’s atmosphere.

The scientist have gathered information on the weather changes in terms of temperature, precipitation and storms which effect the ocean current and the chemical composition of air. The industrial revolution has turned out to be a boon to humanity but had adverse impact on the environment.

Causes of Global Warming:

Carbon dioxide emissions from Coal Burning Plants: We are depending on coal for generating electricity. The coal while burning releases carbon-di-oxide in the air which accounts for increase in temperature of the atmosphere. With increasing number of electronics in the daily household activities and also the personal use of gadgets, more electricity needs to be generated which means more amount of carbon-di-oxide in the air.

Deforestation: Forests are the main source of capturing the carbon. Deforestation either for wood, fuel, paper, grazing of livestock or palm oil plantations increases the release of carbon in the atmosphere.

Use of Chemical Fertilizers: Nitrogen-rich fertilizers have high heat-trapping capacity per unit of volume. The nitrates are also not good for human beings.

Effects of Global Warming:

Rise in Sea levels: The increased temperature has melted two large glaciers in Antarctica and Greenland increasing the sea levels. Many small island nations and the sea side cities may sink in the sea water.

Severe Storms and Cyclones: There is evidence that global warming has increased the severity of hurricanes and cyclones.

Desertfication: The climate change will result in shortage of water and will be forced to move the human life from a hotter reghion to better place. There will be scarcity of food as there is no water for crops.

Extinction of species: The conservation specialist has confirmed the widespread extinction of species due to habitat-destruction and modification due to rising temperatures. This can be exemplified with disappearance of coral reefs which are expected to go extinct by 2100. The ocean ecosystem will be affected as many species are depended on coral reefs for their survival.

Future Impacts of Global Warming:

Effects of global warming depend on the amount of raise in the temperature of the atmosphere. The things will only worsen with the high temperatures such as heat waves, Droughts, floods, hurricanes, extinction of species and crop failures.

Prevention of Global Warming:

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, a body in United Nations meets in couple of years to review and analyse the situation providing consensus and scientific findings. Here we list few ways to prevent global warming

  • Use renewable energy resources
  • heating and air-conditioning consumes lots of power, try to insulate the house to reduce the consumption of electricity
  • Drive a fuel-efficient vehicle
  • Reduce wastage of water

Social Responsibility towards reducing Global Warming:

One of the main ways to prevent global warming is to discuss the effects of global warming which creates awareness among people. Global Warming causes detrimental environment effects which are not suitable for living-beings. Utilise the methods which reduces the release of carbon-di-oxide in the air, plant trees, try to reduce the consumption electricity, reduce usage of petrol, maybe you can use public transport or go on a bicycle.

About Pollution and Tips to Protect the Environment

How to Make Your Own Notes

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Regardless of whether you need to prevail in school or you need to be over your expert profession, viable note-taking is a significant aptitude for holding, recollecting, presenting and reviewing data. In the event of these straightforward advances and tips, you won’t just figure out about note-making; you’ll figure out how to make study notes all the more viable which will enable you to apply information and hold material.

Notes Making Material (colour pens, marker, etc.)

Assemble your note-taking materials. It might sound essential. However, it’s imperative to have the majority of your note making materials sorted out and prepared to go before the beginning of any class, meeting or address. In case you’re composing with paper and pens, ensure you have an A4 measured notepad with a lot of clear pages and two of each shading pen. In case you’re utilizing a workstation, ensure it’s completely charged or that you can sit close to an electrical plug.

Mind Mapping

For mind mapping, you need to have two things to follow: first an active mind, secondly notes which help you to map to various topics. Try to be alert in class and rid yourself of distractions. You should bring your glasses if you need them. Likewise, make sure to position yourself in a region of the room where you can viably observe and hear the speaker. Be an attentive person.

Summarize and note all the important points

You have tons of data to take in amid the exams. Furthermore, you are not going to have the capacity to hold this data except if you record a considerable measure of it. The demonstration of recording data merges it in your memory in a way that you can’t accomplish by just perusing. While there are numerous different techniques that you should utilize while considering — examine notes are an absolute necessity.  Your notes should be composed of your own words. Just duplicating content straight from a book won’t accomplish anything by any means.

No need to Write Everything (Draw little Pictures/Examples and use your own words/keywords)

At the point when note-taking, numerous individuals commit the error of thoughtlessly bringing down each word, without truly understanding what is being said. Don’t follow this practice. Understand and make short plus interesting points that cover every detail but are not too lengthy and tedious to read. Keep it concise. Draw diagrams and images instead. The mind processes pictorial knowledge much faster.


We suggest that you examine/study notes of a few times amid a couple of days before the exam. This will help to solidify what you’ve composed. We’re confident that skimming through your examination notes ahead of time up to an exam helps you to improve the whole learning process.

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How CBSE Board papers are checked?

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CBSE is known for its amazing educational system. With a high-standard plus high-quality paper checking system, some elements and hacks still lurk in the system. So, if you are looking out for CBSE board checking patterns, you have stumbled upon the right place!

Timeframe (for each paper and each answer)

The paper is usually of 100 marks and has been divided into various sections. Solving the MCQs portions should take about 15-20 minutes. You should attempt each short question in 2-3 minutes (provided you have good speed) and then reserve the remainder of the time for the long questions portion.

Marking Scheme

The examiners are given a marking scheme which they are supposed to follow. Conversely, students think that appropriate portrayal of the answer sheet (everything is written entirely wrong but beautified) will assist you with scoring admirably! It is another misguided judgment among CBSE students about the CBSE board checking pattern.

More Words doesn’t mean more Marks

For the most part, students believe that if a term is asked in the board exam at that point, we should write a lot about that term. Along these lines, students begin composing everything that they think about the term. They surmise that written work with the highest number of words will get them more marks, which isn’t valid. Students will get marks if they have included essential focuses in their answer.

Repeating Questions will never get you more marks

An examiner is not blind. If he spots out what are trying to do, he may end up giving you even lower than you deserve. Don’t repeat the answers to the same questions over and over; it would only create a wrong impression if caught. Honestly attempt all the answers to questions, without repetitions.


Don’t fret so much about the outcome. If you are not happy with your CBSE results, then students can apply for marks confirmation process after outcome affirmation. Moreover, if the rechecking doesn’t make any difference either, then consider it back luck and move on. Plus, don’t just relay on CBSE board checking patterns, rely on your hard work!

Class 10 CBSE Sample papers

How to Improve Handwriting

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Having good handwriting is valuable for composing letters and cards and rounding out critical printed material. Do you think that your penmanship is somewhat less demanding to examine? Don’t stress! There are a couple of strategies you can use to make your writing more intelligible and stylishly pleasing. Try out a few unique writing styles.

Nice Pen

An idealist may reveal to you that foundation pens are unrivaled — probably because it’s so difficult to get enough swans to make quills— however, there are a lot of good ballpoints, roller-balls, and even gel pens out there. Use pens with various measured nibs or balls to discover a line thickness that satisfies you, and try different things with multiple hues. Take mind — it doesn’t make a difference how excellent your content, is, you should test until the point when you discover a sort of pen (or even pencil) that works for you.

Learn to Hold Your Pen Correctly and experiment with Cursive, Slanting writing

Making loosening up jots on a page will enable your composition to style, via preparing your hand and eye to cooperate, and furthermore encouraging your pen to skim over the page quickly and effectively. Letters must be the right tallness in connection to each other – if the stature of your notes isn’t proper, your written work will be hard to peruse.

Write on Lined Paper

Compose on lined paper, yet ensure the lines aren’t excessively restricted: written work considerably bigger than typical ensures letters are framed legitimately. You can shrivel it down again when things have progressed. This would help you achieve good handwriting. Try to give in more space to make your writing more legible.

Practice while making your notes and pay attention to the size

Take a sheet of lined paper and compose the letter set, planning to join each letter. Spotlight on which letters you have the most issue with. Do your Os look like Qs or the other way around? Are a few letters not legitimately shaped? Maybe your a and g are left open at most, so they can be mistaken for u or y. Circle the letters you’re not content with and take a shot at enhancing those. Also, give the appropriate size. Don’t write too big or too small.

Look to other handwriting styles for inspiration

If you especially respect an alternate technique for someone else, make some follow-up paper and begin to duplicate it – the more you copy a specific method for composing, the simpler it will be to bring components of that into your content.


Good writing takes time and practice. It isn’t something that happens overnight. Sit with your back straight, feel level on the floor, legs uncrossed. Loosen up your hand and arm. Shake your hand until the point that it feels floppy. Relax. Focus on practicing. It won’t be long before you learn your perfect handwriting style.

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Algebra Formulas Class 10

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Algebra is a branch of mathematics dealing with symbols and the rules for number theory, geometry and analysis. The basic form of Algebra is elementary algebra. The symbols are written as Latin and Greek letters which represents values referred to as variables. “Algebra Formulas class 10” are algebra equations. In simple terms, the algebra equations describe the relationship between the variables.
Click here to Download  – Algebra formulas class 10 pdf

Algebra is one of the important chapters of Class 10 CBSE and the important topics which are to be studied and practiced are

  • Algebraic method of solving pair of linear equation- elimination method
  • Algebraic method of solving pair of linear equation– substitution method
  • Algebraic method of solving pair of linear equation- cross multiplication method

The chapter has a number of formulas, students may find it difficult to read. Inorder to make it easy, make a list of the formulas and store it as algebra formulas class 10 pdf, here is the list of important formulas

You can also note down all the formulas in a single page and keep it on your study table or on the board or wall.

Download Algebra formulas class 10

1. (a + b)2 = a2 + 2ab + b2
 2. (a - b)2 = a2 - 2ab + b2
 3. (a + b) (a - b) = a2 - b2
 4. (x + a)(x + b) = x2 + (a + b)x + ab
 5. (x + a)(x - b) = x2 + (a - b)x - ab
 6. (x - a)(x + b) = x2 + (b - a)x - ab
 7. (x - a)(x - b) = x2 - (a + b)x + ab
 8. (a + b)3 = a3 + b3 + 3ab(a + b)
 9. (a - b)3 = a3 - b3 - 3ab(a - b)
 10. (x + y + z)2 = x2 + y2 + z2 + 2xy + 2yz + 2xz
 11. (x + y - z)2 = x2 + y2 + z2 + 2xy - 2yz - 2xz
 12. (x - y + z)2 = x2 + y2 + z2 - 2xy - 2yz + 2xz
 13. (x - y - z)2 = x2 + y2 + z2 - 2xy + 2yz - 2xz
 14. x3 + y3 + z3 - 3xyz = (x + y + z)(x2 + y2 + z2 - xy - yz -xz)
 15. x2 + y2 = 1212 [(x + y)2 + (x - y)2]
 16. (x + a) (x + b) (x + c) = x3 + (a + b +c)x2 + (ab + bc + ca)x + abc
 17. x3 + y3 = (x + y) (x2 - xy + y2)
 18. x3 - y3 = (x - y) (x2 + xy + y2)
 19. x2 + y2 + z2 -xy - yz - zx = 1212 [(x-y)2 + (y-z)2 + (z-x)2]

How to Avoid Common Mistakes in a Board Exam

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Most common mistakes in board exam happen due to panic and stress. The students should go to exam center with confidence. Here are the common mistakes in board exam

Late Arrival for a paper: Students should be 15 mins before time to the exam hall. Arriving late for the exam hall creates panic and students stress-out and the mind blanks out.

Not Reading the question paper: Board allots 15 mins to read the question paper. Students should gracefully read the question paper and marks the questions which he or she can write better. Students should organize the thoughts and manage their time during the exam.

Skip Questions: Do not attempt the questions which consumes time and which you are not sure-off.

Leaving Question Unanswered: Try to attempt most of the questions. Attempting a question can fetch your atleast few marks. But make sure that you don’t write unnecessary statements which can irk exmianer.

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Diagrams: The diagrams are self-explanatory which helps in evaluating students understanding of the subject. It is always a good idea to draw diagrams wherever applicable but at the sametime the answer should reach the word limit.

Mismanagement of Time: The time required to be dedicated on each question is a tough task to decide. First answer all the questions which are easy and quick to answer and then move forward to attempt the questions which are difficult to answer. Always try to answer the questions which take less time and you have good hold over it. Do not elaborate the answer more than required. Write important points and try to add headings and subheading which eases evaluation of your paper and increases the chances of getting good marks. You can allocate the time for each section and make sure you meet the deadlines inorder to attempt all the questions and get a good score. When you start answering the question, make a framework of the points to be included in the answer. The flow of contents should be appropriate and a preplanned answering is important.

 Copying incorrect data: Most students out of panic or hurry fail to read the question paper correctly. The answer might be correct but to the question which is not in the question paper. And in few cases there will be error in tallying the answer. By the time you realise the mistake it will be too late. Ultimately you will loose time and marks. So concentrate well before reading the question paper.

 Handwriting: This is very important; your paper should be neat without any scratches and a clear hand writing which the examiner should be able to read without any hindrance. The writing might not be good because you will be in a last minute hurry to complete the paper or you simply ignore. Make sure you make the paper readable, examiner will not put any extra effort to understand the text you have written.

Rechecking of Question Paper:  Many students fail to recheck the paper due to lack of time or ignorance. Sometimes it may happen that you write incorrect roll number of other information which is very important. If time permits check the answers for correctness or accuracy.

Leaving Exam Hall Early: Utilize the complete exam time to write and self-eve late the paper.

5 Tips To Get Most Out Of Your Study Time

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