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CA IPCC, Formation Of Functional Strategy, Module 5

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Bacha log, in this Module we are going to see different, different Marketing Strategic
Techniques. To start with Social Marketing, now it aims to increase the acceptability of a
social idea, cause or practice among a target group. Example is campaign for prohibition of
smoking, right. Second example would be P&G, they collect or they donate, right, for every
product that we buy out of which 2 or 3 rupees is donated towards Girl Child Shiksha
Abhiyan. Isn’t it good, yes?
Next we see is Augmented Marketing, now in here it is the provision of additional customer
services and benefit built around the core and the actual products that relate to the
introduction of hi-tech services like, online computer services, etc. Herein example could be
Asian Paints, they give five years warranty on certain paints.
Direct Marketing, is a marketing strategy that interacts directly with the consumers asking
them to make a direct response. Example through catalogues selling, mail, electronic
marketing, Television shopping, etc.
Relationship Marketing, it is a process of creating, maintaining and enhancing strong value
laden relationships with customers and other stakeholders. It will go a long way in building
relationships. Example, Emirates, right, when you fly by Emirates they send a Mercedes,
right, per passenger at your residence, so if it is a family of four, you can even ask for four
Mercedes and they provide. And they pick you up from your door, that is your home till
airport. And again from your destination airport to the hotel a Mercedes service is
provided. Same, British Airways, offers special lounges with showers at 199 airports for
frequent fliers. Isn’t it amazing, yes.
Next, Services Marketing, It is applying the concepts, tools and techniques of marketing to
services. Services is any activity that one party can offer to another that is essentially

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