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CA IPCC Business Environment Module 4

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Let see naya module brief note on environmental influences on business now as everyone knows business does not exist in vacuum business will thrive only if it interacts with environment otherwise it’s not possible to do a business, passive to environment will fade away has a tournament will fade away so you have to be active, givers and takers, opportunities and threats, identity appraise and respond, monitor the environment for growth/survival and prosperity, business has to recognise difficult elements of the environment, also respect adopt & manage them right now baccha log I would like to mention here something about T Series now that company which no longer exist right once upon a time there were the leaders in audio cassette manufacturers that today they have switched over to production of films in Bollywood right so environment influences business so you can think all those Businessman who were previously dealing in audio cassettes video cassettes are no longer in to business these days so they have to switch over to something different so business must continuously monitor and adopt to the business environment for success, now let’s see the characteristics of business environment its Complex right it is very much complicated its dynamic it changes very, very fast multifacet depends upon the perception of the observer say for an example after 1991 LPG after FDI in different sectors we git ecommerce in India so when we got Flipkart started right and Amazon got an opportunity to enter India it was right ya very much scary for Flipkart people but an opportunity for Amazon people so this what opportunity for some while threat for others.

Far reaching impact opportunity or may be threats which are very dangerous for few, pervasive it present everywhere irrespective of its size, object, nature, products etc. Now why environmental analysis, study current environment

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2017-04-18T04:57:27+00:00 Categories: CA - IPCC Video Lecture|Tags: , , , |0 Comments
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